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Technical Administrator
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Everything posted by Llir

  1. looking for art

    1. E__V__O


      Might be best to get a news post uploaded and ask for help / offer the players some rewards if picked as a winner. A contest? If this is for an LoTC medium. 

    2. drfate786


      What kind of art? 

  2. Do people not realize the rule used to be “no building on road regions at all?”

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. AGiantPie


      Yes. I am in favor of the rule change.

    3. Nathan_Barnett36


      you’re just a dev shut it!



      you’re nothing but a barnett...

  3. All of Axios is now available on our files server! If you have copies other old maps, let me know! https://files.lordofthecraft.net/maps/axios/

  4. Llir


    Changed Status to Accepted
  5. Llir


    Changed Status to Under Review
  6. yo aPPLY GM

    1. InfamousGerman


      kowa put the drink down

  7. As the attack to place on Holm/High Rock land, and not Nevaria, the CB is invalid.
  8. Accepted. Please be mindful of others when doing Villain RP, as further violations will result in longer blacklists, or bans.
  9. I have checked the build and chest access logs of the location, and it shows activity over the past week. The CB for abandonment is thus denied. For the other CB, message me on Discord any evidence and I will pass it along to the war team.
  10. Hi, I am aware you made this appeal several days ago and have been messaging me, however it is our policy not to review appeals until the listed date, especially for shorter blacklists, and that date is today. I have reviewed the appeal and I am glad you realize what you did was wrong and have apologized to the players involved. However, reading the body of your appeal I think you missed the reason you were blacklisted, or do not understand why what you were doing was against our rules. Your character being stubborn and wishing to aggravate the same group is perfectly fine, so long as you do so within the server rules and keep it in RP. I believe that you had kept it in RP and at no point did I think you were OOCly targeting this group, however in your actions you broke other rules as mentioned above. Thus, this would have fallen under this section of the blacklist guidelines: You were partaking in something known as "raid baiting" - where you camp outside a settlement on raid cool-down for the purpose of provoking the players inside for combat. This rule is outlined in our raid rules. You had done this at the smaller settlement the day I issued the blacklist, and were partaking in similar tactics the prior day in the Dominion capital. Raid cool-downs exist for a reason, and finding ways to skirt around them can be damaging to the enjoyment of other players on the server, and makes things difficult for moderation staff. Villainy rules also dictate that you must put actual effort into the roleplay. Running up to the settlement, shouting profanities, and then running away is not the standard of rolepaly we uphold on this server, and does not contribute anything for the other side, and could even be considered trolling. This appeal is denied. I encourage you to read these comments and reflect on the rules you broke. Please appeal again when you understand the reasons you were blacklisted.
  11. Alright, this will be simple and to the point: Major healing is for injuries like losing a limb, losing function of some body part, major wounds, etc. Silent Monks can no longer heal, they can only revive on death. When revived from death, any injuries you sustained leading up to your death will be reversed (same time frame as memory loss). Certain magics can now do major healing as monks could (tentative on specifics from respective lore holders). Ascended, clerics, necromancers, alchemy, monks of moon sect. Druids: Spoke with Jaeden - I don't think this would apply to druids, as their healing is more so herbalism so fixing major injuries isn't really in line with that. Paladins: Spoke with Conspirator - healing is already a very small part of Paladin lore and not very powerful - "We can barely heal broken bones" - so this would not be an option for them. Alchemy: Spoke with Dunstan - It already has lore for this, they would also be able to bypass the limit noted below. Red line: After (one, two?) week(s) the major injuries are permanent (except through alchemy). NB: Yes I know certain people who like consequence in RP will say "just remove major healing entirely" well right now monks can do it anyways I'm just suggesting transferring the abilities to magic users so that rather than someone saying "I got it fixed at the monks" they actually have to go find a healer and RP it. The reality is that revival and healing are a very ingrained part of our server right now so trying to remove it would be a s**tshow and requires much more debate and work than this change, which would create some dynamic RP. This would at least require effort and would increase the amount of permanent injuries as some people won't bother to seek a healer, won't be able to do it in time, and can no longer BS monk healing at a later date. The point of this thread is not to debate if the server should have major healing, but just if it is better to have it done by players rather than monks. EDIT: After reading the comments I see the point some people are making regarding a necessity of monks, so I would now suggest that Monks can still do major healing, but you actually have to go out and find a "Moon Sect" monk as per this post, rather than just saying "the monks fixed it", just the main point of all of this is to make it so people have to actually RP to get major things healed!
  12. Name: LargeMagnum Reason: Repeated raid-baiting after warning, providing poor/low-effort villainy/banditry roleplay (Moderation staff can PM me for additional information) Conditions of blacklist: 10 days, appeal required on or after May 31 to continue with villainy roleplay. Edit: Additionally, killing livestock while a settlement is on raid cooldown.
  13. /frp is now back for IronVIP+

    1. Wendigo



      Speaking of, when are we gonna get a guide for the commands and plugins we use?

  14. Yall acting like the Dev Team has any control over the war rules

    1. Chaw


      Girl: Do you think I'm beautiful?
      Boy: No
      Girl: Do want to be with me forever?
      Boy: No
      Girl: Do u even like me?
      Boy: No
      Girl: Would u cry if i walked away?
      Boy: No
      She heard enough and was hurt... She walked away with tears in her eyes
      The boy grabbed her arm
      Boy: Your not pretty...your beautiful
      Boy: I dont want to be with u forever...I need to be with u forever
      Boy: I dont like u...I love u
      Boy: I wouldn't cry if u walked away......I would die if u walked away.
      Boy Whispers: Plz stay with me
      Girl: I will...
      *Tonight at midnight your true love will realize she/he loves u
      *Something good will happen to u at 1-4pm
      *Tomorrow it could be anywhere!!!
      *Get ready for the shock of your life!
      *If u dont send this to 5 other people... You will have bad luck in relationships for the next 10 years

    2. UnusualBrit


      The owner is different 

  15. Apologies for the lag. A background task we had running during the week to clean up some errors with the world was using a lot of resources. I've disabled it now as the task should be complete.

  16. Steaming some coding of GM tools


  17. Interested in being a Coder? Apply!

    1. Wrynn


      I'm not ready yet! All I know is how to use Visual Studio

  18. I've read it - and if the LT allows every sub-race to be defined based off minor physical differences than we would have 100s of sub-races. Sub-races need to be very well defined, distinct differences. The LT should be focusing on condensing the current amount of sub-races based on larger variations, not expanding them based on small variants.
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