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Everything posted by DecoLamb

  1. Started a conversation with someone I don't even know. Have discovered I am a superhero. WHERE IS MY SUPERSUIT LOTC?!

  2. People are actually going to call people disgusting.. when they are in a BROTHEL? What the heck people? How backward can you be?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Major Dom

      Major Dom

      Not all of the RP is terrible, theres just too much fading to black. The drunk brawls are pretty funny.

    3. DecoLamb


      It's a brothel. The point of even going there is to fade to back.

    4. Will (TauFirewarrior)

      Will (TauFirewarrior)

      The point of a brothel is to fade to black what did you expect? Its RP deal with it, I'd never go to one in real life but in RP it can be enjoyable especially if its bar brawls.

  3. New computer delivered, set up! Now begins the rebuilding process...

    1. + Reggieo +

      + Reggieo +

      That's the best part :D

  4. Maur, why you steal my floofy innocence?

  5. I keep hearing about people getting diamonds in 2.2.5... What in the world is going on?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Stephensj
    3. DecoLamb


      Did i say you were hacking? Or did i say this all looks confusing and suspicious. I never accused you, i never even said you had any. Its just confusing how we go from barely getting iron to 'BOOM DIAMONDS EVURYWHURR'. Im not even able to log on and it made me sit back in absolute confusion.

    4. The Cleaning Crew

      The Cleaning Crew

      What a sensitive subject.

  6. Got hit with the flu hard out of nowhere, can barely breathe and cant stand up. But new computer should be here on the 6th, makes me happyface.

    1. DrakeHaze.


      Get better soon.

    2. Lynesse {Celia/Jazzy}

      Lynesse {Celia/Jazzy}

      Get well soon, Deco! :3

  7. Going to have to get a new computer, its offical. Time to start spending large amounts of money I don't have in order to retain my sanity protecting addictions.

  8. Computer might be fried, cant remember skype info. Panicking hardcore

    1. Telanir


      Oh no DecoLamb! D:

      Good luck though! :)

    2. Bircalin


      Deep breaths, Deco. Just -don't- panic.

    3. Gunner


      Panic initiated

    1. aron.


      My sister (whom constantly trolls me by saying this is a ERP server) somehow managed to twist this into some sick, sexual joke.. Still, we got a few good laughs out of it

  9. WIP of a pic, my hand hurts and its nowhere near done: http://imgur.com/Y7u5zPv

  10. I don't think the OP is saying that only fat people have strength. At least that's not what I got from it. I think he's saying that not everyone is a walking tank who looks like a model. The majority of the server makes females who are very voluptuous or slender, but they are capable of taking on a much larger foe. Or they make a male that looks like a twig or a model, but somehow can punch an orc hard enough to break a jaw or toss a boulder like its a pebble. I've been guilty of doing this too, however I try to find ways to make it realistic. Samantha, my little human, completely useless. She's just a little scrap of a thing, but she knows how to use her body as a counterweight so she can lift up SMALLER wine barrels. Nothing significant but yeah. She has no idea how to use this in battle, but her thin body does help with her speed when not blocked by five pounds of dress. Caoi my feorc has core strength, she has fat, especially in her thighs and hips, I actually based her body off a pole dancer with a bit more curve on the bottom, these people while having very little visible fat, are capable of holding their body completely horizontal to the ground with just core strength and having the support from their shoulder and neck muscles, its amazing. Honestly I'd love to see more variations in body type. More rollie pollies like Bog, or little tubs of lard like Skippy. There was someone who played a fat human girl, I can't remember her name but I adored her, it was such a pleasant character. really having a different body type from 'perfection' can help create some rather interesting RP and character dynamic, instead of everyone looking the same with a different face.
  11. Why do I keep getting so many slaves..?

    1. Guest


      You know why! Don't lie!

  12. Feel like a badass again today, got orcs to play jumprope.

    1. EmeraldStag


      *Klompstring sounds more Orcly.

  13. Far as I'm gonna get with this thing: http://imgur.com/4q7cz

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. gingernut97


      It's really nice, Deco. I'm jealous of your skills ;_;

    3. Dilara(lotteje13)


      PANTY SHOT *flails at deco*

    4. Idioticozzy


      If no one else is saying it, I'll say it. Dat assh. *runs away into a corner*

  14. Working on a grown up version of an old character, got bored of working on it: http://imgur.com/LMN8S

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ~≈Panda≈~


      Shiny.. We all need our breaks though! When you pick up on it again Panda is sure it will look great!

    3. Tigergamer
    4. Skippy


      I'd tap that

  15. B-but.. I.. do this.. I ran a full RP tavern in Aegis and Asulon on Tassel, and now the imperial winery in 2.5 as Samantha ;w; -cries in corner- But yeah, I'd love to see minor jobs like this. I honestly loved delivering letters on Miian, though I didn't get to do it much. It'd be nice to see little tailor shops too, with sewing dummies made from wool and fence posts. I'd easily pay a lot for a bunch of well made outfits for my characters, and the same with a hair dresser or barber to give me new hairstyles.
  16. Smacked Knox with a frying pan. I am a bamf.

    1. Wretched


      You forgot the bit where I killed two people in your home :3

  17. Hate the game, not the player. You wish you were as fab as my Artiodacanine floof.

  18. http://gyazo.com/e3232c615fc7a5e241d034f18efc12fd Jullias made my night, this was one of the epic gems that nearly killed me from laughing
    1. CTap


      oomg thats just SO FUNNY!

    2. Hylian the Heretic
  19. Just spent the last 12 hours hardcoring one picture. Neck hurts, cant feel hand, but I'm damn satisfied with the product.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Cosmik



    3. DecoLamb


      Debate if do mega-gallery post and start doing drawings for people that are seen as 'paintings' icly.. might be fun..

    4. Mingpow321


      ^ I don't think there's a debate there, only a resounding yes!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. -punches and hides behind rock-

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