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Diamond VIP
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Everything posted by DrakeHaze.

  1. They learn 50% faster, but is there a legit standard time bases on learning to... Well do actual number checks?
  2. "10,000 for instant purchase. I require the blonde one's head to be shaved firstly, and the meeting spot shall be at Riga Docks. If any come to interfere with the purchase you are free to do what you will with the girls and those interfering. I merely require their torso's for a project." - Snickers de Bar, heir to Salvus
  3. Soulbind was moved up from my vip rip, better spend more money.

  4. Trading Overwatch key for tome.

    1. Suicidium


      What kind of tome?

    1. DrakeHaze.


      1 book has already been found apparently.

  5. Ahh I couldnt finish my et app in time due to morning shift. More time to work on it now though haha

  6. Ooooooo boy 53 packs of spooky cards

  7. maybe I should start teaching magic

    1. Nekkore


      teach meh magik pl0x

    2. Ketchen


      That's a terrible idea, but then again what do I know!

  8. League tilted so hard, farming in minecraft with creative. ***** slit my throat and throw me in a river.

  9. Urf made me forget about Earth Day

  10. Nobody wants to RP with me, any tips?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Kommander-Kila


      Just go to Cloud temple and harass people until you make friends. That's how I got where I am.

    3. Elfen_


      Have you tried being a girl?

    4. Papa Liam

      Papa Liam



  11. Anyone have room for a poor, elderly wizard with no demeaning qualities outside of magic? I have 3 lapis lazuli to muh name.

    1. drfate786


      I can give you a place in the Yale Cathedral. We're short staffed, just don't use your magic on the island and come RP it out first. 

  12. *Poster in Vailor* "Auctioning Barmy Tavern, starting price 500 minas. Bids must increase by minimum of 100 minas. Raw materials such as iron may be bidded, however their value is cut in half. Example, if one iron ingot sells for 4 minas then the value is 2 minas when placed as a bid. Armaments and the like will not be accepted as a bid. Enchant books may be bidded, once again their value is cut in half. Horses are not accepted, neither are donkeys. You may bid relics at your discretion, don't expect me to put a fair price on items that I use to fill empty places in my chests. Other land in exchange is not an acceptable bid. People are not acceptable bids. The Barmy Tavern is outside Felsen and is susceptible to Felsen taxes, it is up to you to figure out the legal details. No Kha. - Barmy of Salami "
  13. 9 warning points, what should I do for my final one?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. LatzMomo


      Why not just use a good old fashioned ruff meme?

    3. John Ivory

      John Ivory

      discuss the Jews and Their Lies

    4. Rammer


      Insult Billy Bob's taters 

  14. Everyone online please clusterfuck at felsen so I can norp all of you thanks.

  15. Human Dwarf peace yet or what?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lunar
    3. DrakeHaze.


      Call a white peace or some **** idk...

    4. KarmaDelta


      Never, the Dwarves must now counter-attack and take all human owned land and create the Great Grand Empire Kingdom of Vanderguan-Urguan.

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