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Status Updates posted by AGiantPie

  1. Do Canadian girls like Trump?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Drelik


      Canadian women have creamy pale skin and thick thighs though

    3. KarmaDelta


      Trump girls Canadian do like?

    4. AGiantPie


      csalzz can you stop getting me aroused? thanks

  2. Don't be afraid to take other paths just cause you invested a lot of time in one.
    Don't cling to a mistake because you spent a lot of time making it.


  3. Don't believe her lies.

  4. donald trump




    the whitehouse

  5. Dude how come the Wayfinder isn't an item that mechanically gives off light like an end rod or torch or something so that when you rply activate it you can hold it out and actually produce mechanical light c'mon man missed opportunity.

  6. dude these statuses are like.. i dunno... u been posting lots of statuses lately. u ok?

  7. Excuse me sir I have heard that you are a government NASA shill please respond.

    1. Travista


      Of course not. ( ( (who) ) ) said I'm a ( ( (globehead) ) )?

    2. AGiantPie


      ok thanks i was just a bit worried shouldnt have listened to the rumors sorry

  8. Exhibit A on why LWC should be available to everyone.


    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. AGiantPie


      "Encouraging" people to join a group by forcing them to pay money or be incapable of playing the server is not a healthy or positive method of encouragement.

    3. Shalashask


      Not just for pixel protection, but by joining a group there will most likely be people who are willing to help new players with other matters and show them the ropes etc. 
      You can still definitely play this server without being able to lock chests yourself.

    4. AGiantPie


      Without being to lock chests yourself; yes, so long as you have someone else to lock chests for you. If you don't have that, this server is impossible to play. We have an issue with new player retention, and putting a necessary element of our server behind a $25 paywall certainly does not help.

  9. fact: there's nothing worse than a druid

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. HurferDurfer1


      fact: unbaeds memes are bad

    3. J
    4. bokyo



      ? they drop good herbs though useful for herblore training

  10. first we freed kincaid.. then we elevated zhulik..

    1. Rael


      When will the Libertarian King rise?

    2. Reckless Banzai Screamer

      Reckless Banzai Screamer

      Niccum for king of haense next

  11. For the love of christ you dumb fucks xray literally provides almost no mechanical benefit on this server due to nexus why the **** does it have a 3 month minimum ban, the same as using kill aura during a warclaim that can **** up rp for hundreds of people that's so ******* stupid free kincaid god dammit.

  12. Game team.

    1. warlord of filth

      warlord of filth

      game team rules!




  13. good to see you've not learned admins

    your creative writing classes don't make you competent

  14. guys instead of making hostile posts on the lord of the craft forums, trying having a good time rping with your best buds down at cadlew priory thanks

    1. Arhbi


      Cadlew priory the new roleplay hub?

  15. Had an exam today. Lo and behold one of the questions was "Who is the best Grandaxe?" and thanks to @Raomir helping me study I knew the answer was Aemich.

    1. Raomir


      Always glad to help!

  16. he really wants unbanned

    1. Nug


      who wouldnt really want unbanned

    2. UnBaed
  17. he's posted 22 ban appeals
    he cares greatly about this server
    show that you care about him
    +1 the appeal today


    1. E__V__O
    2. Gangrel1230


      Free this kid from the oppression of the GMs

      Show them you won't stand for their bias against the good people of lotc that just want to play

      One [*] = One more person against the tyrannical rules

  18. hey hot stuff

    1. gab


      i never even saw this **** **** u pie

  19. I ******* hate dunamis.

  20. I am unimpressed thus far by @LadyRebecca's performance as a forum moderator.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Nekkore



    3. LadyRebecca
    4. sidmmvv


      "I am unimpressed thus far by @NekkoREEEEE's performance as a Game Moderator."

      Same tbh

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