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Status Updates posted by MrSyth


  2. Greatly impressed by something he just saw. Oh my god!

    1. Ever
    2. Aislin


      That's what she said.

  3. Thrown out of the military? Such a shame...

    1. Skippy


      Ew, military RP.

    2. Cossair
  4. The feeling, that is inside you, will always be the right one.

    1. Distuth


      I feel like I have to poop right now.

    2. Distuth


      Does that count?

  5. Just saw some drawings lay on Viceroy Aislin's desk. I wonder what they're for...

  6. Gettin' ready for the Great War this weekend. Got the map printed out, side screen is set to show updates, skype and TS. Got a good feeling. Also doing another event this weekend.

    1. Eaglestrike999


      Which Nation are you part of?

    2. Lykos


      So far all I have seen is that this is going to be like 7 factions against 2 or 3... And all it is is going to be a nice clickfest of a huge force vs. a small one.

  7. Moruk, looking as inspirational as possible. http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/713/20120415180314.png/ Good luck on the war, soldiers!

    1. Gorum©
    2. MrSyth


      I noticed, couldn't change it :P

  8. I fully support the idea of Kal'ALras

    1. Skippy


      You can't support it. >:) You will deal with it >:D

    2. MrSyth


      No need to 'deal' with it. I love the dwarves for taking command.

  9. Coming online for a sec again. Will soon be back home! 6 more days in the USA.

    1. ~≈Panda≈~


      Panda approves of the USA.

    2. CosmicWhaleShark
  10. Back home and installed! Will now start playing again. The USA wuz awesome. Stayed for a few more days so I could go to E3 :D

  11. Wow I really missed alot. Alras is dead, Aislin is king and the dwarves now rule over the remains of Alras? I don't get it.

    1. argonian


      What happened to Syrio?

    2. Rusty7x


      Syrio died.

  12. Kal'Alras is still empty, still no one to roam it's streets. So sad...

    1. EpicSmith


      You think thats sad, try visiting Skravia, completely empty...

    2. Skippy


      Skravia's always empty, LOL.

  13. Operiet hoc area cum iacuit nivis. And so it happened.

  14. o.0 just updated my avatar, why is it not changing!?

    1. Antharin


      It takes some time, I have the same problem. Try opening lotc in another browser.

    2. Vermn


      Same. :I

  15. May the new Kal'Alrasian guard uniforms roam it's streets and protect it's people! Oh god I'm so happy I'm finally done. BEDTIME.

    1. Antharin
    2. MrSyth


      Achievement get: status update response from a fancy fedora.

  16. Testing the compatibility of 1.3.1 with the plugins on Us2.lordofthecraft.net Yes, it's online, and it has plugins. Just for testing :3

    1. MrSyth


      Just met Tythus online. He's cool.

    2. MrSyth


      Danny, Tythus and Aoze playing around on Us2.lordofthecraft.net

  17. Just fought several 'Mysterious men' and a spider jockey. I've never feared for my life that much. I fled.

    1. Slic3man


      Honestly, if you have a bow nothing is scary, not even the cultists. :3

    2. MrSyth


      An arrow shooting skeleton that comes at you with high speed? No thanks.

  18. Getting a new phone. Need to choose, Galaxy S2 or Galaxy Nexus? PS I've got big hands. HELP ME.

  19. Am I the only one that's extremely stoked about the new content patch?

    1. Reader


      Wha..? New patch?

    2. MrSyth


      Lotc is gonna get a huge content patch with 1.3.1

      Vaq mentioned it, I think.

  20. Just got someone I know to get on lord of the craft. Wahoow.

    1. Neri


      Remember to get them to include your name in their app and you get a nice bonus (I think it's Grass VIP or a stat reset.)

    2. MrSyth


      Really!? Thx Freya! You're still the best.

  21. Cat hair. Cat hair everywhere! EVERYWHERE! AAARGH... *drowns in cathair.

    1. ~≈Panda≈~


      Panda knows just how you feel.

    2. Lykos


      Bad mental picture.

  22. In the city of fallen Aenguls, where the Ocean meets the sand, you will form a strong alliance, and the world's most awesome band. To find your fame and fortune, through the valley you must walk. You will face your inner Daemons, now go. My. Son. And. Rock~

  23. There's cats... in Haelun'or... -twitches-

    1. MonkeyCoffee


      I am not a Kharajyr named Gtar and I am currently not in Haelun'or! trust meh!

    2. MrSyth
  24. oh my god the new MPM has made some F'ed up changes. You can now change to being any race or even a dragon in the f6 menu.

  25. Just launched Darksiders II.

    1. MrSyth


      And it's frikkin' epic.

    2. Braxis
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