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Status Updates posted by hoodmaster906

  1. Why is it that none of the kingdom go north? I mean sure the bad demons live there but you could fortify it right?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. hoodmaster906


      Well could I rebuild the castle in the north?

    3. Trouvo
    4. Lago


      You could try it, but it would be like putting your finger over the aperture of a running tap (faucet).

  2. Why is the server down?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Shadeleaf


      -kicks it- As a Tech Team, whenever it feels like it.

    3. hoodmaster906


      Well ok.... loooool

    4. hoodmaster906


      Ok that may be a good thing lol!

  3. So how does one have children in lotc do they simply adopt?

    1. Nano


      No. You can actually have kids. But you also can adopt.



      Well you see.. when a mommy and a daddy /really/ love each other..

    3. hoodmaster906


      Lol hahahahahahaha

  4. Ummmm when is the server back up?

    1. cruzazul


      It's up now! It normally goes through regular restarts to limit lag.

  5. Well I am looking for a knight to squire for anyone looking for a squire!

    1. Snoop


      To be a Squire you need to join a human military. Then get chosen by a knight.

    2. hoodmaster906
    3. Redbaron™


      Find it in RP! It's intense meta gaming to do it over the forums :) You can't just ask over forums for a knight to squire you, show yourself worthy through rp!

  6. So does it take like a day for the GM or an hour or a millisecond i am just curious? lol

  7. GUYS GUESS WHAT!!! ............ I GOT ACCEPTED!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Taiga


      Gratz~ I applaud your repeated vigilance! :)

    3. Jacey



    4. hoodmaster906


      Herpa derp I will go adventuring as soon as teh gm does his or her thang yo!

  8. 25 people looked at my application i hope they liked it. lol

  9. Are there any application team members on and if there are please take pity on me!

    1. comanderbly^


      Do not worry, be patient, the App Team takes time to review the many applications so they can all be fairly judged.

    2. hoodmaster906


      I am the only one currently lool!

  10. Anone wanna look at my AWESOME application and tell me if it is ok or not?

    1. V0idsoldier
    2. V0idsoldier


      Alright friend. A few things. I suggest fixing the format. The color are all wonky and it makes the application look a bit odd. Your biography is fine, though it jumps around quite a bit, perhaps you could tune it up a bit. Finally there is always room for improvement on the open response questions. While I cant give specifics I think you should touch them up a tad.

      Overall you have a superb application, and with a few changes and touch ups I think you can make it friend.

    3. hoodmaster906


      OKEYDOKEY!!!!! looooool

  11. I hope I pass this time in the applications!

  12. Is twenty something sentences good for a bio in application?

    1. gingernut97


      It's perfect in my opinion, just make sure to read it over for any mistakes, and add anything that you think may improve it.

    2. gingernut97


      (It usually depends how long the sentences are)

  13. I hope my app will pass this time! loooool

  14. Its time to do my third application i hope i do it right this time!!! lool

  15. So quick question did a king ever get assassinated?

    1. Hanrahan
    2. monkeypoacher


      The number of assassins makes it impossible for that not to happen.

    3. SirSnowMan
  16. Whats adunia like this time of year?

    1. Aengoth


      Doing well, rather active last I saw.

  17. Whats adunia this time of year?

  18. So can I join a clan or a house not as a blood relative but as a merc or a bannerman?

    1. gingernut97
    2. Samoblivion


      Mhm, practically all houses employ bannermen and other staff.

    3. 5678


      Why not be a bandit :3

  19. Guys when go into 1.6 we should have joust plugin am i right? loool

  20. So does the server have the joust plugin?

    1. MonkeyCoffee


      Nope. We're not in 1.6 yet.

  21. Man... I got denied lol better luck next time.

    1. Bucky_24


      Well, your ORQs seemed rather... trolly.

    2. Tom_Whiteman


      Keep up the work, you'll eventually get there!

    3. Evilbanana5757


      Good luck, man! Don't stop trying! (but remember the 24 hour rule :3 )

  22. so how do i know i have been accepted?

    1. gingernut97


      Keep checking on your application. A staff member will have posted a verdict a few days after your application's submission!

    2. tnoy23


      Or a few minutes, it really depends.

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