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    Diamond Dib

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  1. Why not put the effort going into Alras into improving one of the current nations

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    2. Hiebe


      So you are saying instead of letting them do free roleplay you want to force them into other societies which would see them as upstarts and never allow them any power due to ooc fear and then eventually rebellions and various other actions start, ooc strain is created and you know the rest. sometimes its best just to walk away, i mean thats what your parents taught you right? Im still trying to help the current dwarves when I really dont have too. Sometimes your calls fall on deaf ears.

    3. Cracker


      I'm not a GM forcing them into anything; they can do w/e as an independent faction. it is just being handed a nation title which seems illogical. Even if Alras existed before in Aegis it had the same fate as every other player made nation/race (holm, multiple human kingdoms, kha, mori) which is that it fell to obscurity after their founder left. At the moment I'm pretty sure the nations would appreciate the added manpower/brainpower to their nations ranks over having to deal with a se...

    4. Cracker


      - over having to deal with a separate nation which hogs up their potential players and acts as a refugee for their criminals and wanted.

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