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- Aether VIP -
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Status Replies posted by Dreek

  1. i find it pretty hilarious how /r/marchagainsttrump just became the exact same as /r/The_Donald but just incredbly anti-Trump instead of ncredibly for Trump

  2. Dunamis is looking for recruits, apply if yah want.


  3. what a man would do for a tag...

  4. ibrahimovic sucks sorry about that

  5. Dunamis Pride Worldwide!


    Also Hi.

  6. >humans complain about dwarven interference


    >get involved in every conflict 

  7. thoroughly dissapointed im not a FM. I cant believe they have a women bias. smh, thats how dreek got in


    same people chosen to be fms again.

  9. If there is going to be a new map, release it before summer vacation. Please don't be idiots. ty

  10. i have blackmail on all u, pay me $50 to delete it

  11. how tf do you make money as a farmer??? or as a chef???

  12. I wonder who still remembers me


  13. ooga booga coalition oren, ooga booga coalition oren

  14. If Trump deports @Imam Faiz Kharadeen at least I'll be satisfied with my vote. He hates America.

  15. There is no country that is better than the United States.

  16. am i allowed to post my nudes on the forums?

  17. put the red tag in the bag

  18. obama for a 3rd term should've been an option

  19. I did not have any relations with the savoyard plot to destroy forums

  20. You can always retake a class, but you can't relive a party!

  21. Can I get unbannan'd please?

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