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Everything posted by seannie

  1. It took a moment for Charles to ponder on the passing of the Pontiff as he entered the Chapel Magdalena, the Vicar he had just confessed his inner turmoil to but a few days ago. He recalled how feeble the old man appeared during then, supposing it only made sense that it was imminently due, "I shall do right by you, I shan't take thy confidence for granted." the Prince prayed, fingers interlocked as he remained knelt at the altar.
  2. Maxim the Nauzican smiles the sun's smile, somehow he was not forgotten.
  4. "I sure hope this won't mean I'm being called to fight my cousins when the Baron of Acre marches down upon Grodno for their sedition..." Charlie Charles muttered ominously...
  5. "Good on them for pioneering the cause for constitutionalism and electoralism - took long enough for people to catch on. Suppose I'll have to drop by to pay a visit to my dear half-brother, eh, Ruadh?" he asked of the fellow Daelish nearby.
  6. Charlie Charles grumbles as he goes on his day, "It's not solely God's responsibility to see the establishment of leaders, but rather the constituency of a realm. To claim absolute authority by extension of God's Will, brings only vanity, pride, destruction. It seems that in the dissolution of the Orenian Kingdom, the Haeseni have taken upon themselves the same selfishness and self centeredness as their southern counterparts - fitting, seeing how many Orenians fled north. Damned puffed up nobles." The Alstion spits aside, finally attracting a raised brow from his secretary.
  7. Late one night after a day's of work, Charles sifted through an assortment of papers strewn about upon his desk - ledgers and the likes he had yet come about to - as he began categorizing them to deal with upon the rising of the morn. Though one particular pamphlet caught his attention, most likely due to the substance that discolored its parchment. The Alstion's brows furrow as he lifted the aforementioned to level with his gaze, cursing the ineptitude of his secretary he presumed to have ruined the paper, however, it was this allure that now locked his attention to the pamphlet, now having sighted the Novellen signature adorned upon it. A swift read through its contents, along with a few more run throughs, presented a few subconscious nods as Charles seemingly approved with the information within, himself a stout adherent of Emperor Joseph's teachings; the Rights of Man. Upon concluding his perusal, he leaned back into his chair as he brought a hand to scratch at his chin as he further pondered upon the message brought on by Adrian and his pamphlet; In God's Creation of Man's equality, had he not bestowed the Mandate of Heaven upon all of His Chosen? Why did his ancestors fabricate their claim on such a mantle, only just to squander it consistently? Absolutist tendencies be damned, the same fate now affected even his distant Novellen cousins. Only the Exalted could ever claim to have achieved God's Mission directly, anymore than that, was lunacy - even the Pontiffs had proven themselves grossly fallible in their judgement. Though that was a thought the Princeling would never utter aloud. He rose at that, bringing the pamphlet to a board on the wall and securing it with a tack as a document of importance. His continued movement brought him to the nearby window, from which he gazed out at the setting of the sun, further engrossed in his thoughts; the august bodies of the aristocracy did not rule with the explicit Blessing of God, but rather the love of their constituents, the common people, in which they saw fit to establish a representative in the form of their noble leader - the Mandate of Heaven was a shared concept, not to be monopolized by one Man in his corruptible nature. How amusing, the Alstionite mused, that he would be so reinvigorated by the works of his presumed enemy, a Novellen. His mind already moving on, set on the future of Man.
  8. "God be with us." Charlie Charles Alstion muttered solemnly at the destruction of the Orenian apparatus, having partaken in the spectating of the surrender in Acre, "At least we shan't be shackled by Novellen incompetence any more. I am in utmost anticipation as to what our future may present."
  9. If a Conquest CB freezes a Tile, why doesn't a Revolution CB freeze all Nation Tiles? Seems like a no-brainer to me, then again, counter point; lotc admin moment
  10. thank for your your service o7 @M1919

  11. "There goes another chunk of the Kingdom." Charlie Charles Alstion proclaimed proudly to his fellow Printers
  12. make cloud temple float in the sky or something, seems only right
  13. "There are no cartographers better than the Orenian Man!" Charlie Charles praised aloud as he goes along his day happily as he collects the Adelsberg's latest work into his current accumulation of similar arts.
  14. Charlie Charles Alstion staggers to a knee as he is shocked by the takes of this Orenian Princess he had lumped in together as any other useless Novellen, "God is good..." he mutters quietly to himself, sweating away a bead of sweat that had been caught upon his brows, "I see on the rise, a new empire borne out of goodwill and collective security! God is good, God is good!" he further concludes aloud.
  15. The ghostly apparition of Sigismund is ready to throw hands at whatever haunts his distant grandson whenever his stupid oracle son summons him again
  16. O N T H E U N I T Y O F T H E P R I N C E S O F C A N O N D O M O R T H E P E R S O N A L T H O U G H T S O F C H A R L E S O F A A U N B Y C H A R L E S O F A A U N P R I N T E D I N G R E N Z P U B L I S H E D B Y T H E A L S T I O N I T E P R I N T I N G S O C I E T Y I N A N N O D O M I N I 'M D C C C L X X X' What is peace? An obvious answer may arise immediately to one’s mind and heart to such a simple question - it is by definition the absence of violence - but in these particularly chaotic times of the XIXth Century, this concept of supposed tranquility has become synonymous with devastation, serving only as temporary respite for the brothers of man to resume their deadly dance. Wars are fought, and treaties are made, only to cycle back into perpetual violence for whatever asinine reasons arise later on. One must wonder when enough is enough. When will they decide they’ve had enough of tearing each other asunder, of ruining families, of wasted lives once full of prospect? When will the men in their high castles finally gaze upon the ruins they have sown beneath them, having sent their fellows to lay waste on each other, so blind by the consumption of hatred for their enemy? Is this truly the path in which God has laid out for us? I write to all those of sane sensibilities, who see past the destructive tribalism that plagues our fair Race. It was not always so, what I have mentioned, there were times in our histories, in which Man kept side to side with one another in peace. Though these were unions of imperfect nature, doomed to fail at the flick of a hand, their unity nevertheless proved beneficial to understanding the potential nature of this world of ours, and what we can do to improve upon it. It has been the rule of the absolute monarchs that have squandered what could have been long lasting peace throughout the realms of Canondom, those delusional of the Horenids, the Karovics, Kaedrini, Novellen and Sarkozy. Such is our vanity, that we never once pondered on the effects the concentration of such national, cultural, power into one being can do to one's mind, bound to break their and heart consumed by the intoxication of such authority. Thus, where we had unity in the past, absolutism followed in its imperfect union over man doomed to fail, just as it does within the Kingdom of Oren upon this publication. Where may we improve where others have failed, in our quest to strive for the perfect union? It is a question unfit to be answered in totality by just one man, lest they allow their own biases and ego to force their opinion through, but, it has at least become obvious, without any doubt, that the absolutist model of rule established centuries ago is no longer governance suitable for this mortal plane. The fate of the many cannot endure any longer under the dictates of individual rulers - such an authority is reserved to God alone. Entertain my naivety for a moment; Humanity, or otherwise known in the language of our Exalted Progenitor, Oren, must adopt the practices of an elected monarch, supported by an electorate of aristocracy tasked with the shepherding of their flocks, along with the oversight of the High Pontificate. The Emperor, or Empress, must be in accordance with the Rights of Man, as well as the Scriptures of Canon to ensure the sanctity of our souls and institutions, forced to submit to the Supreme Law of the land, an Imperial Constitution, thus forming the checks and balances necessary to begin a new age of enlightened rule. And though presumptuous of I, a devout of God, to state this in my capacity as a scholarly observer, it is of my belief that the Mandate of Heaven is not, nor has ever been, derived from the abilities of a monarch, as it were in the ages of imperial past, but rather found within the Common Man themselves. As Emperors and Kings were struck down, abandoning their presumed Mandate in the process, it was the masses that persisted onwards, guided by the esteemed nobility, to ensure the continued existence of Man in manners far superior to what a single egotistic ruler could ever achieve. We must put aside our differences and unite our kind under a new Empire, a political super-entity willing and able to appreciate the differences of its citizenry, from whichever corner of the world they hail - within such where fate is freely dispensed to the ambitious, under the collected security of unification, which will do away with the pessimism of the indifferent, tyrannical and cynical. Of course, deviants will always exist, there never will be shortages of chaos lords, bandits, and the likes bent on the prosecution of their peers, or of those incapable of rendering themselves free of historical grudges, but without first taking any sort of actions against this assortment of the misguided and fools, we doom our kind to the perpetuity of wars, of devastation, and ultimately, the Void; we must Unite. It will be our adherence to the precedents of honorable conduct of our future selves that will grant our souls salvation and acceptance into the Seven Skies, a world in which we strive to establish the perfect union of man, no matter how daunting it is, no matter the accompanied hardships. There is much work to be done, but I will leave you all with these thoughts in your mind for now; Peace Be With You, Charles of Aaun
  17. i didnt know you could skype bomb discord servers in the year 2022

  18. Charlie Charles Alstion, the Alstionite, ponders on the occurrences of the decades long gone that led to this point in his existence as he read the work of Henry Penton. With a stroke of his chin, his mind wanders to the failures of the Novellen, and his own failed cause to remedy the collapse of Imperial Humanity. He grimaces, wondering why people adhered so strongly to such ineptitude that brought upon them ruination - from national humiliations to kin slayings, and God knows what else. And whatever this current petty Kingdom attempts at masquerading itself as, claiming to be progressing into the future as a new page turned over, only to truthfully be a gross imitation of the Pertinaxi that came before them - with none of the armed prowess. He sighs, believing his own failures to outweigh that of these distant cousins, for he could have stopped it all. "To have traded the mandate of heaven for the whispers of darfeyism is truly the most baffling of all!" The trounced prince concludes aloud.
  19. "Makes sense, I suppose - it'll be for the better in the end, ja? Time for the Church to take back its authority, God willing." Waldemar says to his fellow Reinmaren whilst working the fields, nodding along in agreement of his distant kin's Churchly proclamation.
  20. Waldemar the Stout spits to the side, clearly unamused by the formalization of relations with brigands and ne'er-do-well within Haense - especially ones with no qualms subverting the Kingdom's laws. "The Barutherstum complex is truly insidious." He mumbles along as he sticks a straw of wheat between his teeth, continuing his harvest in Reinmar.
  21. hey guys when do we finish the road to 500?

    1. HogoBojo


      It is a long winding road, yet one that is worth it in the end.

    2. Laeonathan


      The road to 500 was a joke all along.

      LOTC ALWAYS hit 150-250 player max the past 7 years, with one expection: The peak Covid months. Now it's back to normal and all illusions are gone.


      lotc is what it is, and I don't think we need to force it to grow much. Of course, if we could have kept the 300 average peak that would have been great - but that was never possible because it built on the fact that the same players just played more because there wasn't really anything to do in april 2020 besides gaming.

  22. "Less talking, more raiding." says the stoutly Waldemar of Waldenia to his lordly Barclays.
  23. A certain Barclay toddler chases a Pontiff around the halls of Wilheburg for more bedtime stories.
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