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Technical Administrator
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Everything posted by Llir

  1. #DwarfTakeover

    1. Dreek
    2. Amorphbutt


      The dwemer will riiiseee...

  2. The Tech Team is working hard to resolve the crashes. Please remain patient, everything should be in order soon.

  3. Be a dwarf! Drink ale! Fun time!

    1. Onslaughted


      Be a Silverblade! Get cash, get ass! Fun time!

    2. Vekrus
  4. Mr. Carrion, TEAR DOWN THIS WALL

    1. Major Dom

      Major Dom

      peace makes me smile :)))))

  5. It is about to get very very cold on Lord of the Craft. Mwahahaha evil tech team schemes.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. gam


      my nipples are hard in anticipation

    3. Slic3man


      Please dunnae make it so the cold areas kill you if you're not wearing armor.

    4. Llir
  6. The Legend Lives On!

  7. Who needs logical RP, when you have help from the sky gods? #MovesTheObsidianThrone

    1. Kickstarted and Running
    2. Stonefoot


      Who needs anything, when you have mushrooms?


  8. *Lord Onar Ireheart walks out of the council chamber, with a content look on his face. He walks up to the Kal’Ithrun square, clears his throat and begins to speak.* “Broddahs, weh ‘ave a grave danger upon us. Dah citeh ov Kal’Azgoth nae beh safe fer entreh eneh more, wif dah t’reat frum dah deep roads growing evah closah. Weh mus’ seal dah citeh at once, to protect both dah t’inks in, and outside ov it. If yeh 'ave anytin in dah citeh, get it oot, for in a few days ah will beh sendehn ah team ov engineers ova tah close dah old obsidian gate, and lets ‘ope weh don’t run into aneh problems.” ((Plan: On Saturday we are sealing off Kal’Azgoth. Event will be sometime in the afternoon (EST). Be prepared to fight some baddies.)) ((Also, I need some dwarves (about 5) to RP engineers with me. PM me if interested.))
  9. ~A little party never killed nobody~

  10. Let there be smoke... in due time. http://gyazo.com/1d35dc7281535dd317ab2d4470e5cb6c

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      FINALLY! FUDGE YES! MY PLUGIN IS FINALLY DONE! Does it emit smoke particles?

    3. Dreek



    4. Lord of the Nublets
  11. Sky is like my favourite GM. And Kalameet my new fav FM.

    1. Moot


      Really!? score.

    2. Heero


      #NekoDanie #NeverForget

  12. Sky is like my favourite GM

    1. Sky


      You know it.

  13. I'm on app team. Kool-aid.

  14. Rolled back almost a week. This is ridiculous...

  15. Moved from "Accepted Ideas" to "Accepted Events" dreek learn how to forum
  16. Project Holy Chicken

  17. Why are all of our nice things always broken?

  18. Hey what does the malinor flag look like? I need it for the planning of an event of sorts.

    1. Archbishop John

      Archbishop John

      They do not have one since there not really a true nation, a nation has a government which the elfs do not have and even if they had one they fail at it so bad. :P

    2. Swgrclan


      They don't really have a flag, but they have an emblem- commonly what you would see of an Elven nation. Essentially a green seal with a tree on it.

    3. Aislin
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