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Status Updates posted by Heero

  1. Oh spiders, why won't you just give it a break and piss off for a while?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. LaCabra (Soda)

      LaCabra (Soda)

      * turns green and muscular.

    3. Lykos


      *boops weeberlore on the nose, then vanishes

    4. LaCabra (Soda)

      LaCabra (Soda)

      * gets extremely sad, and cries.

  2. Heero

    Oh. What about my sponge kidneys? .w.


  4. Oi Kgell! W'en latz cumin' ba'k frem hulidey? Mii mizz latz an' wunna blah wid latz agien zuun!

    ~Hugz an' kizzez, Gorjia Tok'Bahr/HeeroZero.

  5. Oi, despicable excuse for an Orcish Shaman. Respond to my message bolts for brains.

  6. Once more fine linguists, I need your assistence in cyphering this language; [3:50:30 PM] Tsuyose: fk of u absolut shttin sandmokey il fkin slap ur **** in u stpd litl fkr hav u ever been donkey punchd??? bet u hav by ur mum u littl hobaggin *** fkin willylikin sandmonkey

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. kingnothing


      omg so much faglord pls nerf

    3. Eleatic


      tsuyose likes guybutt

    4. WuHanXianShi14


      It's a rare dialect of internet-ese most commonly spoken in the 4chan regions.

  7. Once more linguists of LoTC, I require your aid in decyphering this strange text: [3:06:57 PM] Tsuyose: u stpd fkin lttl niglet u wnt 2 di cus il delivr ur fkin fate. u think ur saf hidin behin tht fkin computr screen u littl ***? il fkin chib u in the pus u abslot littl cnt, i ho ur rdy 4 trbl becus im gn fkin destroy u

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. MarioMixer


      you stupid ******* little ***** you want to die cause ill deliver your ******* fate. you think your safe Etc.

    3. Tethras
    4. LPT


      I believe he said House Blackwell is master race

  8. One direction~

  9. Owls. Everyone's fond of Owls. Except for mice 'N shrooms. And Simon Cowell.

    1. ♦ Kal ♦

      ♦ Kal ♦

      I think it's mice and shrews ... unless you are making a Teemo reference. Then GTFO! :)

  10. P.S. Get one Skype, I have a surprise for you. ;)

  11. Panda recommended Heero to watch Elfen Lied. Heero later watched Elfen Lied in class. Heero's friend who was sitting behind Heero flipped shĪŦ as he watched Elfen Lied with Heero. Heero later arrives home and tells Sawses about Elfen Lied. Sawses begins to watch Elfen Lied with Heero, Heero and Sawses being to flip shĪŦ together. Heero later tells Pudclud via TeamSpeak about Elfen Lied. Pudclud begins watching the first five minutes and begins to flip shĪŦ as well. Conclusion: Elfen Lied ...

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Heero


      Lucky you. All of us got screwed over by it. Yet surprisingly Freya was able to take it without a problem... o-o


      [11:46:40 AM] Freja: Hands-free decapitation...

      [11:46:43 AM] Freja: Cute

    3. DrakeHaze.


      Freya is now my god.

    4. Aedan The Bard

      Aedan The Bard

      Pfffff. Elfen Lied is a light gore anime, no big deal >:3

  12. Panda, I just want to let you know that I hate you. Remember how in TeamSpeak you recommened for me to watch Elfen Lied? Yeah, I regret it. I will admit, it was good but scared me shĪŦless. I showed it to Pudclud and he flipped shĪŦ within the first five minutes of the anime. Then it turned into a game with Sawses of who can keep on going with watching the anime before we completely lose

  13. Pokemon avatars are too mainstream for me. Time to be a rebel and kick it up. :3

  14. Pompeii! Coming to an LoTC near you! http://imgur.com/gallery/2ajEA0x

  15. probably mitto - Today 16:19
    > some times i lather myself in motor oil and rub it around with fake gold and pretend im the glorious leader mogrocka

    1. GameCrackers


      Well then...thats a start

    2. lev
    3. Neri


      you're demoted to meme goblin

  16. Pssh. And Oren claims that the Elves are melodramatic. GG Hummies

  17. Quick question for the staff, is Voxel on the main LoTC server again? Or nub?

  18. R.I.P. Freya's Blue-Tag

    1. V0idsoldier


      um. wot. plz details?

    2. Eleatic
    3. Lefty


      Freya stepped down and is now an FM, Matt has been promoted to GM!

  19. R.I.P. Kalenz + Gaius :[

  20. R.I.P. Kalenz. Amazing LM and MAT. #NeverForget2013

    1. mpcommander


      What happened to Kalenz?

  21. R.I.P. Maeghan. You're still greatly missed.

  22. Rilath asks Deke to bring him to Regaki for a simple talk. Then a god-like Mage brawl breaks out. Yay for anarchy!

    1. Dante
    2. Twilight Druid

      Twilight Druid

      Rilath is dead

    3. Heero


      @Evelyn Seems you haven't kept up with the current events in Asulon. Rilath recently rejoined the land of the living. ^^

  23. Rilath makes me wanna go around and whack people in the face with an alaska trout. o-o

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