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Creative Wizard
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Status Replies posted by Matheus

  1. If you were a rapper what would your name be?

  2. incoming haenseti screetching inbound

  3. Excited to join the LOTC community! <3

  4. A1N90lV.png


  5. getting coronated on the same day Donald j trump is being inaugurated I feel blessed

  6. Pokémon Sun's incredible so far, I'm beyond impressed.

  7. When will you give us the results of the Lostwriwe thing? I want my pixels

  8. [*] For your LM ambitions

  9. cringiest pick up line go

  10. come into my humble abode, m'luscious m'lady

  11. am i allowed to post my nudes on the forums?

    1. Matheus


      if ur kebab beard is long enough to cover male genitalia 

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  12. does anyone have a link to the lotc months and days or whatever the **** theyre called if you do i need it please

  13. LF a writer to help me write something, will pay

  14. Secondary character ideas.

  15. spell icup

  16. Ale, między nami, nie rób przy niej tego, co ostatnim razem, podczas kolacji.

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