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- Aether VIP -
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Status Replies posted by Fireheart

  1. I want my post back, I'm bringing back the order its not a joke wtf is your problem.

  2. Anyone have a recommended texture pack for lotc?

  3. I killed it :\ Sorry folks. Give it a minute.

  4. Whens the battle

  5. Congrats to Gigarun, Benbo, Freema, and James for becoming trials! Three old GM's and one new blood.

  6. So after two years, I have decided to rejoin the RP of LOTC. ^_^ 

  7. Another day, another Warclaim

  8. please apply for AT

  9. I think the AT should be more lenient with applicants that apply with the wrong format, instead of denying, allow them to re-apply without the 24 hours thing lol

  10. Star Wars Hegemony > Druid Hegemony truth confirmed.

  11. I make skins, Pm me your offers.

  12. I'm American and suddenly I care about Canadian politics. 

  13. ur time is up my time is now

  14. New character is so fat he's broken 4 chairs in a row..

  15. (´◉◞౪◟◉) pbbbbblttt

  16. wait, is it really a plague event?

  17. wait, is it really a plague event?

  18. Any Skinners out there?

  19. https://gyazo.com/fd6d2c78f9df5b3b4e31b94236a64801 the funny thing is that ezreal was the highest ranked player in this game

  20. an absolute slaughter

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