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  1. Why not put the effort going into Alras into improving one of the current nations

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    2. MediocreGamer


      I'm sorry man, you are just blatantly trolling here man. You've clearly been absent from the server for quite a long time or so it appears. My apologies if there was some confusion here on your part. I suggest staying current on events before stating opinions if ye will, as it only incites flaming. 'Alras is not new'.

    3. Cracker


      My point in short is that just because you have a following and group of players doesn't mean it's a great idea to make a nation. While Alras has some historical precedent it still completely died out after one case of succession. If the goal is to improve RP server-wide, would it not make sense to aid a current nation, bolstering its rank and signifance, so that it would have longer impact? Player-made nations and races seem to only have a short-term fizz before burning up and act to...

    4. Cracker


      -Player-made nations and races seem to only have a short-term fizz before burning up and act to divide more than consolidate (which is not good in my eyes just based on the past historical precedents)

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