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Everything posted by rathat

  1. "We cannot afford such tomfoolery. We grant passage, welcome, and to unite in cause-- only for the name to be tarnished..." The Herald of Oaks rubbed his temples, but against his better judgement painted this all the meanwhile. The amalgam's natures were at odds.
  2. A short missive is posted, available to those of Xion aligned with The Sixth Synod, Mordring, and The Black Sun. Thought was clearly put into the penmanship, the ink of artichoke and soda ash with utilization of much illustrative detail. ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── To the Faithful and Followers of Xionism and it's denominations. United by conflict, cultural renaissance is among us. Under one banner, the lost return to what was written, as it was written. With this resurgence, a grand recycling has been made of the Heralds of old- a vigor replenished with call to action. Even in these days of great fragmentation, We, as in I, have stood stalwart. We have remained. We are anchored, roots deep beneath the surface. When the search of Weirhents lead to obscurity- it is decided one must hold firm as beacon to those who seek to usher in an Age of Harmony. It is with such We are now in possession of the title Herald of Oaks. We are Danek. Al'Hakav Merinek. Penned 179 SA. 24th Owyn's Light
  3. Christ has risen. Billions of eggs must be consumed.
  4. kill snow elves, behead snow elves, roundhouse kick snow elves into the concrete, slam dunk a snow elven baby into the trash can, crucify filthy snow elves, defecate into a snow elf's food, launch snow elves into the sun, stir fry snow elves in a wok, toss snow elves into active volcanoes, urinate into a snow elf's gas tank, judo throw snow elves into a wood chipper, twist snow elves heads off, report snow elves to the IRS, karate chop snow elves in half, curb stomp pregnant snow elves, trap snow elves in quicksand, crush snow elves in the trash compactor, liquify snow elves in a vat of acid, eat snow elves, dissect snow elves, stomp snow elven skulls with steel-toed boots, cremate snow elves in the oven, lobotomize snow elves, drown snow elves in fried chicken grease, vaporize snow elves with a raygun, kick old snow elves down the stairs, feed snow elves to alligators, slice snow elves with a katana.
  5. "Say Amber-Cold Fools right now." The boar-man spoke, dumbfounded. Jokes aside, the Rage Druid, usually ambivalent to news of deaths in the aspect's folds even in the face of nature's overwhelming sorrow, found himself succumbing to a series of emotions. Bosh. The druid of War was one of the few he respected, and a fellow venerator of The Boar. Never in the mortal plane would they fight alongside once more, and never in the mortal plane would they get to do that spar. Either way, the death of Talliyun was one deserving of utmost respect, and the path of mourning wouldn't be met with any sadness for long from the Edict member. He had died in the way he had promised for himself. And with a saining near the altar of Moccus in the Grotto, a "Death and Glory" sounded from his brother in Rage.
  6. Based, but also artist here with a question on specifics. It mentions "Commission pages linked on your profile." Does "Profile" relate to ones profile specifically on LOTC? I use discord as a medium for communication that isn't solely just LOTC, and there am likely to link my website/linktree once I have things more built, and this leads me to wonder how other artists and other content creators would go about this if they have adult content in their portfolio. I don't make copious amounts of hardcore raunchy nsfw by any means, but do have a number of generally more explicit works (artistic nudity, horror, gore, etc). My plan was either having these be on a separate website still linked with the main one or just being under it's own tab. Would these be considered sufficient enough work arounds? And in the future for those who do make actual [REDACTED], would these be precautions be considered enough, or are they expected to use an account without any accessible pathways to these sorts of links when using messaging apps to interact with the community? Many thanks, Minecraft user rathat
  7. Here's footage of me in my undeath experiencing the sensory joy of taste for the first time in eons :)
  8. Too many Ghoul CA's being made. Join my ghost and rock-knight emo band.

    1. Agy


      what instruments would I get to play?

  9. “Ah, this does not bode well.” The aging mystic read the missive with growing bags under his eyes, which were already there, but they may as well get worse. "I assumed the vision to be of a merge and alliance, rather than faction wars..." ""
  10. The old Southeron smiled. Order was restored once more.
  11. Josefina Murietta, daughter of Vicente, mourns with a newfound purpose in life.
  12. A little girl waited at home huddled between two brothers, staring longingly out the window as she wondered where her papá had gone…
  13. “Literally the Saint’s Day after his visit where I asked myself if it would be humorous to assassinate him then and there…” A man frowned, talking to the skull on his desk. “I chose not to— only an intrusive thought. I even watched for would-be-ones! Do not incriminate me for this. Now, let me pray.”
  14. Danilo rushes to the aviary, excited to spit facts about minerals.
  15. "ROBERT??? TH' LIL' 'UMAN KID???" The big beastman exclaimed aloud to the person who read the missive to him, shocked at the news. He frowned, looking to the pile of drawings that the no longer human, no longer little, no longer a kid, and no longer alive man had made specifically for him and his needs. Big enough for him to see, no big words, and full of kindness when it was needed it the most. "Death n' Glory, kid. I'll miss y'. Death n' Glory..." "Waa!!! Waa!!! Googoo gaga waaa!!!" The newborn child, Auguste Percival Haverlock sounded. The poor boy was now without a father.
  16. "Googoo gaga" sounded the baby Auguste.
  17. Heavy breathing escaped the auspex, cracked skin of ash returning to normalcy as they awoke from their dream amidst desolate sands. "'Al’Kfurl’sek shai, urk’lakzut...'" They echoed, cradling their head as they looked up to the infinite sea of stars. "Where do we go from here?"
  18. “Private affair? Bosh…” The blind beastman grumbled. “I ‘ope they understand why e’d be keepin’ it a secret… Minto loves th’ ‘Orde. S’posse I oughtta bird Mr. Motsham— can someun’ get me a paper n’ scribe this?” He called out to his Edict entourage. “Wanna make sure this un’ is legible.
  19. Domo-arigato, mister Roboto... A song by Styx, as you enter the Styx.
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