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17522 Rep Farm CEO

About ScreamingDingo

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    the antagonist of player fun
  • Birthday 11/16/1945

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  1. I apologise for preaching and asking this through statuses. I expect the usual shitposting on this status.


    But I'm genuinely looking for great rpers who want to actually raise the quality of roleplay on the server for the ET. People driven by the wish to create arching narratives that help improve the quality of the server for everyone. All while exposing them to new experiences that defy the expectations of most and help me create a team I'm proud to spearhead. It's a big ask, but I'm hoping at least a few people see this and apply to help me continue to make the server better. I've been a pretty shitty manager as of recent with my computer breaking for a few months, so the quality has slipped and the events I've wanted pushed haven't happened. Doesn't excuse the "lack" of events, but I'm trying to create a system where events are more than shitty loot drops. I want people to go to events and go, "wow, I really didn't think I could experience that quality on here", or having people reflect on their own rp mentalities and changing accordingly.


    Also for shitty lore side of the server, we need some masochistic people who like reviewing lore to apply


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. rukio


      Hey. I hear Narthok is good at rp 

    3. ferdaboy



    4. ScreamingDingo



      you never disappoint, thank you.

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