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Status Updates posted by Quavinir_Twiceborn

  1. ...Quick question: Where'd the glass come from?

    1. Bircalin


      An event, apparently.

    2. The Fact Core

      The Fact Core

      If Ibless eats too much chocolate, this happens.

  2. Ya' know, listenin' to the right music while browsing the forums makes everysone seem just that much more friendly. :D

  3. Ah!... Feels good to have these back!

    1. Emp


      long time no see

  4. Best. Labor Day. Ever. http://imgur.com/F4uVeJl

    1. nordicg_d


      was expecting a pic of a certain type of celeb and was disappointed

    2. KarmaDelta
    3. Boomack21
  5. Gotta go now - headin' to Dragon-Con 2014 on Friday! Take care! PRAAAIIIISEE THE SUN FELLOW ADHERENT OF SUNLIGHT! PRAISE IT!

  6. Welp... I'm going to try and give this magic plug-in a chance...

    1. Eleatic


      I wouldn't. It's just another dissapointment from an already dissapointment filled series of updates/plugins.


  8. I found out there was a secret society of almonds-- the Illuminutty.

  9. Been in an RP marriage for 6 months now... Wow...

    1. BrandNewKitten


      Time for baaabieeesss

    2. Lvke


      i hope that is the wow of sadness as u realise ur not in an irl relationship

    3. OhDeerLord


      Oh my god It has been six months.. jesus.

  10. Oh boy... Getting randomly killed again for no reason...

  11. Am I the only one timing out? OR is the server crashing?

    1. monalisa


      You are not alone here

    2. Mr. Etan

      Mr. Etan

      I'm timing out randomly too.

    3. Idiot14yearoldminecraftplayer


      some guy in ts cant play either

  12. Welp - Robin Williams kicked the bucket... RIP.

  13. And thus I begin my quest of getting alot of really really good potion ingredients.

    1. Princeton


      I have a ghast tear ;o

    2. Rassidic


      A poisonous potato makes Miner's Brew. So.

  14. Congrats Dwyn.... You're one of us now...

  15. *Goes to a clerical meeting* *Kicks the teleportation device.* "I AEM BAEST CLEREEC!"

  16. I hope the monetization clarification thing wont effect donator perks on the Server...

  17. I'm Curious: What sorts of things make up snow elf "Culture"?

    1. Aedan The Bard

      Aedan The Bard

      Nothing. I've never seen any culture rped by them other than some... resemblance with gothic medieval themes and lotsa snow and ice. Does politics count? XD

    2. Ford


      Nothing except appearance and snow and ice architecture. No culture

    3. Kardel


      they have a lore page

      too bad they never use it

  18. I've been reading the backlogged statuses of notable LOTCers. Surprisingly - theres alot of comedy in some of them....and most of it not intended.

    1. Parading


      Practice what you preach

  19. To be honest - I have no idea whats the deal with any of this drama happening... Is that a good or bad thing?

    1. Raptorious


      stay out of it, just pretend it isnt happening

    2. HuskyPuppy


      Hi everyone, how are you today?

  20. Ok - seriously. Who should I talk to to make a Graven?

    1. Jistuma
    2. Quavinir_Twiceborn


      I cant...

      He's inactive.

    3. Jistuma


      If you can't reach him, follow the lore and create your graven, but I think he's back.

      If you can't talk to him, send me a pm or talk to me in skype about the motive of your graven, so that I may see if it's one that fits the lore.

  21. Who would I talk to if I wanted to PK one of my characters into a grraven?

  22. Today eez gud day! Today I change profile peecture to PURE SERBIAHN ACCORDIAHN MAJESTEH!

    1. Draeris


      You aren't even Serbian ;(

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