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Everything posted by IrishPerson

  1. James stops in his footsteps as he turns to Leana before back to Braxis "Sadly I must agree with Leana, here. I quite simply cannot give up my family, nor my lover. They helped guide me through the times in which I was down. After my wife died along with many other events in my life. Without them I would not have found the light, been guided by it." James frowns slightly as he sighs softly. He slowly turns on his heels to face Leana once again before back to Braxis. "Much like Leana I would like to know why such a path makes us leave our loved ones? With this being said I know my faith and it is to join the clerical order and get closer to the patrons. So if it must be done, I shall do it."
  2. James Valkrae gets the letter delivered to him in his manor in Sherwood. As reads it, he smiles widely. He calls out to one of his bannermen. "Get my horse ready, please." The bannerman nods and returns with James' horse called Godwein. "Here he is, my lord." James smiles and nods. "Thank you." He mounts the horse and starts to ride towards the crossroads. He arrives at the crossroads. A smile forms on his lips as he notices other people here. He gets off of the horse and walks towards the group.Once he gets to the group he bows deeply. Before speaking. "My name is James of House Valkrae." He says as he faces Braxis. "It is a true honor to meet you, Ser." He stands there awaiting what Braxis will say next.
  3. Gawin walks into the guild hall, he glances around to make sure no one is here. No one is. A smile forms upon his lips before he walks over to the table where the applications are. As he looks down at them, his smile slowly fades and turns to frown. "Berdo." He mutters to himself. "Shame he did not listen to my advice." He mutters. He slowly turns on his heels and starts to walk away.
  4. Dewp, is gone for good.... :'(

    1. The Dragon Knight

      The Dragon Knight

      who's dewp? is that a pet you had? or a player you had?

  5. 1.6 update = horses. This will be amazing in LotC

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Galendar



    3. Tee-Tree


      What I really want in minecraft is more food and ores

    4. EmeraldStag


      Nothing has been said on what will be added, calm yo selves.

  6. What to do when a friend rages at you because you won't let there character (your child) become 20 even though they are meant to be 5.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. IrishPerson
    3. BrandNewKitten


      Mithy-poo is correct. Give him cake and sit him down over a cup of tea to discuss it.

    4. Lago


      Can't blame a guy for trying to avoid the horrific blight that is *gulp* child RP...

  7. Woah..... Okay then..

    1. IrishPerson


      I suppose I can get used to this if perhaps the font was maybe bigger or something. It is hard to see.

  8. Geo is like a machine with those VA's xD

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. lev



    3. IrishPerson
    4. Avacyn


      ... "LIKE" A machine? Please. Say it as it is.

  9. James Valkrae's five year old child is a necromancy user apparently.....

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Cyndikate


      Report him to the magic team to get his magic app revoked. No child that age should be practicing magic.

    3. Samoblivion


      She isn't really a necromancer, she was just accused by Prince Damien.

    4. Arkelos


      andddd this is whats wrong with the server, everyone jumping to conclusions when all they have is half the information.


  10. When someone makes a guide to tell you how to be nice you know that the community is in a bit of a situation ;_; On a lighter note, nice guide. Short and sweet. +1
  11. Word of DDOSing is going around. Is this true?

    1. comanderbly^


      Yes, according to Shoi

    2. Merkaken


      No, just horrible lag.

    3. IrishPerson


      Nvm just read Shoi's post.

  12. If I already have an accepted Va for a character do I need to write a minor VA for a minor evil or a mini Va for a minor evil?

    1. Raptorious


      You need to write a minor va for minor evils. But it takes less than five minutes to do so.

  13. This needs to be implemented! Please before Anthos!
  14. *nods* "Good, I would rather die then serve that man. (( We need to talk Ic xD ))
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Αμφίονας


      I will be. I just do not feel like responding to all. Anyway you might have a point though.

    3. IrishPerson


      Mhm, I have not signed due to me on the verge of leaving during the last spree of drama. If another happens I will more then likely leave, as the fun is just being taken away from the server with the drama. :/

    4. Αμφίονας


      I am not ig active at all, as well.

      I am just waiting for the antagonist.

      It took me some time but I realised this was why I joined in the first place.

  15. *James walks up to his father and speaks in a low voice so no one else can hear* Are we loyal to this false king? Or better put false Jarl?
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