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Status Updates posted by CptShoelace

  1. I want 4.0 anyone else

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Uboob ~Taron Geminine~

      Uboob ~Taron Geminine~

      I would rather they spend as much time on it as needed, to ensure it's not going to break the server on release.

    3. Uboob ~Taron Geminine~

      Uboob ~Taron Geminine~

      I would rather they spend as much time on it as needed, to ensure it's not going to break the server on release.

    4. Mankaar


      Well Plugins seems to be the main issue atm but don't quote me on that, I'm guess around the middle of June now.

  2. might make a new character any suggestions what i should do?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. CosmicWhaleShark


      Wood elves are pretty versatile for a base race.

    3. _Jandy_


      make an orc!

    4. Zezimus


      A peasant boy of Owynswood

  3. I still can't figure out what to make for a new character. lol idk why im stressing over this so much


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. _Jandy_


      Play a halfling homie

    3. BrandNewKitten


      Instead of looking for a race choose a specific weapon or magic that you want to identify your character by. Then look up concept art for either of those and choose a character based off an image you like or one that inspires you.

    4. Naj


      Or just come by the edict thats where a bunch of the oldies went.

  4. Some people on this server are retarded

    1. Dr. Ducky-D

      Dr. Ducky-D

      I highly suggest not making comments like this... if you feel someone has done something wrong then you can Ban Report them with evidence... but that should try to be avoided :l

    2. Nug


      someone's mad.

    3. CptShoelace


      Well when people get banned over the slightest thing happening it'a annoying

  5. Im sorry lotc

    1. ryno2
    2. DrakeHaze.
    3. CptShoelace


      ill tempered me getting dug into a deep hole

  6. Everytime i try to log in to lord of the craft i get booted out any way to fix it?

    1. Space


      Disable server textures maybe

    2. James


      Disable server textures or use 1.8.1 if your not.

    3. CptShoelace


      thanks that worked

  7. I can't make up my mind of what to do for a new character. 


    1. Vege


      stauntbcks employee, 5000 minas per week

    2. Wrynn


      just do a normal human/whatever and then develop him from there


    3. Papa Liam

      Papa Liam

      Do homeless RP, it's pretty fulfilling. 


    1. EmeraldStag
    2. aron.


      I was the Grand Merchant for a day, once, as a human character.

  9. wow covering up your tracks by deleting my status update shame

    1. KarmaDelta


      RIP Shoelace and missing the meeting.

    2. CptShoelace
  10. Want to make an orc. don't know what i would do as one lol

    1. ThumperJack


      I suggest joining a clan first off, from there it's fairly easy to get into roleplay.

    2. CptShoelace
  11. why is it so hard to find someone to teach blacksmithing

    1. rukio


      Most people just say they learned it

    2. BDanecker


      Bro you were in my forge like last week monkey

  12. Any Dwarven lore that I can do? REALLY BORED

    1. SodaiKamikaze


      Yes. Clergy Lore about damned souls of powerful, evil beings that summon demons to plague the lands. That we will later kill.

  13. School Go home you're drunk

    1. Heff


      home drunk go home your school

    1. Tirenas


      Your last three status updates have been this same thing. Please stop spamming it.

  14. Hey go check out my trial GM application. Make LOTC a great place to be. https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/134866-shoelaces-gm-applicatioin-cptshoelace/

    1. Altiak


      Make LoTC great again.

  15. Dear god I just looked when i joined. Those 3 1/2 years don't feel like it.

    1. iris1612


      I feel you

  16. Looking to make a page/squire character felt like this was the best way to ask around

  17. I have a right to express my opinion

  18. This server needs updates

  19. Unfair just unfair

  20. Master Engineer how may i be of service

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