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Implementation Coordinator
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Everything posted by Kaiser

  1. anyone have a good video on how to install mPM for 1.6.2 :( or 1.6.4 or what ever we're on? plzzzzzz :(

    1. mmat


      This video should provide you with the method I hope. -

    2. Kaiser


      thanks matt, I'll go watch it now

  2. Nuklo won in a tournament fight. ;)

    1. Kaiser
    2. Rassidic


      Good fight. You've got skill.

  3. server y u lag n crash?

  4. Druid's are ment to keep nature in check and balance. So a bunch of Druids break of and create unbalance. Lel

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Alan


      Pffffft..... you're probably not even really a cow, Uracow. I'll bet my money you're a walrus >:I

    3. Valon (Yokey)

      Valon (Yokey)

      Be careful, he has mad cow disease

    4. Major Tom

      Major Tom

      Cows are meant to give meat and milk to humans. So a bunch of cows get mad cow disease and infect their meat and milk. Lel

  5. Everyone complaining about how much money games are... and I'm just sitting here torrenting....

    1. Parading


      I like to support artists though... also I like to play multiplayer, single player games are boring.

    2. Gemmylou


      Doing things RIGHT

    3. Hanrahan


      "Artists". EA are "Artists."

  6. oh god I can't stop laughing
  7. Minecraft's back up for me

  8. My minecraft doesn't even say 1.6.4 is out, haha!

  9. server's down due to what? DDoS?

  10. The server isn't down for any old reason- GTA V is out, at it's obvious who ever hosts the server can't have both running. We understand

  11. I seriously question if people get VAs to make RP or to get items now....

    1. Lark


      I-I-I just wanted RP...These new peeps give Villains a bad name :(

    2. Ezo Karasuga

      Ezo Karasuga

      Itemz. Got robbed, said it creates "conflict" never seen the band of bandits ever again...wf?

  12. where do you go on this damn server to buy drugs?

  13. the 2 and a half hour moot at the grove had about 15 minutes of importance :P

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Evilbanana5757


      I remember once we had one where we argued about one topic for literally 3 hours straight.

    3. Twilight Druid
    4. Birdwhisperer


      The first one I was in lasted for 3-4 hours.

  14. anyone else have really bad lag?

  15. *Punches Augor in anger*

  16. I love LOTC but I want to punch someone sometimes

    1. Kaiser


      not a person in general, just someone

    2. Augor


      don't punch me cow, i know you love meh

  17. I love just seeing everyone yelling about ;minor lag' when I know the tech team are evily rubbing their hands together, 'All as planned' they say.

    1. Telanir


      yup yup, especially when the tech team has nothing to do with it. lololol

    2. Kaiser


      that's what they want you to think, sheeple! PAY ATTENTION!

    3. Dyn


      It makes literately no sense, therefore it is true.

  18. witht he combat plug-in, the walking corpses are FASTER than me....

  19. I mined for an hour, than fell to my death about 3 minutes out the mine... this damn 5 minute wait makes it all despawn... that sucks on so many levels...

    1. Kaiser


      aaand I'm dead again. Lol

    2. Kim
  20. te mining fatigue kinda sucks, but evevrything else is cool!

    1. SirSnowMan


      I know. Like, it's not a bad plugin, it just needs some tweaking. Especially the stamina.

  21. anyone else can't connect? Or is my connection just crap?

  22. YEEAH- Domestic magic!

  23. Eer has informed me the Halfling mine is up! Soulsand, Clay, coal, and a little Iron! I even heard there's emeralds :D Grab your shovels, guys!

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