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Everything posted by yopplwasupxxx

  1. The Northern Commonwealth of Haense, underneath the Holy Kingdom of Oren, experienced victory on many fronts, establishing rightful human dominion over the lands. But amidst the chaotic battles against a variety of rogue imperialists, there was one exceptional faction. The hold of Nerrezza. For long had the Commonwealth been friendly to them, tolerating the various provocations they made towards the Kingdom itself and its Northern Vassals beyond the Picatoris. The naive trust from the government to the sellsword Faolains was rewarded by betrayal. Under the influence of coin, the Faolains fought their own kin and blood on the side of the Dwedmar. The Commonwealth, God willing, would swallow the slight of the Faolains no longer, classifying the Faolains as a threat to civility in the North and as race traitors who deserve NO MERCY. The pounding sounds of war-drums came as a surprise to both the people of the Commonwealth and Nerrezza, but it was generally believed it was a justifiable choice. The mercenary ways of the Faolains would be forcefully removed, their inbred greed for coin banished from rightful Orenian Lands. May they live among the Dwedmar, who are willing to pay for dishonorable support. WARCLAIM Type of Battle: Pillage Time & Date: 5PM EST, Saturday, March 14th Attacking Forces: The Northern Commonwealth + Allies Defending Forces: The Hold of Nerrezza + Allies Location and Boundaries: The Nerrezza plot in its entirety. Terms of Victory: Victory for attacking team: Loot the hold for 1 hour Victory for the defending team: If the attackers are defeated, Nerrezza cannot be war-claimed for 1 month. Rewards: To be negotiated. Rules: Server rules No team killing No fake statuses No returning to battle No meta-gaming Tnt enabled No underground fort modifications prior to this post. All additional fortifications must be on ground level or above. Starting now, no items may be moved from Vaerhold and its adjoining structures.
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AGiantPie


      that breach of trust though

    3. AGiantPie


      Also kind of funny he thinks the entire rest of the server is factions tho lel

    4. yopplwasupxxx


      wasnt me who leaked it

  2. who is menarra, could someone pls explain

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. mitto


      menarra is a cool guy who knows a lot about lore and was a gm, therefore he became the admin for the lore team, to everyone's disdain.

    3. knightly11 | lotc_fox

      knightly11 | lotc_fox

      a druid who until very recently was a gm but now he's the lore admin or some sh** and now some people are mad. i think

    4. Nug


      been gm for a while kinda off and on and now adminerino

  3. ik faiz's alt msg me for info

  4. Aesterwald the great and POWERFUL

  5. And so the die is cast!

  6. muh fort indagolaf : ((((;
  7. aryans always win in the end

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Kickstarted and Running
    3. Imam Faiz Kharadeen

      Imam Faiz Kharadeen

      Sieg Heil! Sieg Heil! Die Herrenrasse der arischen wird sich durchsetzen! Es gibt kein Anhalten der Herrenrasse!

    4. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      Google translate is a sin

  8. did kowaman die or something

  9. chile chocked big time

  10. Cyndikate, the elves didn't deny the warclaim. They just wanted to bring allies. Is there anything wrong with that?? I don't think so??????????????????
  11. The only reason there is all these raids is not because of "such many rps about how we h8 other faction!!!!" but rather because that nation leaders just don't like the other said faction OOCly or whatever. I've never seen any RP leading up to this war besides "omg its oren, dirty nazi scum!!" and "mirtok conspiricy!!!!" Warclaims after warclaims have been denied, to which I don't understand. This war is just to prove who has the bigger ****, as each side is bent on destroying the other faction. Just have an open field battle and get it over with. Also, back to the topic. I agree with it +111111
  12. the last rat event made me cry
  13. why dont you just read the books

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. nordicg_d


      reading is for nerds

    3. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      I read the books, but I still want Pedro Pascal to go Ham.

    4. SirSnowMan


      Because both are great

  14. that was a fun battle

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