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Everything posted by ScreamingDingo

  1. Me, as a good bandit roleplayer, roleplaying this


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Panashea


      Can you teach me how to CRP

    3. Tetho


      teach me how to blah @Panashea first :P

    4. AmericanSimp


      A true bandit rper

  2. This lore has been denied. You will be sent a forum PM regarding the reasons for denial within the next 24 hours.
  3. Hello, please contact [email protected] with the specific details and we can attempt to recover the account.
  4. Roland of Ulmsbottom drags himself across the skittering massacre of the Orcish insanity, each strike tearing through limb and limb, followed by the shadow that executes their foes as they follow. This is the path of the Scion.
  5. freebuild is a truly idealistic pipedream that disconnects new players from the server more than it actually brings them into the community
  6. I believe, being racist is good (in minecraft)

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. monkeypoacher
    3. Shorsand


      only valid to be racist against incestuous adunians

    4. Guzr
  7. you got the money for that?
  8. why do non dwarves keep writing runesmithing this just makes the mags hurt more
  9. This lore has been denied. As above my comment states after speaking with management, this is perfect for a cultural interpretation but uses too many different aspects of lore we cannot canonise when discussing this, the implication of the Primordial's involvement with the sun and making the veil akin to space is something that isn't what we need to touch upon, or if done, needs to be done in simpler writing instead of a character's journal piece. For these big implication of World Lore aspects, it needs to be done utilising the K.I.S.S method (Keep it stupid simple). Thank you for writing this, but I believe this is perfect to have as an in-character interpretation, not hard canon.
  10. Yeah I definitely agree, but the basis isn't like outlandish. I think this is a hilarious amendment but something that could be genuinely built upon to not just be a balance patch
  11. tbf this does actually make sense in the 'lore-verse' with whats been established with the material alphabet. The idea of the immaterial (the void) being stable and allowed near things that are innately made of the purest form of the material plane is something that can be confusing sometimes and what this amendment does is something that does make sense.
  12. LotC is a contested topic among many, I've spent almost a decade on here and had my fair share of horrible and fantastic experiences. What LotC is to me is something that is a bigger community experience that allows for creatives to absolutely flourish in an almost uncontested environment, where their ideas are tested and tried against a multitude of minds to ultimately carve and create your own skills. Each Community has its negatives and I believe ours is basically so focused on the negative aspects that we rarely reflect on why we all stay on this server, if the server was genuinely so bad, those that hate it would not be on it, those that speak ill have good memories of friends/communities or roleplay experiences that have made their lives either better or more enjoyable. The biggest thing to look at this is to not just treat it like a game such as league of legends, where you vent out whatever you want to some randoms online to make yourselves feel better. This is simply a platform to show the hobbies of creative writing and a multitude of other talents that many have on here (skinning, drawing, media etc.) You should definitely not be ashamed of spending time on the Craft if it was productive, what you should focus on is the good times and thinking of what keeps you here. The negatives can be dwelled about in every single other thread on this server and it's something I'm sure we all have a pet peeve, major annoyance or even hatred about certain aspects of the server that sour the entire experience. This is a place where I can explore my own creative talents without feeling shamed or outcasted by people in the "real world", where if I talked about how I wanted to eventually write homebrew DnD Worlds where people can immerse themselves and characters in, I'd be laughed out and ridiculed by people or met with a strange "eh". This is a safe avenue for me to pursue my own nerdier interests without feeling like I'm the only person in the world doing it, or the only people that roleplay are the weird smelly guys down at the local gameshop who oversexualise their characters on tabletop characters and genuinely do not care for a story. We're basically all a bunch of normal people who try to enjoy and have fun on the server, there are ups and downs. But we're still here after a decade, and I hope the legacy continues on to help those that were in my situation for way long after I have left the server.
  13. I hate threads like this because they remind me of my age
  14. did sutica turn into just a Haense puppet state.   lame





    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. doreebear


      Sí señor

    3. DrakeHaze.


      always has been ;)

    4. LithiumSedai


      how did you come to that conclusion good man

  15. Do you actually ever stop man, like it was funny for the first few years but its borderline doomsday preacher tier at this point
  16. nether is fractured, iblees has little to no power and he has absolutely no domain to create followers like this in his current state. I understand the intent, but I'm just going to be very clear that this isn't the direction of ibleesian introduction that will happen (if ever)
  17. Kinda very happy you posted this. I've been really wanting to get into the lore of Warhammer (40k) specifically for some inspiration for my own writing outside the server, and potentially for things to take inspiration for events and such. If anyone knows what the Warp is and such, I'd love elaboration. (I have a very basic understanding it's a weird egregore force of emotions but that's about it.)
  18. should just be a cultural post lol
  19. "Dwarven Intervention always leads to violent escalation. It is time to barricade our farms for the strange rat men, isn't it Jimmy?" A simple farmer looks towards the horizon from his homestead as plumes of black smoke bellow from Luciensburg. He taps his son on the head, hiding the true fear of the incoming threat.
  20. 10 years in a few months, haven't regretted a single part of being on here.
  21. deific aligned dragaar will be the bane of my existence
  22. Yes, Benda is shelved with the removal of House Chivay and his apparent strange mannerisms that are not attributed to some ibleesian curse
  23. But in a realistic approach. I'll explain why the stance on Aeldin is so nonchalant. There's a certain point where the intervention of origins and Aeldin becomes absolutely null, with Aeldin having an absolutely massive impact of human culture and history with how it has been portrayed. This also extends to the birthplace of Frost Witches and Strigae, which are both elements that utilise this lore to explain their origins and also help create a continent outside of the eternal 'ire' of aengudaemonic influence and such. What Aeldin represents to me in a world building sense, is a justification to allow for us to build things that are outside of the sphere of influence of the "main descendant races". The idea that everything on the universe ever happening on the small continent we inhabit is something I despise and it also allows for the nifty idea of having races not exposed to every chaotic thing that happens in this continent. Aeldin itself is a project I genuinely love and believe is fantastic for LotC, it is something that I wish to inevitably rewrite into the world of LotC to make sense, be used as a platform for world-building and contribute to the server as a whole. Solely not used as justification for spontaneous rebellions, but the potential to have these long dynasties outcasted from Aeldin, for races that went away from the Four Brothers originally and established their own places. Aeldin is the first and main core concept of world building, it is just a shame it has been reverted into a noble e-girl generator to try and create clout within OOC connections of discord. The narrative of the Aeldenic Empire being insanely insular, isolationist and completely oblivious to the world outside their continent has been thrashed for basically a spawned in pre-revolution France so wigs and flintlocks can come from it. When it has the entire Oyashimian-Cathant conflicts, some cheeky Marked Men lore no-one cares about, branches of ancient houses that have been wiped out or repurposed (like the Chivays and 'pretender horens), The birthplace of the Frost Witches (Sklojder), the potential for smuggling rings and grounded occult phenomenon built with new types of dwarves, enslaved orcs and elven rebels (very akin to the witcher scoia'tel). Having the potential for the 'Heartland' Empire to take a Byzantine Style Royal Guard and having alluding parts of that in peoples roleplay, either being refugees or those smuggled to the mainlands of the descendants to escape prosecution or find a new life. I think the potential is absolutely limitless. I just wish it would not be used as a reason to spawn another "Horen" [when the bloodline has been dead since Dokahn switched the last Horen with some random monk baby in a monastery post exodus] PS. As much as I love to shit on current Oren, their standards, religion etc. Aeldin is probably the one thing I cannot bash them for at its core. It's something I have witnessed and seen its true potential.
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