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Status Updates posted by Bircalin

  1. Gemmy's a meany and makes me sadface :

  2. Gemmy's buying me Reading fest tickets. fanx gem

    1. Gemmylou


      No she isn't. Gemmy is buying GEMMY a Reading Ticket.

    2. Bircalin


      I think you -are- buying BIRCY a ticket, fanks bbz

    3. Gemmylou
  3. GG Gemmy

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Augor


      It is all a trap. Just part of a world domination scheme.

    3. Augor


      lol/jk congrats

    4. Aptrotta


      Congrats to what ever is going on gemmy!

  4. Give love to Decolamb whether she likes it or not. Do it now.

  5. Give me the word, and I'll lead The Order, dude. Of course, you can expect me to add you on Skype. And I would have done the same as you, you've always got my respect.

  6. Glad to see you're somewhat back now. Do us all a favour and stay a little while longer? Nevertheless, you're missed!

  7. GM app posted. And so, the prey waits patiently.

  8. GMT activity really startin' to pick up. http://gyazo.com/acecf5954ac1f537f0f4c101a35f37cf

    1. Sporadic


      cri everytim

    2. Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      Sorry birc I'm only on because school's out.

  9. Go drunk Gemmy, you're home.

  10. Going to watch the Hobbit for the second time, with my mum. The things I do for her...

    1. Aren Whitestorm

      Aren Whitestorm

      Altogether 6 hours of your life used well.

  11. Gonna' see The Conjuring soon. Any film reviewers out there?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. gingernut97
    3. Shadeleaf


      My step sister at the age of 16 ended up crawling into my bed shaking after she got home. I take it it's scary.

    4. Blundermore


      Neh it's ok I guess... wasn't that scary though then again I laugh when playing horror games most of the time and usually watch people like markiplier play scary games to pass the time so I think my opinion may not exactly reflect the movie as well as it should be for you.

  12. Gonna' watch the Slenderman movie... With the lights off! Well and truly forever alone.

    1. Samoblivion


      Oh you poor deluded fool...

    2. MonkeyCoffee


      Wait, there's a movie?!

  13. Got my inner Lunar Druid coming out with this beautiful moon tonight in England...

  14. Gurgle burgle

    1. Aislin


      I didn't know you swallowed

  15. Halo 4's ending still gets to me... Every damn time.

    1. Maki


      Oh man, I agree so much.

    2. DRAGON117op


      I cried... and my brother was like... why you crying... and i was like... cause it is soooo sad D:

    3. Mini Mordie - Mafia

      Mini Mordie - Mafia

      It... It gets to all of us. :,(

  16. Happee nuu yeeer guise~ (In 20 minutes roughly for the British!)

  17. HAPPY BIRFDEH BBY!!!!!!!!!

  18. Happy birthday Gaius!

  19. Having just seen The Conjuring, I'll be having nightmares tonight.

    1. Samoblivion
    2. JtPv


      It wasn't that scary. Although they managed to find good kid actors. Props for that.

  20. Having my legs waxed for a fundraiser tomorrow... Farewell, sweet princes..

  21. Helloo chiildren~ This is three-dog! ooow!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. BannanaToYou


      Because one dog's to little and two dog's aren't enough, it's Three Dog OOOOOOOOWWOOOO

    3. Neri


      And now, some tunes.

      -I don't want to set the world... on... fireeeee!-

    4. BannanaToYou


      Galaxy News Radio bringing you the truth, no matter how bad it hurts

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