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Everything posted by Dizzy771

  1. I have 15k minas and some aengelic smithed warhammers..... I should hire a skinner.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. OhDeerLord
    3. Shar'ku/jenspelao


      hmmm i bet you spent a lot of time grinding, or spawning in some books of blacksmithing

    4. DrakeHaze.



  2. Just realized that when I made the status update about the new rule in the mine world people where requesting a post for it. RIP. Anyways, whenever we update rules like that, check the current rule pages first. I edited that particular rule into the bottom of the villainy page. It saves space rather then having tons of new posts

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. James


      Thank you

    3. CosmicWhaleShark


      Maybe in the future, provide the link to the thread the addition is on, to avoid confusion.

    4. _Jandy_


      Can my question be answered plox :D

  3. Okay, few things here. 1. A caution to some of the woodelves. The attitude you took with Raelplayer as a member of staff just trying to moderate a situation was rather poor. It's not doing you any favors and I don't want to see this again. 2. Failure to heed "tribute" is a very poor reason for war. I understand you are Orcs and all, but that doesn't mean you are in any way above a server rule more then anyone else. The matter of officials being killed however seems perfectly reasonable. If there is any issue with said reason, they can be PM'd to me and I will investigate the matter. 3. I'm locking this thread. Quit with the OOC, contact each other on skype or through PM's and have the final resolution brought to a GM so this thread can be updated. 4. This thread will be cleared of all posts but the OP to keep it clean for the war. You have an hour to save whatever argument you had on here if you really need it.
  4. New rule added to villainy: No villainous acts may be preformed inside of the mine worlds. This includes banditing, murder, theft, and so forth

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ausbrig renegade
    3. Tirenas


      Yeah, please make a post.

    4. Arkelos


      I would have missed this if someone didn't say anything about it in my chats. Pls make forum post.

  5. New admins! Woooo!

  6. InfamousGerman has insulted mine honor. Pistols at dawn m8

    1. James


      I pray for you dizzy. Get him.

    2. InfamousGerman


      forgive me! am didn't mean to! was for banter!

  7. ((Just making some clarification for this point, not actually involving myself in this WC. The navy itself was originally constructed and maintained mainly by Zahrer Irongrinder (Josh3738) not the kingdom of Urguan. He moved the boat in RP, as was his right as the builder, owner, and maintainer of the ship. If you want to know exactly what the RP was to move the ship.... well... its the RP in this post actually https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/123192-into-the-west/. This does mean that no, the ship will not be required to return, but neither will it be present for the battle.))
  8. relocking post. I will also be asking an unaffiliated moderator to come and survey the area to decide if TNT can be denied for the battle or not. Expect a post by them on here shortly.
  9. William died for our sins

  10. (ಥ‸ಥ)

    1. Dizzy771


      My voice kinda hurts now

    2. Aryon


      on the bright side I think you're a cool Gm now, so congratulations

    3. Dizzy771
  11. Server is up, sorry 'bout that guys

  12. In other news, someone just world edited in 21 million purple glass. RIP server

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Aerdun


      Ohhh so that's why.

    3. osumanduas


      Lel, the dwarven mountains were high enough to not be affected

    4. Aandie


      give us a name

  13. ((I will be monitoring this thread, please post only if you have express permission. Also, as a clarification, this particular warclaim is capable of skipping some stages as it originates within the dwarves themselves. Its a sort of civil war (with antag backing) if you will. If the dwarves decided to siege Khaz'Ardol they could also skip right to the siege if they wished. If the dwarves do not feel this is fair, then I am certain something can be resolved through civil discussion))
  14. Thanks to anyone who watched the Livestream Q&A about the undead. I will be posting the audio file soon for those of you who couldn't make it and are still curious

  15. They've been spoken behind closed doors and out in the open. From skype chats to team speak. What are you rambling about you crazy bastard, you might say? Your opinion of course! Flat out, tell us what you want from LotC. It can be anything, from changes in the server to just what kind of RP you want to see! Just fill out this form here https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1psCzmjYwoRnndBUMw5rRWAF2ABfhWV4GI6ocN0AYQs8/viewform

  16. For those of you lost on how to find all of the voting websites, just click the banners in Tythus's latest voting post https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/116398-voting-has-changed/

  17. They are designed to be arms capable of being controlled by mortals, not machines like Golems. Use one as a shield at your own risk, one good strike from a mace and you gotta replace your arm
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