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Status Updates posted by Danny

  1. Real Scottish haggis is banned in the USA... How can you live with yourselves.

    1. Free The Hobbits

      Free The Hobbits

      We've done it so far...

    2. Kaiser


      We're slowly di-


  2. 3 months, and 11 days until I traverse the trenches. #dailycountdown ;)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Will (TauFirewarrior)

      Will (TauFirewarrior)

      I did the same trip when I was a young lad.

    3. Danny


      Of course I'm buying chocolates - who wouldn't?

    4. nobody


      Lindt chocolates..YES

  3. Hey guys, we've just put up a new PMC project page, go comment + give diamonds! http://bit.ly/forward-lotc and don't forget to favourite as well! It really does help.

  4. Hey guys, we've just put up a new PMC project page, go comment + give diamonds! http://bit.ly/forward-lotc #forwardlotc

  5. 3 months, and 12 days and I make the journey to Belgium. Huzzah.

    1. gingernut97


      You visiting the trenches?

    2. Danny


      Indeed I am.

  6. #38 - go vote! http://bit.ly/lotc-vote !

    1. ProdigyAD


      Hey Danny I need you to verify my account so I can start placing applications please. The name is ProdigyAD.

  7. #40 ladies and gents - it only takes a minute of your time! Go vote!: http://bit.ly/lotc-vote

  8. Remember and vote guys! http://bit.ly/lotc-vote !

    1. Kaiser


      o rly

      little late danny

  9. So, me and Alan went to the 'mall' today - we had our photo taken in a mirror, duckfaces inbound: http://scr.hu/0ges/q42nn

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Free The Hobbits

      Free The Hobbits

      OMG so pretty like for like.

    3. gingernut97


      *thought he was getting to see Danny's face. Disappointed*

    4. comanderbly^
  10. I suppose you're alright Fibre Optic broadband. Humph.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. nobody


      I wish my area would integrate it already! o.o

    3. ProdigyAD


      Hey Danny I have been trying to figure out how to start an application and how to post it for about 3 days now. I would really appreciate it if you would give me a tutorial or something on how to post an application please please get back to me as soon as possible.

    4. ProdigyBC


      Hey Danny I really don't know how to post like ProdigyAD, I think it might be because my account isn't verified I would appreciate it if you would accept my account so I can post an application thank you. :)

  11. Just to confirm - we ARE not moving to 3.0 in this downtime, we're doing other dev. work. We will move to 3.0 after the actual event has begun.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Merkaken


      Will it be up around 4? Or when will we be in 3.0?

    3. Lord_Sauron_


      @Soresan, pretty sure it will be up very soon so we can have the event and actually go to Anthos. We won't just randomly be there, pretty sure.

    4. Merkaken


      I'd prefer to just randomly spawn there :<

  12. So, is anyone recording the event tonight for Youtube? The more angles of the event, the merrier!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. comanderbly^


      I am gonna record it and post it in my channel

    3. Redbaron™


      Media Team probably

    4. Dargene
  13. Congratulations to Telanir, now a Junior Technician on the server!

    1. Ever


      Heh, that title.

    2. EmeraldStag



    3. gingernut97
  14. Don't expect any responses to PMs from me tonight - got an English essay to be handed in tommorow, will try and reply if I can ~

    1. DrakeHaze.


      Well there goes that PM out the window ;)

    2. gingernut97
    3. marimbamonk
  15. "Who ever invented the "Knock- Knock jokes" should get a "No-bell prize""

    I lol'd.

  16. 4 days.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Eleatic


      How about now?

    3. Mankaar


      *mutters* informational trailer.. Plox?

    4. Blundermore


      You should check my sig out for information about 3.0! :D

  17. The time of the 3.0 transition event has changed! Please see the new time on the News thread!

    1. cmack1028


      4 PM works perfect for me. Thanks!

    2. gingernut97


      Thanks for the update!

    3. Galendar
  18. So, that 3.0 trailer I just watched was pretty hot. Shame you's can't see it yet. *closes the door on his way out*

    1. Geo


      Danny. I will devour your curtains. I know where you live.

    2. Lvke


      You crusher of dreams! *goes off In hunt of Danny's head*

    3. lemontide331
  19. Rhianna, you really are a fantastic woman.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Danny


      Rhianna being the singer Rhianna. (rolls eyes)

    3. ♦ Kal ♦

      ♦ Kal ♦

      Never heard of her.

    4. Telanir


      Whoop! Big misunderstanding. lol

  20. I'm excited for 3.0's nearing release, are you?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. blindmind


      All glory to the Shiftnotoad!

    3. lev


      We have been waiting for /so/ long, it seems that most poeples exitement has diminished.

    4. Avacyn


      if it comes out before my one month is up i might cry

  21. Hey guys, what colour do you think the forum text should be changed to to make it more readable? Beige, light brown, left as-is?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Braxis


      Danny, Make it blue. Cause I like blue

    3. Aedan The Bard

      Aedan The Bard

      brighter grey sounds good.

    4. gabriel101x1


      I vote the old dark grey background and light grey text that we used to have.

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