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- Aether VIP -
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Status Updates posted by LPT

  1. How to turn off snowflakes (Only works for one page at a time, have to do it manually, sorry folks):

    Press F12, look for <div class="snowfall-flakes" and spam the delete button untill you see no mroe snowflakes

  2. I almost forgot! It’s day 14 of informing the people of LoTC that the front page graphic hasn’t been updated in 7 years.

    1. Arafel


      I get reminded of the goblin in the back cover of Pathfinder 2e's Core Rulebook any time I see it.

  3. I am NOT being held at knifepoint to tell you to apply for GM... (Apply for GM)

    1. HurferDurfer1


      no thanks id like to keep my spine

  4. I changed my location and user title to more validate my 1 for Geo

    1. Geo



    2. LPT


      Maighstir noticed me! :D

  5. I definitely totally DONT want any more rep pls don't give me any more. for srs guys like don't I DO NOT want any more please, i beg of you to not. ;)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Matheus
    3. LPT


      Now that the persons status about not wanting rep is gone my meme is a bit outdated. Quite possibly the worst aged meme of history.

    4. Kaelan


      Memes come and go. It's the cycle of memes.

  6. I filled out the app for forum rank. Can I get my aether back, please?

  7. I have good news. @itdontmattahas told me if we have a design he will change the front page. He said it in less nice words, but any progress is good progress!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Scuba


      you disrespect your ancestors if you change the front page, it is an aegis and vestige to their memories fool, if it changes LoTC will be forever cursed

    3. LPT


      @ScubaAnthos * + Ratio 

    4. itdontmatta


      @Anorebro I massaged you back

  8. I have homework due, and I'm at home, best day to grind my woodworking craft, while I sit idle waiting for all of it to finish


    1. Travista


      Sounds scarily similar to my life.

    2. Crowbill


      I sadly know the feel...

  9. I have two projects for two different classes worth 15, and 30% of my final mark, haven't started them yet. : ' ' ' ' )

  10. I just made an elf kiss an Orc's feet for disrespecting him... Who says Orcs don't RP.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. LPT


      @WuHanXianShi14 Two words. MAXIMUM AIRFLOW. Name one other person who can intake as much air with his. Airflow/60 is through the roof on that kid.

    3. WuHanXianShi14


      ya ok wake me up when the leafs win a playoff series this decade or win anything at all with more than 6 teams in the league

    4. LPT


      @WuHanXianShi14 @me when you can make the playoffs or win a cup... Ever

  11. I lose my Aether VIP on the forums, but I still have it in-game. How do I request to get it back on here?

  12. I miss the quality server killing me because I got stuck from lag. High quality.


  13. I must say that ban report was very lack luster.... 2/7

  14. I need someone to make me a skin, I can pay $5 USD

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. LPT


      lol, most people take money. I can how much?

    3. Reeg_


      I'll send you some of my other skins tomorrow and then we can talk about that. I tried sending them earlier but the files are too large. 

    4. LPT


      Okay, you can always upload them to Imgur

  15. I want to listen to rap right now, but I have my nice headphones that have very nice trebble, but like no bass or I have my awful bass muddy headset. I need to buy some hip hop headphones or something. Anyone know any decently HiFi ones for under 60 CAD? I'm poor


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. LPT


      One pair is 30 bucks, the other is 4 years old and partially broken. You can have good headphones on a budget m8

    3. Smaw


      Just Sennheiser anything.

    4. LPT


      I was thinking senheiser, but their headphones are hit and miss for me, I'll look at a few and see if I can get a sample of them

  16. I wasn't worried about the quality of RP these youtubers would have/bring until I saw they allow a duck person

    1. OhDeerLord


      If this is how they are trying to show off our server this is bullshit

  17. I will say Dwarven keeps have been made to withold a siege that's for sure. Looking at the map it's going to be one hell of a time trying to  siege that from almost any angle. One angle is a choke point between trees, the other is a steep hill at water...

  18. I will say, thank you for makign this TS meeting, even if nothing comes from it it's a start

  19. I will temporarily cease posting about how long I've been telling people (15 days) it's been 7 years since the front page is updated because I've seen promising progress. If that progress doesn't continue I will be louder than ever. 

    1. satinkira


      be afraid, staff

  20. I WOULD LIKE TO REPORT AN ABUSIVE MOD, BEAST : https://gyazo.com/fb11b899ba654ef1371a2706af88a128

  21. I'll play a  human or elven child (6-10) if you want one.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. sophiaa




    3. BritBritt


      Lowkey if you don't want to wait got a skin ready for a kiddo, but it is a girl so no one wants to play her. She is pretty and an elf! 

    4. LPT


      @BritBritt Sorry, but I aint about that genderbend stuff. 

  22. I'm holding mass(church) in 30 minutes at Felsen. I hope you can attend, afterwards I'll be holding confession


  23. I've decided today Chernobyl is on the top of places I want to visit.

    1. Ambduscias


      It seems like a pretty cool place despite all the media bullshit that surrounds it. Look into what things would be like after Humanity is gone.

    2. the 1 bow
    3. Ambduscias


      Yeah, I think I slit my wrists by accident on my space bar.

  24. If I donate 5000 dollars does my donation cancel out the god package? I need to know for the future.

    1. Heero


      You positive you don't want to ask and make sure first if your acceptance onto the board of directors of Tythus LTD. is guaranteed in the 'God package'?

    2. Tythus


      IDK Looks like 8008135 to me

    3. LPT


      Heero has a point, how much for the vote power to get CEO?

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