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Status Updates posted by Anderssn

  1. I make skins, Pm me your offers.

    1. Publius


      25 shmeckles

    2. Salvo


      patu i'd like to reserve a slot or two for HB, who currently cannot respond to you is that ok

    3. Fireheart


      I'll take a slot. You can add me on Skype where we can talk about payments.

  2. I stole some items from an unlocked chest, then I took a fast travel to my home, no one noticed me or cared about me taking some items. But hey at least I'm not banned.

    1. Privet


      What you don't seem to understand about how they got banned is they took a fast travel and then stole from some chests, not the other way around. 
      They even returned the **** they stole.

    2. Etherealxx


      /ban saint patt 3y Using fast travel to raid, appeal on 1/21/2086 - (I'mgonnacombustonyou)

    3. Anderssn


      Fizldank I know lol, but its the same thing be it before or after. And I don't think you got my point.

  3. I told you it was a trap.

    1. Cari


      i knew it all along

  4. I tried to revive someone, and this error came up: http://gyazo.com/4b208aefc279342ef2008d0c0f81f73b

    1. monkeypoacher


      the skygods are not merciful today

    2. Anderssn
    3. Archbishop


      got the same for /d20

  5. I wanna try das Okar magic :3

  6. I wasn't even lagging.

    1. wolfdwg


      me neither ;-;

    2. Aandie


      hurri hiljaa saatana

    3. Anderssn


      Ime kyrpää homo

  7. If mc crashes when on a horse with armor and saddle(with screenshots of the armor),why is only the horse given back????

  8. If people keep getting banned for raiding, don't you think the fault is not in the players but in the information/rules given by the staff? I'm not complaining, just saying.

    1. Blundermore


      It could also be the players though... Funny how that is never usually suspected though lol

    2. BannanaToYou


      gm team best team

  9. Kharajyr or Dwarf alt? Since i have one extra slot :3

    1. V0idsoldier


      Kharajyr for a more unique experience, Dwarf for a more broad playerbase.

  10. Mario saves the princess from Bowser in the end after dying a lot of times.

    1. Potts244


      Mario is Jesus

  11. My favorite song :-D

  12. My minecraft multiplayer doesn't work... Any ip i try is unknown host. O.o

    1. Korvic


      Firewall most likely blocking, or you're disconnected from the interwebs.

  13. Please fix the Lucien's Port region so I can start building.

  14. Probs re-opening skin requests next week

    1. dank



    2. Kickstarted and Running
  15. Research for rp:

    1. Lark


      Who needs guns when you are a master archer?

  16. Restart in the middle of an event with dragon and stuff Lol

    1. Angel~


      That dragon crashed me D;

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