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Everything posted by Sebasgann

  1. So, I have enough materials to get 680k xp in wood working in a few days, already at 260k

    1. Ivran


      RIP my woodworking. :<

  2. wonder if anyone has a higher level: http://gyazo.com/a4774106583889be3e089c0277fbb16b

    1. EboBren'


      Can things no longer go below 0? Cause I still got stuff at like -5000.

    2. gam


      you have to choose your professions, ebobren

    3. EboBren'


      Oh okay, thanks

  3. Anyone have a higher level in Woodworking? http://gyazo.com/9ab26dc2b85d16a5318c564ea0a7ac7b

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ivran


      I had 70k exp.

    3. Guest


      I got some wood that is working

    4. monkeypoacher


      I'm gaining on ya'.

    1. Idiot14yearoldminecraftplayer
    2. nordicg_d


      You killed the greatest pvper known to lotc. Congrats on 99 slayer

    3. Sebasgann


      it's not that I'm proud that I killed him because of skill (beause he didn't really stand a chance) but just happy I killed him and wanted everyone else to see :)

  4. While we're at it we need to get rid of the sun elves, and the flays
  5. How do you make string?

    1. monkeypoacher


      1 wool in the crafting slot I guess.

  6. These crashes keep pissing me off, every day, all day.

    1. excited


      don't get pissed off, just take a break mate.

    2. Grabthar


      And I get pissed that Sabasgann is pissed.

  7. New picture for my account

  8. Then it needs to be changed back to "If it can be done within minecraft mechanics, but can't (or WOULDN'T, OR HASN'T, OR WOULD NORMALLY) be done in real life, then don't do it.
  9. See, people don't even want to make their own little pets anyways, since breeders, people with a specific profession of reproducing more animals, also get the benefit of making wolves stronger, horses faster, and cats... cuddlyier? At least that's what was said in the description, I only see this being a viable event if there was some sort of large migration of animals, during a part of the year where animals were abundant and traveling through a particular part of the map. In that event players would only be allowed to peacefully tame mobs, because the moment someone attacks them the animals turn away in fear and bolt out of the area. You'd also add an influx of food since you'll have far more animals, which means far more food, which means encouraged need of a breeder and encouraged trade between breeders and chefs, which also revives chefs since they're somewhat extinct, which would revive trade to chefs from all players! Magic! I just fixed the economy and food/pet problems! Because what you really want, is more mobs to be introduced into the economy/player base right? So you should make breeders actually do their job, and let you enjoy the benefits as well since they'll be able to create bigger/faster and stronger pets, in addition to more over short periods of time. Perhaps a separate Monster event could be held, a few players might get some RP items here or there, since this is a temp map and the only thing that will carry over are event items, so making the most event items out there given the small number of events is worth it :)
  10. BTW, IRON ARMOR GRANTS A HUGE SLOW. So people know and stop complaining about certain things. Finally, thank you tech team.

    1. Sporadic


      You're welcome

    2. Sneaky


      Okay keep thinking that:)

  11. Researcher Application MC Name: sebasgann Name: Tomkin Blackfist Race: Mountain Dwarf Do you agree to the terms and conditions? Aye
  12. ::OOC:: MC Name: sebasgann Did you ever have a character with magic?: No Are you aware the rules of Magic?: Yes ::IC:: Name: Tomkin Blackfist Age: 247 Gender: Male Race: Dwarf What would you like to learn?: I'd like to learn of runic knowledge, and about archaeology, learning some of the secrets that are found within this world. While also learning how to handle myself, in hopes of learning anything special that could one day be useful. Which Classes are you enrolling for?: Scholar and Survival classes
  13. BTW Sword Art S2 came out yesterday or something

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. knightly11 | lotc_fox
    3. Dtrik


      It follows the basic anime plot line with the same cutout two main characters. But alas I will be seeing it with friends, time to make fun of it :D

    4. Ford


      Absolute overhyped garbage series

  14. 100% locked. I think that we need to weed out new players from more experienced players by teaching them the lore and the RP process. Not to mention when mages started sprouting up we don't know who knows magic for sure or who dont. That's why players should be guided through the Mages Guild. If magic was 100% Unlocked then the purpose of a Mages guild would cease to exist, players would lose RP from participating in classes learning these spells, players would loose progression, and that would take out almost all the progression in being a mage. If everyone started as a T5 mage that would be absolutly dull and defeat the purpose. Imagine starting with 99 skills in runescape. What's the point. But I feel as though not 100% of the spells should be learned souly from the mages guild. They should obtain majority, like a 60% marker of spells, while only teaching 45%. That way for players to learn the last 15% they have to immerse themselves in RP by apprenticing under a master mage. If the mage see the student worthy, he will teach him. Along with teachings of spells from the mages guild they should also teach players how to behave, how to control magic, when to use it for good. That way a dark sector can grow, and that may be where some of the other magic is known, such as necromancy and other dark or secret arts. Other magic can be learned throughout the world as well. Spells learned from a hermit, spell books found in dungeons, dropped from enemies, that way an economy can be based off of magic. Perhaps there are a number of magical artifacts, or components required, this can easily start magical shops here and there that sell spell books of varying rarity, or magical items of different values such as staffs or misc. goods.
  15. 100% locking Cappy the system will be preventing players from mining, everything will be balanced with the skills plugin. You don't know magic? good, you don't know magic, now go learn it. You can't mind diamond? Of course you can't go practice on clay and stone. Players will have to level their skills, by using a wooden sword practicing until they've gained enough experience to be effective with a real sword, then later good enough to wield the greatest of swords. You won't have to know intricate RP to know how to use a diamond sword since you can just practice, but it's essentially teaching yourself. But in terms of magic there is lore, and an intricate system that is being developed for the players.
  16. So I'm back to LotC

    1. Ford


      welcome back, i was hoping you'd return actually :^)

    2. Ford
    3. BannanaToYou
  17. D: wasn't there or the 2.5 transition noooo

  18. Got banned from the server for griefing 2-3 blocks, am so soory, didn't mean to, was unintentional toward anyone, probably just my ignorance and will have to pay much more attention to my actions towards others on the server

  19. Back and devoting my self the Glenwood a little more at the moment

  20. ((i got lost lol haha. somewhere on the road where you free roam those mountains, been wondering the area for glenwood but cant find it. i thought i bound there but **** i guess not))
  21. that sounds like a nice idea but i think a meeting should be held about the construction of glenwood and exactly what the plan is. since we have recently retaken it and will begin construction of somesort, and our limiting members that stop us from fully opperating two places when weve completed glenwood, the topic of recruitment should be something a little more encouraged. and while im on the topic we might just get another two members, ((friends from school)) that can benifit our numbers. that put our numbers are somewhere nearing the 20's, and from what i see the ranks are a bit sloppy if i have any right to say so. ((also seems i will be getting on as early as tonight my time, or tommarow midday my time))
  22. well im soory but i wont be playing as much since my sister completle fucked up the computer. so if i want to play im going to have go bestbuy across streat. il be participating through the forums since i have a playstation so feel free to update me on whats going on through PM or something. probably wont be active for a VERY LONG time. take to it as you will.
  23. think of it this way. theres little reason we should be eating when we can have a profesional cook who is capable of cooking lots of food, more for it and its roleplay that we have a arange of food. the wood is simple, chop more of it, charcoal is only a need if there is someone constantly cutting wood since wood is of a great importance to the guild at the moment hell since we need to for our construction but also so we can sell, for monetary gain to buy stuff for the guild. probably best to leave things as it is the way the guild is going its one thing that the guild is getting a lot of members and leave most jobs to the profesionals in the occupation unless theyre on a trip.
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