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Implementation Coordinator
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Everything posted by Kaiser

  1. server needs a new host, it's always so laggy :/

    1. Major Dom

      Major Dom

      /facedesk x20 IT ISNT THE HOST

    2. Yoff


      Might wanna update us then.

    3. aron.


      ^ Telanir did. It's to do with the plugins, not the host.

  2. loving the Druid RP but they can be really slow at times :P

  3. Druids seem cool enough. Minus Matt0110110 and Cmack, they're boring

  4. Rping - lag out - FUUUUU

  5. Orc bombings on pumpkin fest - Nuclear Defense Activated -

  6. we'd love more people at the festival :) Free ale and foods!

  7. I can't connect to LOTC :(

  8. Don't click on Danny's links, they bring you to bad places :/

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sporadic


      You do realize random porn redirects usually happen because you got infected while browsing free porn sites?

    3. Kaiser


      But I don't even watch porn |:I

    4. Richard / Mikhael

      Richard / Mikhael

      ^ The biggest lie any man has ever said

  9. hope I can make a the pumpkin-fest :/

  10. nice how the hall of hero at spawn is full of donators and not actual IC heros :/

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ender_Panda13


      Hall of heroes was made for the larger donators :I

    3. Raptorious


      IC heroes should be honoured ICly by nations. Let the donators have their little thing in the cloud temple, it's not like it matters.

    4. Valorane


      Trust me, it is very difficult to RP a actual hero. Mainly because meta-gamers... So many meta-gamers...

  11. can we have 4.0 now? And do exactly what Ever said?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Volutional


      I'd recommend lower mountains. Maybe a little less on the whole realism, but still pretty pretty. :) Native did the best job with Anthos, I just wish people sustained his vision via the lore and antag, etc.

    3. Pinsir99


      I think the mountains are too low. They are snow capped but some towers go higher, which really makes no sense. The ones near Vaerhaven and the dwarves are nice though...

    4. Thats Bobo

      Thats Bobo

      I do not want a new map withing 3 months, Atleast not a map where we're not allowed to bring anything to, That makes literally no sense in rp at all, Im kind of sick of changing map, make one final....

  12. OOC is the best

  13. sometimes, when people ignore what I'm saying, I wonder if it's because they don't care, or simply because I have nothing good to say at all....

  14. I love all these mods for mine craft..... zombie mods, NPC mods, gun mods... awesome

  15. Vote, it's good for your heart.

  16. How would the community feel about a traveling candy-cart?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Kaiser
    3. Kaiser




    4. Kaiser




  17. I can't connect to LOTC, too much lag...

  18. the Halflings V Anthos page was locked because we're meant to stay IC in the RP section all the time.... I don't think the FM understands the Hallfing's aren't joking....

  19. a lot of people are online today, that's pretty kickass

  20. the server is a lot more quiet lately. We need some big events. Or maybe I just always miss them, what do I know?

    1. Major Dom

      Major Dom

      Umm... Golems are taking over the Empire of Urugan and as such will be your overlords.

    2. Ezo Karasuga

      Ezo Karasuga

      Many more smaller, local events.

  21. good thing the pumpkin-wall has Nug's 'Gobo stamp of approval'! These are the things that make LOTC still fun to log on to.

    1. Lago



    2. Ned Lud

      Ned Lud

      We carve frowny faces on the pumpkins during times of war.

  22. who's sheriff of Lenfarthing now?

    1. Hanrahan


      I think Bolo is.

    2. Free The Hobbits

      Free The Hobbits

      I'm an elder, we're still voting

    3. K00l



  23. Just another fine day witht he Hobbits, prison breaks, slime monsters, snow white, and empty rooms.

  24. I think this is the second time that Dalek has gotten in trouble for Rping something oddly creative.... Can't people just go along with the giant slime and the squid-man? It's so much fun, lore be damned.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Sorsby


      Would you consider trying to communicate with some defiant snooty roleplayer as he runs away from your 'trolly' RP fun?

      Perhaps stopping and participating would have solved your problem.

    3. Kaiser


      It's RP, if you told them to stop in RP, they can still do it because it's RP. If you asked them to stop OOCly, than they still don't have to stop, because it's RP.

    4. Cloakedsphere


      Why should I stop and RP with a squid that from my knowledge has zero accepted lore and a giant slime that was already throwing fishing poles in my face before the RP began? You are obviously getting a one sided opinions out of this.

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