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Story Management
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Everything posted by ScreamingDingo

  1. Fantastic post, there's alot more benefit to the collective story that this server offers than the one person protagonist run. Your story matters to those that interact with you and the characters you impact with your characters. There are chances for impactful characters, but they must be truly leaders and "heroes" that are earned through gradual RP and progression. It's something that's very hard to explain to people who are on this server, but you've captured the first step to embracing this server. Everyone matters equally, no-one is special and that's the beauty of this multi-threaded narrative experience.
  2. Hey dude, I am going to just write on this post to let you know how this normally works. Most of the time, teachers will not use or bother with the forums when searching for new students. Either searching in game or using self teach altars aswell for voidal magic is a way to get yourself into that niche. Good luck on your journey, hope you'll have good luck.
  3. This is absolutely insane, my 10 year is coming up in another 5 or so months. But this brings back so many memories and honestly what the core of the server should be about. I just hope that'll reinvigorate us to grow even bigger as a community
  4. If you fall within the red square, you are an ideal lotc magic rper and have sound opinions on things.
  5. This lore has been denied. Main issue with this piece is it breaks techlock and also has issues with mechanical implementation. There are no plans at all to introduce Elytras onto the server in the case of PvP or otherwise. It's not a bad piece, it's just simply unfeasible and also creating mobile flight (which breaches what we regard as necessary for techlock.)
  6. This lore has been denied. This piece breaches techlock for the idea of submarines, apologies but that is the stance the server currently holds on constructs like this.
  7. we do a little bit of lore review trolling without reading
  8. Genuinely super excited to see Treshure get this position. He has the optics and actual dreams for this server that are beyond the usual "we must stay in the status quo". I believe he's going to revolutionize the team and overall the server with his contributions, you're going to do great mate.
  9. The entirety of alchemy is definitely what you want to look in. Very nefarious in its intent and with some recent lore additions, horrific Frankensteins and weapons can be made. There are these avenues, they're just kept away from society's public view because of how a majority of nation finds them taboo. Good luck either way! :)
  10. I want to say Dexter, but you remove the last few seasons and it's an absolute masterpiece. Otherwise Breaking Bad is an easy top spot. weird shade dude Love alot of grunge and post-punk shit, Indie is good too, but anything from that genre I'm pretty down with. I have insanely vivid memories of playing through Morrowind as a kid. I loved the thematic choices and everything with it (as much as 8 - 12 year old me could comprehend it). It has aged abhorrently but it still is very high up in my own mind if I think back at it. discount boruto People just simply being either too averse to conflict or so ingrained in their own roleplay they refuse to acknowledge and branch out to the rest of the server. And just fucking don't have them immune to everything lol One of my favourite and most hated aspects on the server. I believe Canonism at its height is fantastic and that when it melds with actual LotC concepts that it is an absolutely perfect stand-in religion for Humans. I love its origins and the building from the True Faith during the early times and enjoy how the first few saints were such influential human players. My issues with it come when it completely rejects anything from outside of Oren and that it essentially closes itself from developing itself into a religion that makes sense and fits properly into the server. Instead being used as a pseudo-catholic insert for many to simply reflect the irl counterparts they want to display on the server. It could be better, but its fucking great in its foundations and what it could be. Void magic is in an interesting state, it's probably at its most balanced but at its creative weakness because of the removal of the mass arms race surrounding it and the insane amount of power-creep that comes with innovation. I believe evocations are in a fantastic spot, but that's about it. Every other aspect of void magic truly suffers from a lack of creativity and drive from the playerbase that uses it. I believe Squak is making leaps and bounds, but its so hard to really help foster a playerbase when many figures continue to dumb it down to being super baby magic. What Dibley did with his own stuff was shit I want to see more of, cultural spins and interpretations of magic that aren't generic 2016-2018 era Mage's Guild dogshittery. I want people to use the canvas that is void magic to truly expand their own cultures and immerse their worlds with it. But that's wishful thinking. Probably ruining some other set of events and lore on another server. Hey, so I did originally speak with Treshure in VC about this when the plugin was in development or in "talking" stages like a month or so ago. It'd be purely on a volunteer basis and not something I want to enforce, it is a very amazing but potentially detrimental initiative to give new players events. For it really sets them up for failure if the playerbases they are integrated to don't take the time and care to foster them as players, its not a bad idea but it's something I'll be needing to discuss with Treshure as it gets fully implemented onto the server. Maybe if they write themselves not being weird aengudaemonic mutants, sure.
  11. Love a good cheezel. It's the best "cheese" flavored thing that isn't the weird vomit dust. If you want me to write your PoliSci essay you need to just paypal me instead. I'll be removing the ability for Ri'Haskir to use photoshop to deceive the masses believing he has god relics. (azdrazi nerf hopefully soon too) Probably the death of my first White Rose soldier character for insubordinance. It wasn't much, but was just a clash against Toov where I was defending a side that wanted to enforce more harsher constraints on elves in the company. I ran up to tackle him and he fireballed me in the face, then got put out of my misery at the mercy of Velywn Ashford... It was my first real proper PK and was something that just came from the consequence of RP. It wasn't much, but it was definitely impactful. Common Sense. Humans are innately selfish and the world is a bad place. It is human nature to be evil and ultimately try to overcome one another. It's shit An ST Patreon to either request eventlines or expedite the process of a Lore mag result is probably a more reliable rumor.
  12. Do your work and stop doing everyone elses work no Day is going alright, kinda tired from a big work week but it's not too bad. It's probably genuinely having to stomach some of the deplorable behavior that gets sent to admins in reports. It's something I'm not going to enjoy but its definitely something I will need to get used to. My philosophy with making characters is probably why I haven't had one in basically two or so years. I just like starting as a blank slate, find a skin on PMC that looks okay and go from there. I alter and change the character in the first two weeks to whatever I'm feeling and just stick to it. No real inspiration for them sadly. Creating storylines is mainly around just looking for fiction and interesting concepts I see and stitching them together. I was on a bit of a berserk binge for a while so during the Mordskov shit that was done in Axios, it was heavily inspired by the ideas of enforcing causality and the idea of evil etc. I think of a core idea and then just explore media and texts that relate to it and build from there. My most recent "inspiration" for stuff I've done is trying to mimic the style of the game Battle Brothers and creating 'power' in mundane forces by enforcing struggle and brutal consequences. Unironically, Deltora Quest holds such a deep place in my heart. Was one of the first fantasy series I ever read to completion when I was like 9-10 and really helped me find my place and position with fantasy. Don't know much, you're an extremely talented artist and you don't complain during events that I've done in freeport. So you're alright. And thank you! You know Probably the Mordskov One-Shot events I did on a different server with the old crew. Was basically as close to MC DnD as you could do without rolls or actual 'game' systems. Was a world we could create and I loved the idea of bouncing between a multitude of politics within a city as it collapses. Can't actually think of one. White Rose, the Aussies that I stuck with for basically the entire time. Also when we had Johannian Court under Esterlen's empire where we created basically a reality TV show with how the characters interacted in the palace. Was absolutely hilarious and fantastic to RP. My heart will always stay permanently to cheeky Alt Rock. Vegemite is gross, Tim tams are good and emus suck. Probably my Druid. He started as a Nauzican within the Johannian Empire and left after he was forced to go beat up a Pregnant Noble because he thought he was going to hell. Jumped around a variety of holy magics trying to redeem himself and eventually fell into Druidism. (I was alting too so it was good to hide in a playerbase I'd never be seen in). Did the dedicancy and lots of fun stuff learning, then got killed and PK'd my character on first death. The guy who killed me felt bad that I PK'd so I got risen as a Darkstalker and harrassed druids for a year irl before PK'ing myself to an Aengudaemon. Was a hilarious twist and turn of a character and probably the most "fulfilled" one I've ever had. 2015 I played a Leprechaun and it was hilarious to do. Just was wacky borderline meme RP while giving people boons and strange knowledge snippets that made no sense out of context. Nothing really changing, Rift drove the ship steady and I don't want to sink this ship yet. Red, it's ironic isnt it.
  13. Cute compilation, but Khas have lore and knowing my own biases I exempted myself from voting against the Remnant Kha that Benbo wrote. Which they passed and actually did 'save' them away from such a shelving.
  14. I personally believe the backdrop and origins for LotC are absolutely perfect for what we need. The biggest issue isn't really with the setting but the lack of general cohesion the server has had for the last decade which makes alot of things quite jarring and out of place when looking at current LotC. Just annoying when doing most things is that you're really set on following those original intentions very vaguely when writing and planning storylines. okay you asked nicely. when $120 appears in my paypal find out irp Squak and I have had absolute power for the last year, I'm already too long gone. There's alot of things I really want to impose in the long run, mainly around events and antagonists and how they're approached by the server as a whole. War is another issue I want to tackle aswell with a few other things so we'll see where we go with that. The main thing I want to 'impose' is probably a shift in writing styles for lore, at the moment its getting to a point of ridiculous where we're being submitted dissertations with absolutely no substance and just flowery writing. It makes it insanely jarring for LT and /IF/ such a piece is accepted, actually learning to use that magic through the lore and your teacher is very difficult to do. It's not too bad, just a few extra responsibilities. Not yet. Make it what you want to be, the main thing is just driving yourself to do things you enjoy and that you will keep enjoying. They shall stay as they are, doing whatever they want. I know I have very open biases against the current striga playerbase because I believe it has 'fell' from grace. But if they're active enough to not be shelved for inactivity, I can't really do anything but let them do what they're doing now. Crashing this plane with no survivors. no Therapeutic How I've handled Heerozero the last decade, by screaming at him until he eventually does something. one day. The Story Team is in a really good spot and has been for a while I believe. There's no real radical changes in improvement I want to do, just want the status quo kept with a few quality of life changes that will make the team better as a whole. Yes, there are a few event sites I may be reallocating across the team. Some of them are sensitive in their content and the trust necessary for them may mean they are not ran again. Absolutely love the concept and past histories of Shamanism. It's current iteration and anything post-lore games doesn't do it justice. Tempting. Hou will not be unshelved and Metzli will stay dead just for the sake that alot of foundational stuff has been built off her death instead of just acknowledging they were dead in a forum post. No cat gunslingers. You're fantastic at starting the rumor mill Ryloth, as always. Things that are shelved are either irredeemable from fixes in a lore perspective or inactive, that's what used to judge as such prior and that's what is going to be judged with me in the seat. Nothing changes, if I really had such an agenda, the closed CAs you're talking about months ago would've been shelved already. Red-Tag doesn't give or enable me more power to shelf things, its business as usual. I'd say I'm opinionated, my biases aren't really that apparent in my actions and I'll say that unironically. I also did help prod flam along to start the Lore Games, so take what you want with that information and decide how my tenure will go. why lol In Aegis, it would have been SimonBane. Him and his occult roleplay foundations with the undead sects were something I genuinely appreciated as a kid. In Asulon, it was probably Archmage_Cataris. Or the old big lich boy, he introduced me properly to magic roleplay and also was an aussie who helped me build alot of my foundational philosophies about roleplay and how to do that. Anthos was crazyguy1916/Paul/Whatever you want to call. 3.0 was when I joined the White Rose and basically cemented my roleplay to what it is today. It's hard to pin-point, since I had an extreme amount of hope to eventually revive it for years. I believe it officially died in my mind (but I didn't acknowledge it), was probably when Freema officially took over and started the medallion meme when he was high up in staff. So I'm fairly sure that's Stag School/Fox. A bunch of undesirable players who were the antithesis of the philosophy surrounding the marked got it and basically trashed any and all reputation it did have. The main thing I enjoy and still love from the Marked Men is that Spirit of Roleplay. For many of us, it was the introduction of high stakes events and overall being able to respond to conflict without any complaints and taking whatever happens in roleplay. The idea of PKs across the board for the characters, where we enforced them in events but also tried to enforce them for the characters as a whole, where it was one death = gone. It's a very nice training thing to be able to actually teach people how to be better with conflict as a whole, there were very bad things about it but I feel like the core of the group was just teaching people what dynamicism actually is. cosmic correction Probably was Freema, when the second generation of Blood Mages were launched through events and we did a massive antagonist back and forth to try and stop them from 'appearing' on the server. Was a very nice dynamic to track and do.
  15. Hey, thought with my promotion that I'd have an AMA for people to approach me about anything they want to know. Been here for 9 and a 1/2 years and done countless staff stints under various people, so I've got an interesting take on shit.
  16. Hey, I'm Dingo. Most of you know me as a very controversial figure, but I've been here for a very long time and I have some hilarious plans during my tenure. Rift's really paved the way for this to happen and I hold him in such high regard for everything he's done to the team. @SquakHawk is essentially my right hand man no matter what happens. Wouldn't have done any of this staff shit without him and he's essentially the main reason why the team has functioned so well. Also the real homies @Riftblade and @firespirit44, we in it. !_! p.s I also will not world edit another city unlawfully. This is my legal obligation to not repeat the mistakes of the past and cut a city so much with world edit that its chest couldn't be recovered.
  17. Will miss you Tom. Really appreciated everything you achieved, don't lose contact and stay in your PMs.
  18. Gun Lore Post is coming in the next day or so, watch out for it! 


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