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About cruzazul

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  1. When’s the last time anyone has seen an ST event? 

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    2. Unwillingly


      "st only do events for their friend cliques"

      which ST then? i keep seeing people echo this regurgitated opinion but not a single actual name dropped. if this is something that is so prevalent and happens so often, then you'd think that it'd be easy to name people who are on the ST solely for the benefit of their own friends, right?

      if this is something that's actually cared about for more than looking for a reason to criticize, tell management so that something can be done about it

      but in all honesty, i don't think that's actually the case. in fact, here's a list of all of the public events that have been advertised via the forums in the last few months and have been up for grabs by the broader playerbase 



      you won't get events by sitting in your city all day doing nothing and waiting for something to happen, or sprint-jumping around a city square for 4 hours straight hoping you get lucky

      if you want to be part of an event, put in the effort to look for it and reach out, and the ET will do the same for you

    3. Islamadon


      Evil Elitist ST Take:

      All the ET I know want to do events for people who actually care about the events. The hard truth is that ET are players, and they derive enjoyment from DMing... If people aren't going to treat their events with the level of seriousness or intimacy that they are seeking, then interest on their end wanes rapidly. Alot of "group" events devolve into people begging for items or just murder chimping the first NPC that appears, even if it they're essential for the plot. It's difficult to do quality events when you're handling 16 people all throwing potions.

      The notion that lore groups are fed events is a myth (t. Lector). When it does occur, it happens primarily because lore-minded people care about the lore and have reasons to be RPly involved with the greater cosmos than John Ironsword. If we look at the recent Silverblade event line, of course it would be fed to the Paladins because the quest giver is acting as a representative of Xan and other Aenguls.

    4. DrakeHaze.


      I personally haven't seen an event IC, but I've also played only 2ish weeks on this map, all my friends are dead and have to start making connections with a bunch of characters again to get a grasp on wtf has even happened on this map. Its difficult to get into the swing of things again when most players are in settlements across the map but i assume most events take place outside of them physically so chances of you just stumbling on one are slim. As for the forums... holy fk i can't navigate them, half of recent posts dont even showup under recent.

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