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Everything posted by Praetor

  1. Sooo...Did VAt members die or is Lym the only active one?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Aislin


      Lol Lym isn't even around, he's on vacation, and still the only active one.

    3. Aislin


      Take a cue, VAT. Seriously.

    4. Praetor



  2. ((Please get Skype :) then recontact me. It ain't too big of a hassle to get.)) *once again, the notes pinned across the notice boards in various cities are discreetly removed*
    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Praetor


      It's been such a long time that I think I'll do a new app thing. I'm pretty sure some either aren't interest or aren't playing anymore. So I'll have to see though chances are, if you were accepted before and still want in, you will get in.

    3. Tom_Whiteman


      Finally, I've been waiting.

    4. IrishPerson


      Yay, I might have a chance to play one again :3

  3. Going to Normandy. Might not have internet, be back on the 30th.

  4. Meen, meen, meen

  5. *The notes are replaced by new ones, with only very slight differences that you might not notice without re-reading carefully.* ((To all those who posted just an OOC app, please re-read the rules. :p Minor edit to the post.))
  6. [7/18/13 4:41:46 PM] Geo: http://i.imgur.com/DFsho.jpg?1

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Gemmylou
    3. gingernut97


      Hey, I just stalked you, and I'm pretty crazy. But here's my bird. So let's talk maybe? +_+

    4. Merkaken


      Lol i've seen that before

  7. Rp fighting is great fun until A) It degenerates into ooc complaining, or powergaming. Which is 80% of the time. B) There are too many people. (Above 5-6 imo) In that case, I'm not even going to bother. If we can't agree on pvp ill probably make a hasty exit unless exception. I'll either end up having a headache or not having fun at all just spending 3 hours trying to find out who's who ,if I missed someones emote and why the hell Bob is doing a triple back flip before attacking me with a broadsword. When you get too many people it gets uncool, Antag even in malinor where people insisted on a 30 person rp fight is a good example.
  8. *Much like before stealthy figures dart out and nab the signs before anyone is able to stop them, hurrying off with the various scrolls with applications written upon them. Soon, once again, these are given into the caring hands of Captain Firstorm, who reviews them quickly.*
  9. Locked channels in TS errywhere

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Tigergamer


      pls dont ban me pls

    3. MonkeyCoffee


      Why would I advertise Tiger? Makes no sense, phat boi.

    4. Praetor


      Stop harrassing me :((

  10. Wow, way to copy me y'all. I feel offended

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Major Dom

      Major Dom

      Wow, way to copy me y'all. I feel offended

    3. Shorsand



    4. Telanir


      Wow, way to copy me y'all. I feel offended

  11. Iblees is a hot female dark elf

    1. Neri
    2. Augor


      +1 I remember that post, good times.

    3. KoTo
  12. What's Kralta

    1. Space


      The doormat of Oren. A really nice looking city currently being bent over by the antagonist.

    2. MonkeyCoffee
  13. ((Can you add mr.spamshok ? Too many il.sam.il's to find you.))
  14. ((That would be nice ^^)) *One of the discreet figures hanging about the posters walks by them quickly, snatching the notes from their position and stuffing it into their ample sleeves, hurrying off. These would soon find themselves in the hands of the captain.*
  15. Pirate thread finally up!

  16. *rough pieces of parchment are scattered around multiples cities notice boards, including the various cities of Oren, Malinor and Urguan as well as some in Lenfarthing for the more adventurous hobbits. There are even a few in the Cloud Temple. Each one is written in plain ink and has some peculiar symbol painted on the top. It is quite obvious there were written in large numbers -- Style and beauty was not the intention of the writer. Some are even posted daringly close to the fresh and crisp Oren Navy recruitment posters* “The Pirates Of Red Sun Cove” Do you want riches? We have them Do you want wenches? We have them Do you want adventure? We have it Do you want blood? We have it The Red Sun Pirates are looking are looking for sea rats to man their great warships. If you want any of the above listed then you are our man..or woman. Any race and gender is welcome to join the Pirates, in their search for gold. If you have no experience you shall be taught. All plunder shall be shared between the crew and any disobedience will be severely punished. If you wish to join us you shall obey your captains and higher ranking members or be punished. You shall be allowed to live how you will and where you will, but should you seek safety we shall provide. To join the pirates you must contact Captain FireStorm by leaving a notice near to this notice. “Burn it in the name of gold.” To all of thee with little interest in joining us, but who see the potential of such a group, we shall gladly sell our services to you as Corsairs or simply Seafaring mercenaries in exchange for immunity in your lands and a hefty sum of gold or various other valuables. ((OOC)) Application MC Name: Rp Name: Skype name: What do you want to play as? (Bosun, First Mate, etc...): Do you have experience in sailing RP?: Will you obey the OOC rules?: Do you accept to not be an a-hole?: OOC Rules: -Don’t be stupid -Be pleasant -Don’t PG, etc... -Post your app here, as an OOC addition to an RP post with a note professing your interest in meeting me. Notice: -The Island itself is in the process of being rebuilt, don’t expect it to look awe inspiring at the moment. -If you join, try to be pleasant company and be ready to accept tips about RP etc, however this goes both ways and I (and the others I hope) Will welcome any tips you may have. But I’ll be glad to help newer people learn. Have fun! -This might be edited with more details or information as time goes by. ((OOC END)) *Some people mill about certain notice boards, apparently inconspicuous, but discreetly watching said boards carefully*
  17. Looks like I missed a lot while I was gone

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Wretched


      We gave Lym a makeover.

    3. Lym



      *poses fabulously and bites lip*

      Now 101% moar hawt

    4. Praetor


      *scratches out the 10 from the 101%*

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