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Status Updates posted by Cjmate

  1. Building messy medieval in fallout 4 

  2. End of the war is shaping up to be 

    cool. I like the look of all these mini 

    nations. Maybe future warclaims

    will be smaller too and reduce lagg. 

    1. Violino


      I appreciate this perspetive. 

    2. Jonificus
  3. idk how to pick this game back up after so long.


    1. Ford


      Make a new char. 

    2. Arashiha


      ^that, and just jump right into it. ((Whispers, and be a little forceful with introductions, otherwise, you'll be ignored more often than not.))

  4. Is there a way to store a few items before the next map transfer? I remember that used to be a thing. 


    1. Unwillingly


      last map we had the ability to pick a few items to bring over, dunno what they’re planning to do this map tho. could still be able to bring items, or can’t bring any, dunno

  5. How do you get podzol?



      You can buy it from GMs, or exchange your dirt for podzol.

  6. Such a beautiful face...I vant to lick it!

  7. And all of the whores and politicians will look up to me and say, "Help me, Pixis!"...And i'll say, "Noooooooooo."

  8. Anyone got Lenfarthing pictures by chance?

    1. NotEvilAtAll


      Better yet, I have the whole village thanks to @Hobbs_Burrows 

    1. thesmellypocket


      I love the way it actually means "The war is over" but Hitler says "My time has come"

  9. Why is Dunamis warclaim cancelled? 

    1. ShameJax


      Oren didn't do the RP first, then when they finally got to it the Caliphate denied them passing through.

  10. Some of these faction pvp groups are more threatening than any antag server can put through.

    1. ShameJax


      give dunamis harbinger plugin ploz

  11. How do you edit banners in lotc?

    1. Pureimp10


      Right click a crafting bench with a banner in hand

  12. The downside of throwing a knife is that you no longer have a knife. 

    1. marimbamonk


      True dat, true dat.

  13. Are there dogs in lotc? Haven't seen any since the Fringe. 

    1. Space


      Yep, you can get them still.

  14. ck2 for 6 hours straight...loss track of time.

    1. EndCallCaesar


      This post is too real. #IKnowTheFeel

  15. Rickon only got one line this season. A straight line. 

    1. ImpinAintEZ


      And maybe a total of 10 for the show. Just have to shake my head... and cry...

  16. So much strip mining under Felsen. People too lazy to go to mine. 

    1. Neri


      No wonder it lags so horrifically!

  17. Times flies by when ypu're sick. Been sleeping almost nonstop for the past day.

    1. Reeg_


      Been there. And then when you finally wake up it's like: 


  18. Return the slaaaaab....or suffer my


    1. Swgrclan


      The way King Ramses was animated in that show was, and is, genuinely unnerving

  19. idk what to do or where to go

    1. NotEvilAtAll


      play a halfing? That's a thing you can do

  20. I wish I could build MC for a living. 

  21. Is there an Anthos map download? 

    1. Kvasir


      make a post in the support section

  22. I can't handle these weekly warclaims. gimme break pvp commoonity. 

    1. Cjmate





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