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A Spooky Witch

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156 Brilliant

About A Spooky Witch

  • Birthday 10/04/1993

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    This Place in My Mind

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    Poppy Roatan Evocress (Loté Aeth'ahern), Vi'lya Puerokar

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  1. This is so loaded with emotion I don't even know where to begin with my response to this. I'm ashamed to say how ignorant I was of how this kind of culture was happening on the server. You can say I was living under a rock, or just that I've been so focused on the surface of the server that I am quite literally blind to everything else. This genuinely makes me so happy that I'm not part of any staff teams to deal with this fuckery. That being said, I'm so happy and honestly, pretty emotional, that this is being talked about and being advocated for in such a direct way now knowing how much it hasn't been. I started playing on this server since before I graduated high school, and I cannot imagine being in the position of some young boy or girl coming on here and being accosted by people who are supposed to help build up and sustain a community. I know what it's like to be in a position of little power, and it's scary and it LIVES with you long into your life. There were traumas in my life, predatory in nature, that I experienced as a child, and I was lucky enough to have adults to go to to help me get through it. It's still hard, it's still a scar, but it's manageable. It hurts so much to tears to know that there are people children who are going or went through the exact same thing, and very literally have few to no people to turn to. No adults to step in and give them a hug and say that everything is going to be okay, no one to just enter in a simple command to remove this person from the platform and take just one ounce of worry away. At the end of the day, this is a simple website, run by simple civilians who can gate-keep the community (in the good way, not the dickish way) to keep kids safe. I'm an adult playing on a minecraft role playing server, and as an adult I'd like to say that this really is that simple. The people who run this are not the FBI, they're not law enforcement. Taking action to protect your community isn't acting in accordance to the law. They don't have to be the law to ban someone from playing on this server or visiting this website! If anything warrants sending information to proper authorities, then maybe there should be some kind of task team to get information from the person making the complaint, and giving them proper contact information to local authorities to help. It's all just a click away and a short google search to find phone numbers and tip-lines. They just have to be the adults protecting the children who come on here from predators who would take advantage of them! Take the law out of the equation for just a moment, and just ban. JUST. BAN.
  2. I've crawled out of hiding for the first time in like 4 years, I'll actually be back here and there. Changed my profile and IGN, and am in the discord so if we've RP'd in the past and you'd like to again, hit me up while I study!

  3. I read it, twice, and it's very confusing. He is right however, a plague spreading through mosquitoes isn't really a thing as they don't really cross contaminate blood. It isn't an easy thing in nature for mosquitoes to spread a plague that isn't a parasite (I.e other diseases that are more commonly spread by insects such as mosquitoes). The arrows would make sense if he just bled himself out and collected his own diseased blood in a jar instead of using mosquitoes, or even if he used the rat that you mentioned to spread the plague. The mosquitoes just make it more confusing and a little less... believable.
  4. Question... Where did the plague even come from? Mosquitoes don't carry plague and if they do you might want to specify that. Or did the homeless beggar have it? There are a few things you may want to clarify in this.
  5. How does one go about making a Lift.. I am eager to know please and thank you.

    1. Ever


      It's been awhile, but isn't it just two signs with [Lift] on it? One below/above, the other at 'ground' level.

    2. A Spooky Witch

      A Spooky Witch

      Worked! Ty!


  6. This is the only time I have ever felt a strong desire to blow up the forums with bullshit. Calmness.. and Tranquility...


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. A Spooky Witch

      A Spooky Witch

      I would say exactly what is going on, hell I'd GLADLY take a warning for it, but I cannot say. I'm more than positive that the matter will be discussed publicly soon. Gods know if the staff doesn't talk about it someone else will.

    3. Archbishop
    4. Raita Arashi

      Raita Arashi

      Amen sista  <3

  7. Can Alchemist Fuel not be a thing? Like damn it

  8. Does anyone use journeymap? And have you gotten it working with 1.9.4 yet? This **** is so damned unstable.

    1. Equinox


      Yes, and no.

      Its currently 1.9, you probably download the vault skin thinking it was a full download. :[



  9. Gnomes plz +1 Seriously, yes. The idea of creature lore for gnomes is long over due!
  10. How long do I know until my citizenship app gets accepted with Sanctuary?

    1. EdgyMagey


      Is sanctuary still a thing lol

    2. JEEGK


      Haha, you're not getting into Sanctuary, you're stuck with me in laurehlin >:D

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