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Everything posted by ScreamingDingo

  1. nice, mods please pressure us we need it
  2. once again cmu launches a psy-op against me and its effective
  3. why would players stay if we can't even get our "lead" admin to stay for more than a week active lol We've got a long journey if we want to pull ourselves out of the dark recesses of the inevitable slow burn and decline of LotC
  4. stars aint that deep tho technically does this mean this magic is siphoning aengudaemonic energy since the stars are realms and the remnants of past aengudaemons?????
  5. this makes us look extremely unfunny please take this down or I'll dmca your builds under Tythus LTD.
  6. This lore has been denied. Contact me personally on discord @ joel#4235 to discuss the outcome of this.
  7. concept isnt too bad, its execution is something that has it struggle to stand up as a piece on its lonesome. i'll get back to you about this stuff when we start tackling aengudaemonica and rewriting/organising the pantheon
  8. yeah duh it wasn't because of anything else at all
  9. This is complete Barnett Slander and I will not stand for such defamation. To really answer and address why we shelf. It's really a big thing on perspective and having things set up for the future. In the perspective of those higher up, if they see that we have four different open CA races that contribute a grand total of "5" players to the server, they will see any future CA's as invalid and will ensure that they are not able to be implemented. All because what is the point of adding more if the current ones have absolutely no playtime or impact on the server. It really makes any future creatures start with a massive disadvantage in getting implemented because they see that such a substantial effort to implement these CA's yields little to no value to the community as a whole. (Snelves were removed because it was a decision that should've been reverted years ago + origins that made no sense and ppl don't care about. And people still RP as snelves because not much has changed except them not being Wyvurn mutants).
  10. This is a post I knew that was coming and really didn't want to acknowledge it. Talking between each other and screaming how we'd both quit was really just a veiled attempt to keep contact with you. I appreciate you as being essentially one of my first 'RP' mentors in the White Rose and LotC as a whole. You and Paul essentially created my enjoyment of roleplay and crafted me into the roleplayer and writer that I am today. I still remember that 15 year old me was annoying the **** out of you to try and learn how to blacksmith under Arkus before I got gacked and team-killed over some drama. (Was when I first learned to PK too lol) Working with you has been a great experience for me and the team as a whole. You bring the fun in documentation and the ability to let people flourish on their own creative pursuits no matter what. We have very stark differences when it comes to a majority of things but we overall agree with the same goal for this server, its just a shame that we never both got to step up and really drive that goal home together before everything blew over. You owe me a nice dinner and I owe you a good night out when you come back down to Melbourne, the hilarity of knowing that you could've potentially served me food once makes me laugh and reminisce on a variety of things. Mainly my hatred for Heero and what I believed he did to corrupt my poor rolemodel back in the day. Overall I really hope we stay in touch no matter what, even without this server I hope to play games occasionally and keep you updated with everything. Okay, now I need to actually answer this thread with some questions. 1. If you could change the thematic direction of Paladins, what would your 'perfect' version look like? 2. What do you regret about the Setherien Eventline? 3. Your favourite cut of meat and why? (To cook AND to eat) 4. If you could alter one 'event' or big moment in LotC's history (RP wise), what would you change?
  11. VDF in full force today

    1. Valannor


      You know it. They're probably getting paid in Vortex Energy Potions:tm:

  12. helped clean up the event section with archiving so you can look back on the various RP heavy 'major' eventlines that have happened over the past year or so. This will continually expand as more eventlines are done and launched well into Almaris 🙂


    1. TrendE


      wow thanks a lot screamingdingo

    2. Valannor


      Thanks a ton, Dingo! 

    3. warlord of filth
  13. three failed admin packages say you can't do better
  14. lol this is why i just do events I get to enforce CRP my way and also amp up consequences under the 'guise' of authority because I'll take alot more blows because I'll be playing a bunch of NPCS. Actual CRP as a normal player is horrific and why I basically stay solely to doing assassinations and make most of my actual characters combat incapable.
  15. Godfrey or maybe Tuvya Carrion Charles the Bald gets an honorable mention
  16. The lands of Almaris lay covered in the influence of the Descendants, various products of industry scarring the lands as forests are felled and quarries are excavated. The roads that lead to each nation are actively carved by convoys of Wilven Monks, their tools used to tear through the bounty of nature to connect all descendants together. The emerging metropolises of the descendants tower from the years of preparation the descendants had prior, those of Brev guiding architects of each nation to places where materials laid aplenty for them. The final fleet of Arcas dwelled within the ports of the descendants as they attempted to start their lives anew, the expansive magnificence of the Land of Titans on true display. Small couriers from the Monk Order of Wilven spread to each nation, letters in their hands as they spread them to every descendant possible. Indiscriminate in their journey as they stopped bandit and noble alike, all spreading the news that was declared by the Order. Blessed Be, Descendants of the Brothers. We have settled within these explored lands as of recent, the rivers run ripe with bounties as the flora that encapsulates our lands offers blessing from the Triumvirate themselves. The fracturing of the former lands of Krug saw us take refuge with figures of these lands, those that dubbed these isles that of Titans. We were whisked away from the horrors that fell afterward, where things of unfathomable proportions truly dwelled upon our eyes. Those of Wilven have seen the sealing of many entities, the deaths of Dragaar and Drakaar alike as we originally hid upon the Valleys of Wilven himself. Though what we have never seen is the scarring of the skies, the intervention that rattled us and broke our sensibilities. That of Gazardiael was slain, an Aengul that was associated with the constant tormenting of the descendants was shattered by an association of other Aenguls. It seems that their vulnerability has been exposed to the descendants and skies alike, only rumors of the deaths of those of the stars have been whispered in the halls of Wilven. But what we all did, was witness the destruction of that entity. For this, with the return to the realms of Wilven, we have marked our calendars with a wiping of the sins of the past. An Age to not acknowledge the defeats of the descendants, or to show that we are weak to the curses laid by the betrayer. We instead wish to create an age of true renewal, where us as the descendants can challenge divinity and all those that wish to dislodge us from our lands. These are our lands, for those of the Triumvirate will guide us and allow for the protection and warmth of the stars to encase our every movement. As a figure of prophetic dwelling roamed these lands and foretold our very movement. He spoke of the decimation of the Inferi, the falling of the skies and the reclamation of the bounties that bear fruit from the heavens. For we have dispelled the Age of Mathic. May the Second Age of the Descendants be prosperous and fulfilling. For what we have caused prior will rattle the very semblance of existence, our destiny lies to build anew on these lands. To prosper in an age where we can attempt to dislodge the influence of entities like the Betrayer from our minds. We have shown that the heavens can be felled by the might of us, if those of evil rear their heads, we shall ensure that they are dealt with. May your travels be safe and bountiful in these lands. We occupy lands where many have been prior, but descendant kind has not. We do not know what lies ahead in the future, but the bulwark of the descendants lies within us all. Our preservation of hope and the breaking of fate, we are the writers of our own journey. Be guided by the Triumvirate, Monk Ythi'kar
  17. can't believe it's harder to get iron than it is to get magic



    Pretty based Neanderthal RP

    1. Aengoth


      I'd like to create an MA for carbarum forging please

  18. my updates look better, this is ugly as sin temp map looks better than this
  19. transition map is a write off don't think it's reflective of how anything will be


    lowkey the smart idea is to use this as a three day break

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Sham404


      Thats already how its meant to be. Them not working is an error the techs are already looking into, as soon as it was noticed it wasnt working. 

    3. Statherian


      I'm honestly moreso dissapointed than anything. Expected an RP transitional map like we had last map change, not a testing ground for a plugin that shouldn't have been pushed out like this.


      Hope this is used for actual feedback so that we'll get a proper version of Vortex later into the new map as it should still be a promisin plugin

    4. Sham404


      yeah, the tech team was not ready to put the plugin into the transitional map, the guide wasnt ready, it was a terrible implementation. I think in the actual new map it will be a thousand times better and it will be immediately noticeable

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