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Everything posted by Danny

  1. Need to get back in front of Freya with regards to post count.

    1. gingernut97


      Good luck, you'll need it

  2. Danny

    if u want kiled ur going the rite way about it u slug


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Aislin


      you should be admin again

    3. Alan


      im sorry wut r u

    4. Aislin


      alan can we trade you for danny plz

  4. I once got a forum warning because the forum duplicated my post - still livid about it.

  5. Ugh, 700 notification PMs deleted and I still ain't within my limit. I don't want to have to delete actual PMs in case they ever become relevant again. Mass archive function pls.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. gingernut97


      Start digging, Danny.

    3. Gemmylou


      Danny come back now, Dweeb.

    4. Z3r05t4r


      Aether VIP. Hah.

  6. There's only one Scot on the entire staff team these days. How things ended up this way I will never know...

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Aislin


      Pess, it's known as the largest free-range mental health institution in the world.

    3. Danny


      Woah, Aislin my lad!

    4. Aislin


      Friendo I jest :)

  7. Well, TeamSpeak's like a graveyard these days.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Helvetius


      yep. Most lotc players are on Rymora.net ts3 cause LOTC's keeps crashing/going down.

    3. Kickstarted and Running
    4. Danny


      Cheers Italian.

  8. You never beat me.

    1. Aislin


      you were never the lord of the tythuscraft....

    2. Aislin


      i have the most rep evar so yes i win

  9. js, this photo I put up a few days back: http://imgur.com/gallery/Re6fEfa/ Same place 3 months before: http://imgur.com/gallery/kpLQzx4 . Beautiful regardless of the weather. (y)

  10. Ooft, had a great walk today: http://imgur.com/gallery/Re6fEfa/ Maybe if you're lucky you'll see a photo of me in my full walking kit: I look pretty splendid.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Danny


      Nope, I've never actually been to Wales. I do want to do Snowdon though. My life ambition is to do every Munro and also every Furth.

    3. gingernut97


      You should try Pen y Da, pretty fun when it has snowed.

    4. Danny


      I think it'll probably be a way trip that I'll do, work my way down each country doing the Furths. I don't know, but I'm fairly certain we'll do Snowdon some time soon: actually discussed that a while back.

  11. Opinion time!: What design scheme better, #1 or #2? Ignore the horrible hand-done grass and pavement on #2 (only temporary): http://imgur.com/OFK6fwS | For reference, w/o the game area filled (http://imgur.com/T1MT09R), cheers in advance!

  12. I guess eating a full box of After Eight's in a few hours isn't too good for you.

  13. Sorry guys: technical issues mean the Livestream Q&A ain't gonna be happening today! We'll reschedule for another time, sorry! :(

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Dizzy771


      Thats kinda what I was thinking of Freya. I just set up livestreaming if none of the GM's can

    3. Neri
    4. Dizzy771



  14. http://youtu.be/L_IlEVqu-m4 GM Q&A in 10 minutes! Be there, ask questions via the comment feature, but remember there /is/ a 1-2 minute delay on video-to-comments unfortunately!
    1. Dargene


      Stupid google+ :c

    2. _pok_


      .this doesnt work for me

  15. GM Q&A in 1 and a half hours - @11PM GMT!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Dalek348


      I hope so because the q&a sessions are always fun and chaos

    3. SparehoeCakes


      You guys should probably make a news post about this....

    4. Aislin


      I can't wait to troll all of you staff members

  16. Sorry for nor being around much this week: I'll make up for it by being on through the entire weekend. (Y) If you've tried contacting me on Skype, I'll reach you by Friday.

    1. Aislin


      Danny TS is down

    2. Sky
    3. domainoft


      While you were gone all the Orcs killed themselves finding that they were the only ones worthy of fighting such outstanding combatants....As a side note, I consider it a win.

  17. Off to read for an hour or so, then head to bed: behave overnight LotC!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. paulie


      You know you're important when you read for an hour.

    3. steelersfan1221
    4. JtPv


      nevar danny


      a photo is veeeeeeeeery persuasive round dese parts

  18. Announcement: all players whitelisted BEFORE October 2011 are unwhitelisted and need to re-apply using our new format to meet standards. /dewhitelist -all[preOCT11] command entered. (y)

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. Aislin


      Rittsy is racist and cyberbullying I demand a permanent ban.

    3. Danny


      there aint no hundreds of scots on lotc my alan

    4. Aislin


      Not anymore

  19. Either someone just got shot outside my house, or fireworks be going off early.

    1. Lym


      Must be that Battlefield 4 doe.

    2. Danny


      P.S. War system & 4.0 Update #2 post currently sits in my Google Docs. Yay.

    3. argonian


      Post them now or you're dead.

  20. Announcement: We're unwhitelisting all players on the server, you'll /all/ be required to re-apply. Command being entered now: "/unwhitelist -all". Please apply properly.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Neri


      Thats not a real command and you know it.

    3. lιoɴ
    4. Sporadic


      Hey that's the wrong syntax so I went ahead and unwhitelisted everyone properly.

      Dw happy to help ^-^

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