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Everything posted by Cooliomafia

  1. Can there be like a function implemented where you can type in a command and it tells you how many times you've been smitten upon the server? I think I'd have the highest count by far.

  2. Oooh, I really enjoy this form of the rewrite and how it's taken a less dark approach, though will it have any connections with Puppetry at all?
  3. when you spent 6 hours RPing with you and ONE other person... there goes my saturday. 

  4. Sick of hearing this hakuna matata motto,

    From people who won the lotto,

    We're not that lucky.

    1. Argontum


      Hakuna matata

    2. Cjmate


      I won black tea in raffle. Hakuna matataaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

  5. +1!!!! Really good lore, and I fully support this magic making a comeback.
  6. Hey everybody. I got an Elven daughter that needs to be played! Hmu on Skype if you're interested. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cooliomafia
    3. Space


      wtf you want someone to make a big commitment and play your character but don't wanna put effort into it smh

    4. Cooliomafia
  7. +1, really interesting lore, good job!

    1. Violino


      Tbh... I laughed every time he spoke up tonight, haha! I'm still laughing!

    2. Kardel
  9. Wait for them to ask you which alts you know...

  10. Literally not even fair, wtf.
  11. Target acquired. 

  12. hi mom

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Cooliomafia
    3. Matheus


      if i can guess your son coolio's age, can i get a really, really quick kiss?

    4. Moochael


      I think we have prank invasion over here

  13. I really like the idea and the concept, I would like to see Shade Magic being used more often, and hopefully this rewrite will help. +1
  14. Yes yes yes, I really want to play one of these as I've looked to playing a male variant of a Dryad for a while now, and I really enjoy the concept and the ideas that revolve around it. Although they may be very similar to Dryads they definitely take on their own role in nature and can definitely hold their ground as a significant race, a HUGE plus 1 from me!
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