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Everything posted by WuHanXianShi14

  1. If I might just refer you to; Not all wood elves need to have been descended from the ancient seeds. You'll note all I want is for them to have existed at some point (not even representing all wood elves at the time, possibly) so we (the group who RPs being descended from them) can canonically go out and find archeological evidence of them. If you want to ignore them, that's perfectly fine. Don't stifle our RP opportunities because of it, either way it won't affect you. You're being a tad self-absorbed, frankly. I sense a bit of OOC hostility here given events that transpired in RP. Especially since you've completely missed the point. Making the ancient Seeds canon doesn't in any way force all wood elves to follow the culture I've built? I fail to see how that correlates? Ultimately it's an IC choice, whatever is canon. "This is the equivalent of me playing a High elf paladin, believing that all Mali'aheral should be paladins and should worship xan, and then trying to write lore that said they always did and they never had any other belief system. " I mean...seriously? Have you read my post? I have stated that all I want is for the Ancient Seeds to at one point have existed, All other facts/details remaining purposefully vague and undiscovered. At no point did I say I was forcing it on everyone who RP'd a wood elf, and there are plenty of options for you to go down still for your wood elf characters history if you don't want to go down that route.
  2. Hi. I'm resubmitting a piece of lore I wrote awhile ago. https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/136951-%E2%9C%97-lore-era-of-the-seeds/?page=4 It was conditionally denied on the basis that LT members were going to sit down and work with me to help make it fit into lore. But, they never approached me. So, with changes in the LT lead I'm giving it another shot. Before you judge, I want the LT to know my intention isn't to canonize every minute detail, historical figure and legend. Only to establish the most basic fact: Seeds existed at some point. This will give us groundwork to possibly go out and discover archeological evidence of them ICly and help enrich our RP. The era in which they existed and in what capacity they operated I am completely willing to tweak and adapt to fit into current canon elf lore. With that said I'll simply re-post what was written on my last attempt: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Essentially, I would like This Following Piece of Lore to be adapted into the canonical history of the elves. If you didn't read the whole thing, I'll sum it up for you. From the time of Malin's disappearance and when the mali'ker and mali'aheral split off the main body of elves, to the founding of Laurelin in Aegis, the mali'ame lived in many tribal bands called 'Seeds' which roamed about the forests of ancient Malinor. These seeds RARELY skirmished with one another and were very un-united, conflicts, when they happened, were rarely bloody These seeds worshipped the Aspects as their chief dieties, and revered Malin- seeing themselves as the last true followers of his teachings The ones who held the most influence over the ancient Wood elf seeds were druids, purely wood elven at the time. Wood elves were capable of great feats of tree farming, growing groves called "ame'llie" where they harvested specially grown trees with special properties (much like one would selectively breed corn, or bananas over thousands of years to make them edible, wood elves would do the same with trees to make their bark/wood softer or harder and etc) The Era of the Seeds would have been LARGELY PEACEFUL. I put emphasis on Watylls writing, which was during an era of great turbulance, but most of this millenia long era was peaceful, with very little fighting. Please do not refuse to confirm or deny this as canon. I implore the LT to sit down with me and help me implement this into server lore. I have poured many hours into making the wood elves interesting and distinct, culturally, and it means a lot to me. I would appreciate the time, recognition and trust to be let in on at least some that hidden elf lore and have a hand in shaping the playerbase I've worked so hard in building. We're the only major race that lacks a solid "origin story". In fact, we know little to nothing about actual ancient wood elf history, since the lore team keeps it largely secret from us. This is a big deal. It may seem trivial to you, but when a playerbase puts a lot of effort into the history/culture and origins of a place and gets told none of it is canon, it can be seriously demoralizing and can anger them. Look at what happened when Oren was told Aeldin wasn't real, and to RP it as simply a made up story IC. It ruins the point, it takes the fun out of it. Think what a big and important role other race's origin stories and ancient history play into their cultures and day-to-day RP. The Kha and Metzli's creation of them is absolutely integral to their RP. The high elves, with their golden pools which also form a super important part of what gives them personality and differentiates them. The Dwarves, who historically have Khorvad's empire and a ton of rich ancient history lore to base their RP off of. While I don't know how much of ancient orc history is known, they have so much lore behind them in Shamanism (an exclusive racial magic, mostly) and so many spirits and such which gives orc culture builders like ilikefooddude a huge pool of knowledge to enrich his playerbase with, something wood elves simply don't have right now. Knowing your race's ancient origins and history can help immeasurably in enrichening even the most mundane of RP. Now, I know that even if it what we poured our efforts into isn't canon, we could RP the history we've spent so much time fleshing out as "IC belief" (which sucks. see: aeldin), however- it generally means more when we know something actually happened canonically, that we didnt just OOCly invent a bunch of stories so we could have a clumsily thrown together culture, but instead contributed to actually writing a part of server lore, something we can work off of to make our daily RP all the more meaningful. Please don't just instantly shut me down and dismiss this. This means a lot to me and a lot of other wood elf RPers that we be given the means to flesh out our culture more.
  3. Anyone else having trouble logging into their accounts?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. WuHanXianShi14


      I mean your account, by the way, not just LOTC. I can't log in to either of mine despite entering the correct info, this has been persisting for days now.

    3. Moochael


      Not really, but I would like to point out I thought that your profile picture was Patrick (from spongebob) before I further inspected it.

    4. Space


      no maybe it's a cosmic force telling your something leowarrior

  4. I like your guide, its content, and the thought behind it! I have some improvement suggestions for you though, (albeit, the fault isnt in you. it's in your readers). Most of our attention spans are short! You should bold, italicize and/or underline the most key sentences and points so people who are just skimming this over (as most will) can get the main point of your guide without sitting down to read it. In an ideal world everyone would read the whole thing from beggining to end in full detail, but the sad truth is we're a fickle, easily distracted generation. Again, I like the guide. Just offering my two cents.
  5. Mali'aheral - High Elf Mali'thill - Pure High Elf Pretty sure that's how it goes. Matter's so trivial seems pointless to bring it up anyway, tbh.
  6. like Grimreaper said, this lore offers absolutely no combat or power advantage (it'd be impractical to use in combat) and exists SOLELY FOR CEREMONY AND CULTURAL PURPOSES seriously what's y'alls problem if you gotta nitpick this
  7. I'd offer my support but given my position in RP It's sort of a given. Of course I'd be down for druids to have more power to drive some more interesting RP.
  8. The descendant races of the four brothers go through a cataclysmic event every two weeks or so. At this point it's like "honey what's that rumbling outside the window?" "oh it's just a rain of locust and blood dear. I'm sure it'll blow over, just like that storm of ash and that one giant world destroying ice dragon." No more worldly destruction events please, there was a point where we reached a rate of diminishing returns on their enjoy-ability and poignancy.
  9. No, not one person. Moreso a mid-sized core group of people who've been invested in it for at least a couple of months. As opposed to the people who have neither been invested or a part of the playerbase at all, telling us what we do and don't need.
  10. Why do people feel the need to argue with me about what's best for the wood elven culture? Not everything has to have a grand purpose. Making offerings to pagan shrines is a big part of wood elf culture, so are making and wearing spiritual charm-like things. For example, naelurir druids wear a necklace of beads to show their devotion to the aspects, which each bead representing how many tasks they've done to gain attunement. Giving the wood elves something to wear, like a bone charm, and giving them spiritual/cultural reasons behind to wear it would do bounds for wood elven culture. And to be perfectly frank I don't think anyone who isn't in my position has a right to say "no it won't" as only a few people have been working so hard and been so attuned to what does and doesn't click with the wood elven playerbase for so long. So why will this lore benefit aspect/wood elf RP? Well, it may sound arrogant and harsh, but it's simple. Because I say it will, and on this topic, I know better than you.
  11. As the proginator of contemporary wood elf culture, I believe this lore would have some long term effects which adds depth to our culture which will affect a whole lot of people.
  12. I like anything that brings more depth to Aspect lore. +1
  13. Anyone good at largescale nature builds? HMU

    1. Zindran


      *raises hand*

    2. Kaun


      I am but Comcast is still a ******.

  14. Locking the topic as per OP's request.
  15. This current Guild has been deemed inactive and has hereby been moved. If you wish to appeal this decision you must present evidence to myself proving the guild is still active.
  16. shits whiter than a pumpkin spice latte, drawn on a whiteboard, with chalk, during a snowstorm

    1. big narstie

      big narstie

      haha I chuckled that was really funny............................

  17. Artimec is now in the festive spirit :DDDDDDDD

    1. Imam Faiz Kharadeen
    2. Crowbill


      Dafuq are you saying to me, faiz!?

  18. Please do not post unless you are a leader of the factions involved. I will start doling out warns if it continues.
  19. That's what we're doing regardless. Our aim isn't to canonize every single minute detail, historical figure and legend. It's simply to set it up so there was a time period when wood elves lived in forest tribes. A base setting to which everything else can develop.
  20. Urasept has given his verdict, so I'll be locking this thread as further discussion is pointless. From what I understand, we're waiting on Pandann's statement now.
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