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- Aether VIP -
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Everything posted by Dreek

  1. the dragon flies again

  2. https://gyazo.com/9aa8db2f2d9082a57c54d82a8a40b75e This tile was bought by the Dwarves a few weeks ago. IDK if this is still being updated :)
  3. i have an idea for a legacy dungeon  who do i contact ???

    1. BathRugMan
    2. spqrSancus


      What's a legacy dungeon???

  4. Forget about the US COME TO KAZAKHSTAN....LIVE in PARADISE with ME

  5. Thanks for coming to our Dwantag event everyone! Check back next weekend, about same time, for the next event!

  6. @bungo


    bingo bango bungo

  7. Dreek


    as long as it remains an event resource, i don't have an issue +1 and @GrimReaper98 had a good point as well, as long as they dont get pasted on SS pillars!! Grr!!
  8. Dreek


    a player shouldn't ever get to play one of these tbh, and i really think they should stay exclusively in events. its a cool creature and everything, but if it becomes commonplace it loses the feel/atmosphere that its presence produces
  9. APPLICATION Your Name: Drynn Ireheart Your Race: Dwarf Your Age: Over 200 Your Professions/ Skills: Mining Do you have others that will be coming with you?: No Any information not mentioned above may be sought by once again contacting the Félagi. ((Sentis))” ((OOC)) MC Name: Gorgemel Time Zone: EST Do you Have Skype? (If so please provide your Skype name or PM me): Already in the chat
  10. brb gonna kill myself. why does everyone think its uruguan. sir its spelled urguan, always has !
  11. Drynn Ireheart prepares a warclaim post
  12. who do i ask to have all the old pinned topics in dwarf rp subforum restored ?? question mark

    1. Publius


      I think it's a donator perk

  13. someone is feeling powerful today


  15. an absolutely insane piece of lore, a great addition to the server's collection of lore +1
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