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John Ivory

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Posts posted by John Ivory







    9th of Sigismund’s End, 1737


    HIS HOLINESS DANIEL VI, High Pontiff of the Church of the Canon, Archbishop of Visigia, Keeper of Varoche, Successor of the High Priesthood of the Church, Supreme Pontiff of the Church of True Faith, Keeper of the Canon, High Servant to the Exalted's Testaments, Humble Servant of the Faithful and Vicar of GOD doth decree…












    Dearly beloved, by the promulgation of this bulla, His Grace, Metropolitan Ludolf of Helena is declared legally dead.






    In his stead, We have seen fit to consecrate Philip Pius Coppinger (@thesmellypocket) as Metropolitan of Helena, duly bestowing upon him all the rights and responsibilities which come with the episcopal office. 








    Dearly beloved, the College of Cardinals within the last decade has been beset upon by ills. Numerous cardinals have given up the ghost, and His Holiness is plagued by sickness. Some five cardinals have come and past, and in realizing the urgency of the situation presented, His Holiness does hereby proclaim these following men to take up their stead.
















    Dearly beloved, We the Pontificate have deemed fit to raise the following men to the Pontifical Household. They shall be styled Monsignor, and bestowed the rights and responsibilities of the Curial Office.


    AUDITOR OF THE TRIBUNAL: His Eminence, Ide Cardinal Ves (frill, or @frill)


    PRELATE OF THE PRIESTHOOD: His Eminence, Philip Cardinal Pruvia (Thesmellypocket, or @thesmellypocket)


    SECRETARIAT TO HIS HOLINESS: His Eminence, Jasper Cardinal Renzfeld (xboxersz, or @xboxersz)




    Dearly beloved, We the Pontificate, in recognition to the merit and factual evidence of cases, do hereby open the following causes for beatification. In line with the Law of the Church, these causes shall be taken up for investigation by the College of Cardinals, and most specifically by the Auditor of the Tribunal. If the causes are found to be just, and pass a vote of majority within the College, they may continue down the path to recognition of canonized status.


    V. PONTIAN II. As an erudite theologian, and for his pious labor in study of Canon law.


    In addition, We the Pontificate hereby name the following as Venerable, in recognition of their service to the Church, or for their piety.


    V. MAURICIO OF AZOG. An orcish champion who by popular legend is said to have entered the pits of Hell itself, and did battle successfully with the forces of Iblees.

    V. ADELINE OF HELENA. Empress of Oren. Ruled her people justly, and experienced a conversion later in her adolescence, after becoming a personal friend and pupil to Daniel VI.

  2. 3 minutes ago, Old Man Boiendl said:

    Peter the Poor, Archchancellor of the Empire and Cardinal of Helena sits quietly in his office. He happily sips on his tea as a herald barges in.

    ”Your Eminence, the General-Solicitor has declared martial law and outlawed magic!” 

    Peter’s face scrunches up momentarily. He waves his hand towards the door

    ”Go inform the General-Solicitor and the people of Helena that martial law is suspended, as is the other stipulations he has made today.” 



    ”Law and order is restored!” so saith the High Pontiff, receiving the news by his bedside.



    “Joachim! JOACHIM!

    The sickly Pontiff did boom throughout the townhouse, calling for his nephew to no avail. He adjusted himself in his bed, lazily removing his blankets. Revealing itself in all its splendor, his gout-ridden foot, bandaged as it was, lay unmoving. He cursed, before attempting in vain to call for the boy once more.


    “He’s not home, uncle! Uncle, he’s not home!”

    There was Anais, appearing like an angel, from the staircase. Daniel thanked God, before painfully pushing himself with his arms to the edge of his bedside, before supplicating his niece for aid. Good and attentive girl as she was, Anais came to him and helped him up, lending him the support of the wooden cane which was propped up neatly against the wall.

    “Bless you, girl, bless you.”

    With the help of his beloved niece, Daniel made his way downstairs to the dining room of the house.



    The Haas townhouse is a remarkably small place; if you were to tell a curious stranger that seven people called it their home (six year round, and one as a part-time resident) they would find it most unbelievable. Situated in the neighborhood of Anpalais Place in Helena, it is surrounded by townhouses and manors twice its size, with half its occupants.


    Upon entering the house, one would notice the kitchen and all its spoils immediately to the left. There are no cooks in the Haas family, and it is Jasper (unrelated to them by blood) that cooks most all the meals. The Rhenyari man specializes in spiced delicacies, which Daniel savors, along with his drink.


    Straight ahead is the dining room, half of which extends outside and onto a magnificent porch, constructed by the designs of “Prince” Rupert. At the head of the table is a grand high-chair, which the Pontiff has now made his full time residence, too sick to travel and too lethargic to rise from throughout the day.


    Above are the bedrooms of Jan, his son Joachim, and Daniel. Joachim sleeps in the attic due to his being the youngest of men in the family, able (currently) to climb the small ladder which is required of him. Below sleep Helaine and Anais Haas, Helaine being Jan and Daniel’s sister, and Anais being Jan’s daughter; as well as Rupert Carrion and Jasper, who has no surname. Often a-time the most typical guests of the house are to be found gathered at the dinner table: His Imperial Highness Antony Sigismundic, the barber Gustav Mane (who owns a shop off Nauzica Square), or that nephew of Lieutenant Colonel Basrid’s, who goes by the name of Jahan. So ends the catalogue of names.



    “That’s just fine.”

    Daniel is helped to his seat the head of the dinner table, which he has rendered his study as of late. The letters directed for his attention have increased ten-fold as of late, and this he readily accepts as a relief, for he has naught else to do as the day passes. Today’s dispatch of note comes from His Excellency, the Secretary of the Treasury, complaining violently of the Metropolitan’s sermonizing during a Board Meeting of the City.

    “A bit of spiced wine, my girl!”

    “Yes, uncle.”

    At this, the Pontiff began to write an encyclical letter, directed to all the Sees of the Church.











    6th of Tobias’s Bounty, 1736


    Dearly beloved, peace and Apostolic benediction. His Holiness is overcome with the gout, and is rendered unfit to travel. As such, He is incapable of returning to the Pontifical Residence at Varoche Palace, and the Chair of St. Daniel is temporarily moved to Helena. His Holiness has chosen to live together with His family in the hours of His sickness, and begs for the prayers of the Faithful, that He may be proffered recovery by Our Lord on High.


    Deo gratias,





    ((If you would like to RP with my character, feel free to do it here on this post, or visit him in-game at 12 Anpalais Place in Helena.))

  4. 800px-C_o_a_Marcelus_II.svg.png


    HIS HOLINESS DANIEL VI, High Pontiff of the Church of the Canon, Keeper of Varoche, Archbishop of Visigia, Successor of the High Priesthood of the Church, Supreme Pontiff of the Church of True Faith, Keeper of the Canon, High Servant to the Exalted's Testaments, Humble Servant of the Faithful and Vicar of God doth impart the Apostolic blessing upon this rubric of the hours, affirms its validity, and commends its use among the faithful via Papal bull.



    23rd of Harren’s Folly, 1735




















    Exordium on the divine right of governance of the Holy Church of the Canon.


    From the very beginning of the World, when God didst blow his breath into the Aenguls and Daemons (Prov. 4), did He create LAW. He bestowed upon His creation rules to follow, objectives to carry out, and bound them to obedience; and the law given unto the Aenguls and Daemons, which is unknown to us men, was the first institution of Divine Law. 


    In his transgression of the law, Iblees made God exceeding wroth, as evidenced by His rebuke of the rebellious Daemon: “Why hast thou done that which I have forbidden?” (Prov. 7) God did demand Iblees’ repentance, to which the Daemon refused; and thus, the law was broken, and punishment delivered unto the transgressor.


    It is by Divine Institutes, granted through the Exalted Prophets, that Mother Church is structured. By the will of God, a singular High Pontiff is chosen as His shepherd, provided with the sole instruction to guide His flock. Canon law is derived from these Divine Institutes, which teach the ecclesia how to govern the Church which they have given up their lives to.


    Within time, the sun has risen over the zenith of empires, and set over their bloody destruction. Tyrants have abused and persecuted their people. Schismatics and the heathen hordes have clamored for the destruction of the Faithful; and yet, governed by Her laws, Mother Church has stood indivisible.



    High Pontiff Daniel VI

    Helena, 1735




    The general application of laws




    §1 A divine law is established when it is promulgated by the pontiff.

    §2 Laws provide for the future, and not the past, unless they expressly provide for it.

    §3. The ecclesiastical laws of the Canon merely bind those that have been baptised by the Church of the Canon, have nonetheless been received into it, possesses full capacity of reason and have reached fourteen years of age - this being the age of majority.

    §4 The laws of the Canon are universal, and bind all men for those they were issued.

    §5 Ignorance of the law of the Canon by a subject of those laws is never assumed.

    §6 Ecclesiastical laws must be understood in accord with their proper meaning; any doubt or obscurity must find recourse through parallel places in Canon law.

    §7 Later laws must harmonise with the earlier, the revocation of a previous law is not presumed unless explicitly stated.

    §8 All titles and chapters within this codex are Canon law.






    §1 A ecclesiastical office within the church of the Canon cannot be acquired without provision of the church.

    §2 The provision of the office is also the competency of the authority that the office holds.

    §3 To hold an office within the church of the Canon, one must be in communion with the Church as well as deemed suitable spiritually and intellectually.

    §4 The promise of an office holds no legal effect.

    §5 It is for the diocesian bishop to provide offices within his own particular church.

    §6 It is for the High Pontiff to provide offices within the church entire.




    §1 Anyone responsible of himself and of sound mind may resign from office with just cause.

    §2 A resignation made out of grave fear is not deemed valid.

    §3 To be valid, the resignation must be made to a superior authority.

    §4 The resignation may be revoked by the resigning party if it has not taken effect

    §5 A person may be removed from office by decree of a superior authority.

    §6 A person may be deemed removed from office if they are of the following;

    1. A person who has lost the clerical state.
    2. A person who has broken their vows.
    3. A person who has publicly defected from the church.
    4. A cleric who has attempted marriage.





    Rights and obligations of laypeople and clergy. Hierarchy of the mother church.


    TITLE I. Obligations of the laity.


    §1 The faithful, through every manner of acting, must retain communion with the church.

    §2 The faithful must direct all efforts to lead a holy life and promote the growth of the Canon and its teachings.

    §3 It is the duty of the faithful to work so the message of virtuous salvation can reach every age and land.

    §4 The faithful are free to make known their needs and desires, spiritual or otherwise, to their bishop.

    §5 Those people bound in a marital state are to build up their family in worship of the Canon and its teachings.

    §6 Lay-men who are deemed capable and qualified are allowed to assist with ecclesiastical offices.

    §7 Men who possess the age of 12 and are of sound mind can be admitted to be an acolyte of the church. 

    §8 Men who possess the age of 16 and are of sound mind can be ordained to be a priest of the church. 


    TITLE II. Obligations of the clergy.


    §1 Clerics are bound to show reverence and obedience to the High Pontiff and their own ordinary.

    §2 Clerics are united through the brotherhood of working for the divine purpose of the growth and teaching of the church, so thus must strive for cooperation.

    §3 Where the practice of common life exists for clerics, it is to be practiced and preserved as far as possible.

    §4 Clerics are to foster simplicity of life and to not exhibit vanity.

    §5 Clerics are forbidden to assume public offices when entail an exercise and participation in civil power.

    §6 Clerics may not spill the blood of another Canonist.

    §7 It is the duty of a Cleric to foster peace and justice in accordance to the principles of the Canon.

    §8 When a clergyman flees ecclesiastical authority he loses his rights to be tried by a Canonist Court.


    TITLE III. Hierarchical constitution of the church.


    CHAPTER I. Rights and Obligations of the Pontiff.


    §1 By virtue of his office, the Pontiff of the Church of the Canon possesses full, supreme and immediate power in the church and it his divine right to exercise this with freedom.

    §2 A person elected to the office of pontiff assumes this power at the moment of appointment. If the person elected lacks a bishopric, he is to be elected one immediately. 

    §3 The Pontiff not only retains supreme power over the church, but over the particular churches and the subsequent groups of them.

    §4 No appeal is allowed against a decree or judgement by the pontiff; it is the word of GOD.

    §5 Nothing is to be altered in the church should the seat of pontiff be left vacant.


    CHAPTER II. Rights and Obligations of the Curia.


    §1 The pontiff executes his office through the Curia. The Curia consists of the vice-chancellor, the auditor of the tribunal, the high magistrate of the auditor, the secretariat to the holiness, the pontifical chamberlain and the prelate of the priesthood.


    CHAPTER III. Rights and Obligations of the College of Cardinals.


    §1 The cardinals constitute a college which provides for the election of a Pontiff. The cardinals further assist the Pontiff in matters of major importance or through their subsequent offices within the mother church.

    §2 The Pontiff assigns each cardinal his own title within the church.

    §3 The Pontiff freely selects men to be promoted as cardinals, these being pious men of outstanding prudence, character and morals.

    §4 From the moment of announcement of appointment the cardinal is bound by the duties of office.


    CHAPTER V. Bishops.


    §1 Bishops are constituted pastors of the church.

    §2 Bishops receive the function of sanctifying, teaching and governing within their diocese.

    §3 In order to be suitable for episcopacy, the candidate must have the following;

    1/ Reached the age of majority

    2/ Received ordination to the priesthood

    §4 A bishop holds all power which is required for him to exercise his pastoral function.

    §5 In the function of a pastor, a bishop must show himself concerned for all of the faithful within his care, whatever age, nationality or condition they are in.


    TITLE IV. The groupings of particular churches.


    CHAPTER I. Ecclesiastical provinces and regions.


    §1 Neighbouring churches are to be brought into ecclesiastical provinces limited to certain territory. These districts of pastoral care under a bishop are referred to as the dioceses of the church.

    §2 It is the duty of an archbishop, if so appointed, to preside over multiple dioceses, with his power not extending beyond his archdiocese.

    §3 It is only the authority of the church to establish or alter ecclesiastical provinces. 


    CHAPTER II. Metropolitans.


    §1 A metropolitan is an archbishop providing over the ecclesiastical province of a major city.


    TITLE V. The internal structuring of churches.


    CHAPTER I. Vicars


    §1 A diocesian bishop may appoint a vicar to assist him in the governance of the diocese.

    §2 Only one vicar is to be appointed unless other circumstances or factors necessitate otherwise.

    §3 The function of a vicar cannot be entrusted to blood relatives of the bishop to a fourth degree.

    §4 A vicar is never to act contrary to the mind or intention of their bishop.


    CHAPTER II. Chaplains


    §1 A chaplain is those who are entrusted with a pastoral care of Canonist faithful beyond that of a church, often found at sea or in military groups.

    §2 A chaplain must be provided with all provisions necessary to provide this care.

    §3 A chaplain must be appointed by a bishop or a further superior.






    Ordainment; acts of worship; sacraments, places of worship; etc.


    TITLE I. Ordainment


    §1 Those being ordained must be of the age of majority.

    §2 Those being ordained as a priest must be a baptized Canonist.

    §3 The priest must undergo a vow of celibacy.

    §4 The priest must undergo a vow of obedience.


    TITLE II. Baptism.


    §1 Baptism is the gateway to the seven skies and necessary for all those who deem themselves following the Canon. Through baptism, men are freed from sin and evoke the prophethood gained by the exalted in the holy waters of Gamesh.


    CHAPTER I. The celebration of baptism.


    §1 Baptism is administered by a member of the Canon unto another to conduct them into it.

    §2 Baptism is to be conferred through immersion, pouring, or sprinkling; any such action that acts as a simulacra of the prophethood gained by the exalted in the holy waters of Gamesh.


    CHAPTER II. Those to be baptised.


    §1 Every person yet to be baptised is capable of baptism.


    TITLE III. The sacrament of penance.


    CHAPTER I. The Penitent.


    §1 A faithful adherent to the Canon is obliged to repent for any sins committed since baptism.

    §2 Members of the laity and clergy alike must return to facing God and reject any sins they may have committed.


    CHAPTER II. Confession.


    §1 Each member of the faith is obliged to confess his or her sins at least one time per year.

    §2 A person must also confess venial sins.

    §3 No-one is prohibited from confession.

    §4 A follower of the church is free to confess their sins to an approved confessor of his or her choice.


    TITLE IV. The sacrament of anointing the sick.


    §1 Anointing the sick is encouraged for those who are dangerously ill so they may receive spiritual relief.

    §2 Anointing is practiced through the anointing of oil and the uttering of a prayer.

    §3 Any priest and priests alone may anoint the sick.

    §4 Any priest is permitted to carry cruets of blessed oil on his person as to anoint the sick.

    §5 Those who persevere in grave sin even in the face of illness and death may not be anointed until they sufficiently repent or confess their sin.


    TITLE V. The sacrament of anointing the dead.


    §1 Anointing the sick is encouraged for those who are dead so they may receive spiritual relief.

    §2 Anointing is practiced through the anointing of oil and the uttering of a prayer.

    §3 Any priest and priests alone may anoint the dead.

    §4 Any priest is permitted to carry cruets of blessed oil on his person as to anoint the dead prior to burial.

    §5 Those who persevered in grave sin.


    TITLE VI. Funerary Rites.


    §1 All members of the faith are entitled to a funeral.

    §2 This funeral is to take place in their parish church.

    §3 Any member of the familiar of the deceased may choose another church for the funeral proceedings should the church consent to it.

    §4 The funeral of a member of the clergy is to be officiated by their superior, or if deemed impossible, the chaplain of their church.

    §5 After a funeral, they are to be buried in the cemetery or crypt of the church should there be one, unless constricted by ancient rite to instalment in specific cemeteries or crypts - such as the dragonsbloods.

    §6 Unless they show sign of repentance prior to death, the following should be denied church funerals;

    1. Apostates and schismatics.
    2. Heretics.
    3. Manifest sinners.


    TITLE VII. Holy Orders.


    §1 There exist associations and orders that exist specifically for the furthering of the tenets of Canonism.

    §2 It is encouraged for members of the laity to join these organisations and orders.

    §3 All orders that profess to have this status without the direct mandate and consent of the Pontiff are deemed heretical.


    TITLE VIII. Marriage.


    CHAPTER I. Impediments to marriage.


    §1 Before a marriage may be celebrated, it must be proven that nothing stands to impede it sanctity and performance.

    §2 An impediment to marriage renders a person unable to perform marriage.

    §3 All faithful are obliged to confess an impediments to their pastor before the celebration of marriage.

    §4 Pastors are to forbid the marriage prior to the age of majority and must not conduct the celebration.

    §5 A person who has notoriously rejected the Canonist faith may not celebrate nor partake in a Canonist marriage.


    CHAPTER II. Matrimonial consent.


    §1 The following are incapable of contracting to marriage.

    Those who suffer a grave defect that reduce their ability to reach sufficient judgement

    Those who are under the age of majority.

    Those who are not of the Canonist faith.

    §2 Those who do not understand the permanent nature of the bond between man and woman can not contract to marriage.

    §3 Error concerning the identity of the person renders the marriage invalid.


    CHAPTER III. The form of the celebration.


    §1 Marriage is officiated by the bishop of the resident diocese of the persons contracting to the marriage.

    §2 The bishop may delegate the officiation of marriage to their vicar.

    §3 Marriage is between a capable Canonist male and a Canonist female.


    CHAPTER IV. The dissolution of the bond.


    §1 A marriage that is celebrated and consummated cannot be dissolved by any force except for death.

    §2 Only the Pontiff may dissolve marriages following extreme just cause, even if the other party is unwilling.


    TITLE IX. Coronation.


    CHAPTER I. Those to be coronated.


    §1 Those to be coronated must be Canonist.

    §2 Those to be coronated must be deserving of their station, as decided by the discrimination of the pontificate.


    CHAPTER II. The form of the coronation.


    §1 The coronation begins in a cathedral church of a diocese.

    §2 The king to be coronated is ritually baptized, with the High Pontiff - or rarely, a delegated diocesian bishop or cardinal - giving mass to the crowd.

    §3 The subjects of the now-baptized king are ritually baptized.

    §4 The party processes to the throne-room.

    §5 The king is given a crown representing Ex. Horen, sword representing Ex. Owyn, scepter representing Ex. Godfrey, orb representing Ex. Sigismund.


    TITLE X. Sanctification.


    CHAPTER I. Those to be canonised.


    §1 Those to be canonised are those beatified who are declared to be saints, having performed miracles and lived lives in devotion to GOD.

    §2 Those canonised are permitted to be publically venerated.

    §3 Those to be canonised must be dead.


    CHAPTER II. The form of canonisation.


    §1 Three quarters of the synod must agree that this person is to be canonised.

    §2 This person must be a Canonist, or proven to be so after death.

    §3 This person must have lived a holy life and have been previously beatified.

    §4 This person must have two verified miracles attributed to their intercession.

    §5 The High Pontiff then confirms this person is canonized.

    §6 The honorific for somebody blessed by the church is “Saint”, abbreviated to “St.”


    CHAPTER III. Those to be beatified.


    §1 Those beatified are those agreed to be resting in a state of bliss following death.

    §2 Those to be beatified must be dead.


    CHAPTER IV. The form of beatification


    §1 One half of the synod must agree that this person is to be beatified.

    §2 This person must be a Canonist, or proven to be so after death.

    §3 This person must have lived a holy life.

    §4 This person must have one verified miracle attributed to their intercession.

    §5 The High Pontiff then confirms this person is blessed.

    §6 The honorific for somebody blessed by the church is “Blessed”, abbreviated to “Bl.”


    TITLE XI. Sacred objects


    CHAPTER I. The Cross


    §1 The holy cross is to be either a one-barred Teutonic cross, two-barred Lorraine cross, three-barred Hussariya cross, or four-barred Kaedreni cross.


    CHAPTER II. Relics


    §1 Reverence is permitted through public veneration only those servants of GOD who are deemed canonized or blessed.

    §2 These saints are represented through icons of themselves, icons of their relics, or their icons directly.

    §3 It is forbidden to sell sacred relics.

    §4 He is to seek permission of the High Pontiff to repair any relic or holy image.

    §5 Relics are to be displayed in appropriate number as to not promote idolatry nor confuse the worshippers of the purpose of their worship.


    TITLE XII. Sacred places and objects.


    CHAPTER I. Churches.


    §1 A church is a sacred place defined as a house of worship for the faithful flock of the Canon.

    §2 No church is to be built without the written consent of the bishop of its diocese.

    §3 A newly constructed church is to be consecrated and blessed as soon as possible.

    §4 Entry to a church is to be free and unlimited.

    §5 All acts of worship may occur in a church that has been blessed.

    §6 If a church later proves to be incapable of acting as a place of worship, the diocesian bishop may relegate it to profane use.


    CHAPTER II. Oratories.


    §1 An oratory is understood as a place of worship that may only be used by a specific community.

    §2 An oratory may not be established without visiting the site of the oratory physically.

    §3 No oratory is to be built without the written consent of the bishop of its diocese.


    CHAPTER III. Shrines.


    §1 A shrine is defined as a place of pilgrimage for members of the faith.

    §2 Offerings at shrines are to be guarded securely.


    CHAPTER IV. Altars.


    §1 It is desirable to have a fixed altar in all churches.

    §2 According to tradition, the altar is to be made of stone.

    §3 A body is not to be buried under the altar.

    §4 An altar is to be blessed on the consecration of a church.


    CHAPTER V. Cemeteries.


    §1 A church is to have its own cemetery, unless not possible.

    §2 If it is impossible for a church to have a cemetery, it is the duty of the diocesian bishop to bless individual graves.


    CHAPTER VI. Right of sanctuary.


    §1 The right of sanctuary occurs if a criminal may enter a Church before they are arrested. He or she is safe for up to 3 days as to confess his sins in the church.

    §2 Those pursuing the criminal must wait outside the Cathedral and may guard the Cathedral to ensure the accused does not escape. 

    §3 A legal coroner must come to confiscate the criminal’s goods, and he will assign said criminal a port of exile which they may take exile for their crimes.




    Crime and punishment.


    TITLE I. The subjects of canon law.


    §1 No one is punished lest they commit a breach of canon law.

    §2 Those who habitually lack the use of region due to birth or injury shall not be held liable.

    §3 A person who has not yet reached their twelfth year of age shall not be held liable.

    §4 Those who breach the teachings and doctrine of the canon shall be held liable.


    TITLE II. Crimes against the unity of the church.


    §1 An apostate, schismatic or heretic incurs excommunication.

    §2 A person participating in prohibited sacred rites is to face a just penalty as decided by an ecclesiastical court.

    §3 The parents of a child baptised in a heretic or pagan religion are to face a just penalty as decided by an ecclesiastical court.

    §4 A person in public speech or published writing utters blasphemy, expresses insults or incites hatred or contempt for the church of the Canon is to face a just penalty as decided by an ecclesiastical court.

    §5 A cleric who exists in concubinage is to face a just penalty as decided by an ecclesiastical court.

    §6 Those individuals who intentionally reject the existence of God or the heavens, they shall be guilty of the crime of atheism. 

    §7 The practice of magic is considered tolerated.

    §8 The practice of dark magic is anathema.

    §9 Those individuals whom intentionally and actively participates in the worship of demons and devils, evangelises the worship of demons and devils, or encourages the growth of devilic cults. Additionally when an individual partakes in any sort of dark magics, which especially includes when one converses or interacts with voidal horrors. They shall be guilty of the crime of devilry and are to face a just penalty as decided by an ecclesiastical court.

    §10 Those who break a sacred contract or celebrated and consummated rite are to face a just penalty as decided by an ecclesiastical court.


    TITLE III. Crimes against ecclesiastical authorities.


    §1 A person using excessive physical force against the Pontiff incurs excommunication. Members of the clergy may incur greater penalties depending on the severity of the crime.

    §2 A person who further uses excessive force against a bishop or cardinal are to face a just penalty as decided by an ecclesiastical court.

    §3 Those who profess or teach a doctrine explicitly forbidden by the Pontiff are to face a just penalty as decided by an ecclesiastical court.

    §4 A person joining a group plotting against the church are to face a just penalty as decided by an ecclesiastical court.

    §5 A person who profanes a saint of the church are to face a just penalty as decided by an ecclesiastical court.

    §6 A person who profanes a relic of the church are to face a just penalty as decided by an ecclesiastical court.

    §7 Those who commit violence upon Clergy or violence within Clergy grounds as a violation of the right to Sanctuary, are guilty of the crime of Sacrilege and are to face a just penalty as decided by an ecclesiastical court.

    §8 Those guilty of preventing one from attending Church are also guilty of the crime of Sacrilege and are to face a just penalty as decided by an ecclesiastical court.

    §9 Those who see it fit to insult or threaten a member of the clergy. These individuals are guilty of the crime of indignity.


    TITLE IV. Crimes of falsehood.


    §1 Those who commit the falsification of miracles are to face a just penalty as decided by an ecclesiastical court.

    §2 Those who profess the possession of a holy relic are to face a just penalty as decided by an ecclesiastical court.

    §3 Those who promote false teachings and profess them to be of the Canon are to face a just penalty as decided by an ecclesiastical court.

    §4 A person conducting a marriage without holding the sufficient office is to face a just penalty as decided by an ecclesiastical court.


    TITLE V. Crimes against Canon life and freedom.


    §1 A person who commits an abortion is to face excommunication.

    §2 Those practicing carnal relations outside the bond of marriage are to face a just penalty as decided by an ecclesiastical court.

    §3 Those practicing carnal relations outside their race are to face a just penalty as decided by an ecclesiastical court.


    TITLE VI. Excommunication


    §1 An excommunicated person is forbidden from any celebrations or ceremony of worship within the church.

    §2 An excommunicated person is forbidden from entering a church.

    §3 Those who aid, or otherwise shelter an individual excommunicated by the Church. They are to be guilty of the crime of Harbouring.


    TITLE VII. Penances


    §1 A penance is any act of charity or piety.

    §2 Public piety is not to be imposed for any occult transgression.




    Procedural law; trials and tribunals; penal procedures


    TITLE I. Trials


    §1 The object of the trial is for the declaration or juridic facts and the imposition or declaration of penalties for transgressions of the faith.

    §2 The church is to adjudicate all matters spiritual; violations of ecclesiastical law; matters in which there is a question of sin and the imposition of ecclesiastical penalties.


    CHAPTER I. The Judge


    §1 The judge of first instance, unless the prosecuted party is a member of the clergy, is the diocesian bishop.

    §2 If the prosecuted party is a member of the clergy, the judge should therefore be his superior.

    §3 In any trial, a judge may appoint assessors - including lay-men - to consult him on legal matters, procedure et al.

    §4 A bishop can trust a case, if deemed necessary by the bishop or by the High Pontiff himself, to a committee of multiple other bishops.

    §5 The judge of second instance, unless the prosecuted party is a member of the clergy, is an appointed cardinal.

    §6 If the prosecuted party is a member of the clergy, the judge of second instance should therefore be the High Pontiff.


    TITLE II. To be observed in trials


    CHAPTER I. The duty of judges of trials.


    §1 The seat of the High Pontiff is judged by no-one but GOD.

    §2 It is the sole right of the High Pontiff to adjudge cases when necessary should the case involve members of his ecclesiastical government and those who hold the highest office in state, and other further cases he deems requiring his judgement. 

    §3 It is the duty of the subjects of the Canon to resolve litigation as quickly as possible and to avoid whenever possible to avoid litigation among the faithful.


    CHAPTER II. The place of the trial.


    §1 Every trial is to take place in a building open during stated hours.


    TITLE III. Parties.


    CHAPTER I. The petitioner and respondent.


    §1 Anyone, baptised or not, may bring a case to trial.

    §2 Both petitioner and respondent are bound to be present at the trial, regardless as to whether or not they have appointed an advocate.

    §3 The mentally diminished may only stand trial at the order of a judge.


    CHAPTER II. Advocates.


    §1 It is the choice of the party to appoint an advocate.

    §2 An advocate must be present for penal trials.

    §3 It is possible for the presiding bishop to suspend an advocate, and further possible for the bishop to remove them from office if necessary.


    TITLE II. The Penal Process


    CHAPTER I. Preliminary investigations.


    §1 It is the duty of a member of the clergy to inquire personally should he deem ecclesiastical laws to have been broken.

    §2 Those investigating must be careful as to not taint the good name of other members of the faith.

    §3 The member of the clergy is to consult with two judges as to whether the issue necessitates bringing it forth to an ecclesiastical court.

    §4 It is a duty of a member of the clergy to inform those suspected if he fears that a sin or breach of ecclesiastical law will be committed.


    CHAPTER II. Development.


    §1 If it is to be elevated to ecclesiastical court, the investigating member is to inform the accused, as to give an opportunity for them to prepare a self-defense.

    §2 He is to issue a decree calling forth the person to trial, setting forth the reasons of law in explicit and simple terms.

    §3 The member of the clergy may prevent the accused from attending worship for the duration of the trial for the sake of preservation of the faith.

    §4 The accused may hereafter appoint an advocate.

    §5 The accused is not bound to confession.


    CHAPTER III. Redress.


    §1 The aggrieved party, if existent, may bring about remedy to repair damages caused.

    §2 The judge further adjudicates any redress and resolution to the case, including punishment.





    SCHISMATIC - One who worships God and recognises the Scriptures, but does not submit to the authority of the Church.

    HEATHEN - An individual who does not follow the Canonist faith. They claim to believe in different Gods.. It is forbidden for a human to be a heathen, but other races are permitted to practice their faith provided they do not proselytise Canonists.

    ATHEISM - A practice in which one rejects the existence of any God. This is considered much more serious than simply claiming to follow a different God.

    HERETIC - One who believes in and worships the God of the Holy Scrolls, but accepts false doctrines regarding His nature or the nature of His faith. All who worship the Creator exclusively but do not adhere to the dogma of the Church of the Canon are heretics.

    APOSTATE - A member of the Canonist Church who has renounced his faith. Any person who has received the sacrament of baptism, even in infancy, is a member of the Canonist Church. Unrepentant apostasy is punishable by death, because apostasy is a violation of humanity’s covenant with God.

    AGE OF MAJORITY - An age upon which an individual is considered fully responsible for themselves and no longer under the care of another. This is considered the sixteenth year of life.

    SEPTARCHY - A body of hand-chosen individuals of any ranking within the ministry of the Church. This grouping, referred to as the College of Cardinals, or Septarchy, carry with them the authority of the High Pontiff, as well as being responsible for the grand task of electing a new High Pontiff.

    DIOCESE - A district under the pastoral care of a bishop.


  6. On 9/26/2019 at 10:34 PM, YungnR said:

    Well, what’s your name?


    Aye. And from whence do you hail?

    The streets

    Alright, alright, that’s a fine place this time of season. How many years have you lived?


    Got it. Your ethnicity, good man? I can’t make it out.


    Mmm. I never would have expected it. Are you literate?


    Good, that won’t hurt you. Do you have a wife at home, or children?

    Lots of children spread out

    They call Sixtus the Third ‘the Lewd’ for having two bastards. Don’t be like him. Have you got anything against taking oaths?



    The clerk raises an eyebrow at some of Rayvnair’s responses, but takes them down nonetheless.


    17 hours ago, Squire_Mark said:

    Well, what’s your name?

    Daniel de Alence

    Aye. And from whence do you hail?

    Aeldin, Bourdon.

    Alright, alright, that’s a fine place this time of season. How many years have you lived?

    Twenty Two

    Got it. Your ethnicity, good man? I can’t make it out.


    Mmm. I never would have expected it. Are you literate?

    Of course, I have vast knowledge, mostly in Oren’s history.

    Good, that won’t hurt you. Do you have a wife at home, or children?

    None, I prefer to not get involved in intimate relationships.

    They call Sixtus the Third ‘the Lewd’ for having two bastards. Don’t be like him. Have you got anything against taking oaths?

    None at all.

    You’re all set. I’ll have this filed away to the Prelate at once. He’s all the way off in Pembroke, at least a day’s trip. Give him a while


    ”Well, it’s not a matter of preferring to not get involved in relationships – you can’t!” The clerk jests as he takes down Daniel’s information, before promptly sending it off.


    6 hours ago, Laonathan said:

    Well, what’s your name?

    Albrecht Euler, Father!

    Aye. And from whence do you hail?

    I’ve been born in Ves, but I spent zhe past years serving Duke- um, Lord Protector Adrian.

    Alright, alright, that’s a fine place this time of season. How many years have you lived?

    27 years... I think.

    Got it. Your ethnicity, good man? I can’t make it out.

    I’m Waldenian, Father

    Mmm. I never would have expected it. Are you literate?

    Ja, been taught reading when I was young.

    Good, that won’t hurt you. Do you have a wife at home, or children?


    They call Sixtus the Third ‘the Lewd’ for having two bastards. Don’t be like him. Have you got anything against taking oaths?

    Nein, zhats why I’m ‘ere.

    You’re all set. I’ll have this filed away to the Prelate at once. He’s all the way off in Pembroke, at least a day’s trip. Give him a while.


    ”Mister Euler, I think you were once my next door neighbor...” The clerk mutters to himself, before filing Albrecht’s interview away.


    8th of Godfrey’s Triumph, 1735


    Dearly beloved,
    Peace unto God’s faithful service within the Metropolitanate of Helena. It is with great sorrow that we announce the passing of Ludolf Cardinal Pruvia, after seven years of tenure upon the Pontifical Synod. It is our wish for those clergy and monastics amongst the Crownlands to once more convene and select a new Metropolitan, and end the sede vacante.


    The only requirement we require of a worthy candidate is ordination under the Holy Canonist Church, or potential thereof, and a majority assent amongst the gathered clergy. With God’s blessing, we have unrivaled confidence in the outcome of your conclave.
    Deo gratias,



    6th of Godfrey’s Triumph, 1735


    Dearly beloved,
    Peace unto God’s faithful service within the Metropolitanate of Ves. It is with great sorrow that we announce the passing of Lochlan Cardinal Ves, after over fifteen years of tenure upon the Pontifical Synod. It is our wish for those clergy and monastics amongst the Kaedrini lands to once more convene and select a new Metropolitan, and end the sede vacante.


    The only requirement we require of a worthy candidate is ordination under the Holy Canonist Church, and a majority assent amongst the gathered clergy. It is our wish that Odus Cardinal St. Robert administer such proceedings, to ensure a fair election. With God’s blessing, we have unrivaled confidence in the outcome of your conclave.
    Deo gratias,



  9. QVAUD7e3Gmw1eoYptNdPLLQnX_kkckAhW8uoip5J


    TO THE DUKE OF MORSGRAD, benediction.


    May God keep you and your house, and let the people speak highly in praise of your virtues, for brotherly love – and its resultant act, that of hospitality – is in short supply among the princes of the land. This Our Court first and foremost speaks to your name.


    Our Court hears the plight of the landless Renatians as a shepherd takes the bleating of his flock, and as such must apply the correct remedy. The Abbey-Seminary of Saint Robert in the City of Ves shall take into its halls any of your scholars that you should choose to send, and educate them for the Divine Priesthood, in order that they may service the Renatian people under your care. Additionally, Our Court shall dispatch with Curates, to which We humbly pray they be received in your own, that proper oaths of friendship and goodwill be taken.



  10. On 9/11/2019 at 7:45 AM, thesmellypocket said:

    After many hours of prayer, a tall, well-dressed man with a posh accent arrives to submit his application. 


    Well, what’s your name?


    ‘Mister Philip Pius Coppinger.’


    Aye. And from whence do you hail?




    Alright, alright, that’s a fine place this time of season. How many years have you lived?




    Got it. Your ethnicity, good man? I can’t make it out.


    ‘I am a Courlander.’


    Mmm. I never would have expected it. Are you literate?


    ‘Yes, being as I am a publisher. I was publisher to the Judite monks and therefore also trained in Flexio.’


    Good, that won’t hurt you. Do you have a wife at home, or children?




    They call Sixtus the Third ‘the Lewd’ for having two bastards. Don’t be like him. Have you got anything against taking oaths?


    ‘Certainly not.’


    You’re all set. I’ll have this filed away to the Prelate at once. He’s all the way off in Pembroke, at least a day’s trip. Give him a while.


    The clerk nods quickly in recognition of the man’s name. ”Aren’t you the one who’s doing all that posthumous publication of the late Cardinal St Jude’s works? Admirable stuff, certainly they’ll push you right through the seminary.”


    He tucks away the paperwork, before pointing out the door. ”Report at once to the Abbey-Seminary of Saint Robert. It’s right down in the square. Can’t miss it.”


    On 9/12/2019 at 7:09 PM, frill said:

    Haraccus returns to the modest clerk-residence on the 10th anniversary of his previous visit. 


    In the old Rassidun’s face there was no note of anything very special to his character—it was much like the face of many another wizened man of empire, save that his heavy eyes were not yet grown dull, but twinkled under his knotted brows like the eyes of young mice when, with attentive ears and sensitive whiskers, they snuff the air and stare forth from their holes to see whether a cat may or may not be nearby. 


    No, the easiest noticed feature about the man was the clothing he had arrived wearing. In no way could it have been guessed of what his coat was truly sewn of, for both its sleeves and its skirts were so ragged and filthy as to defy the description of a sheltered clerk, while instead of the silken robes of the foppish magister-prince he wore a beggar’s shawl, the man stood armoured in the oversized platelegs of a long-dead brigand, with, projecting from them, matted bundles of straw.


    In short, had the clerk chanced to encounter him at a monastery door, he would have bestowed upon him a mina or two, but in the present case there was standing before him, not a mendicant of financial need but of a far more metaphysical ilk.


    The former magistrate stood in other words, as no longer the sort of embroidered fine farfolk who dispenses justice to the poor, lives in comfort and luxury of palatial estates, and is destined to leave his property to heirs who are purposing to squander the same on foreign wines but as the simulacra of a man better found in an alms-house .


    “I have not heard back yet. Is something wrong?” is the man’s laconic greeting to the clerk, punctuated by a fit of coughs, each such cough met with a subsequent signing of the cross of Lorraine over his heaving chest.


    Ahem... the clerk would clear his throat, studying the ever-more aged Ide at the door. He takes a moment, removing his reading glasses – ”Oh, my apologies! Prince Haraccus, I didn’t recognize you...”


    ”I suppose the letter may have been lost in route. Suffonia’s a far ride, you know. Besides, we’ve done away with such a system. You’re to report posthaste to the Abbey-Seminary of Saint Robert. It’s right in the square, you can’t miss it.”


    ”Prince Haraccus, you’re seeming rather rough... would you care for some drink?”


    On 9/12/2019 at 7:31 PM, Enlightenment said:

    Well, what’s your name?

    “Demetrio, Demetrio Cicero d’Montelliano y Kavietsby si”

    Aye. And from whence do you hail?

    “The-a County of Aldenburgo, si si.”

    Alright, alright, that’s a fine place this time of season. How many years have you lived?

    “Eh, about-a 48 years, I think si?”

    Got it. Your ethnicity, good man? I can’t make it out.

    “Illatiano, mi amico.”

    Mmm. I never would have expected it. Are you literate?

    “Of course-a, of course-a.”

    Good, that won’t hurt you. Do you have a wife at home, or children?

    “I did-a...”

    They call Sixtus the Third ‘the Lewd’ for having two bastards. Don’t be like him. Have you got anything against taking oaths?

    “I’ve-a taken many oaths, si si, I love oaths amico!”

    You’re all set. I’ll have this filed away to the Prelate at once. He’s all the way off in Pembroke, at least a day’s trip. Give him a while.


    ”Demetrio, the old republican? Kindly to meet you sir!” The clerk rises from his seat, shaking Demetrio’s hand. ”Your information checks out just fine. You’re to report at once to the Abbey-Seminary of Saint Robert. It’s right in the square.”







    O twenty martyrs of Vintas, victims to the Orcish cowardice!


    The garrison of Vintas had been feeding their horses and they stood talking with their backs against a rickety moss-grown fence. Orcish beasts, unknown to the face of God nor any place of civility, were riding four abreast down the dirt; dead bodies were lying about by the fences, for there was fighting in each hamlet of the duchy they rode through; a smell of char rose from the ruins. Despite the rich mosaic of the early evening sky, the duchy was one vast depiction of destruction and repulsive emptiness.


    The men of Vintas concealed the prayers under their shirts, tying them to the oak-hewn crosses of Lorraine with which their mothers had blessed them, and to the little bundles of their native earth. The men of Vintas set to work transforming those living sweating Orcish bodies into corpses -- ribbons of bestial skin streaming from the sabers of the Vintasian men as they rose and fell against Orcish flesh.


    The Orcish riders steadily drew closer, regardless of the slaughtering of their peers. There were naught but twenty Vintasian soldiers, garbed in handsome black tunics garnished with a white braid and piping, yet this coward’s blood feast was enough for the Orcish men to set upon them.


    Death came upon all alike, upon those who did not carry prayers of the God and upon those who did. Their bodies rotted on the fields of their home lands, in their own streets that they had once walked, wherever the ruddy flames of war flickered and the hoof-marks of Orcish mounts were imprinted on the earth.


    The men lay with arms flung out over the moss, face downward, their palms, yellow like autumn leaves, turned upward and open in messianic supplication. Terrible blows from behind had cloven some from the shoulder to the belt, others with limbs cloven from their torso entirely. Soon over the field came the stagnant scent of marsh-grass, of rusty dampness, and of rotting men.


    With the quivering cheer of the few survivors suddenly breaking off, a lingering silence of reverence fell over the fields. 


    We humbly pray, O Lord, a blessing for the sweet Twenty of Vintas, who shed their mortality for your embrace. It is their faith in Thee that delivers them to eternal rest.







    4th of Sigismund’s End, 1728


    HIS HOLINESS DANIEL VI, High Pontiff of the Church of the Canon, Archbishop of Visigia, Keeper of Varoche, Successor of the High Priesthood of the Church, Supreme Pontiff of the Church of True Faith, Keeper of the Canon, High Servant to the Exalted's Testaments, Humble Servant of the Faithful and Vicar of GOD doth decree…













    Dearly beloved, by the promulgation of this bulla, His Grace, Metropolitan Bertholdt of Helena offers his official abdication from office, on account of his failing health.






    In his stead, We have seen fit to consecrate Ludolf de Ruyter (Nectorist, or @Nectorist) as Metropolitan of Helena, duly bestowing upon him all the rights and responsibilities which come with the episcopal office. 








    Dearly beloved, by all the accounts of history, from antiquity until the present age, the Minor Order of Acolytes has gone through the most numerous of reforms. In keeping with this tradition, We the Pontificate have closely studied the methods of His Eminence, Odus Cardinal St-Robert, in the education and formation of his acolytes, and We see it fit that Mother Church ought to adopt his practices. 


    The Minor Order of Acolytes has persistently held the largest drop-out rate of any of the Orders which compose Our Church, for detailed and diverse reasons; chief among these is a decided lack of fraternity amongst the Order. Historically, an acolyte has been sent off to be taught informally by a parish priest or diocesan bishop, which more often than not leads to aforementioned acolyte’s flight from the vows. It is in this method of teaching that an acolyte fails to create friendships or camaraderie amongst his peers, is not put to diligent work in respectable trades, and is left rather useless outside of his studies. 


    This We seek to remedy. By the promulgation of this bulla, the Abbey of Saint Robert in the City of Ves shall be afforded the additional title of Abbey-Seminary. It shall function as the universal school of the Minor Order of Acolytes, receive them as students, and educate them as priests. Upon graduation and ordainment, they shall be sent for the dioceses in need for them.


    Additionally, We the Pontificate charge the Prelate of the Priesthood with oversight of this school, and name its first two deans.


    • His Eminence, Dean Odus Cardinal St-Robert (Fatso_Fleeper, or @Padre_Tales)
    • The Right Reverend, Dean Msgr. Othodoric Aurelius Helvets (Byzabro, or @Stevie)




    Dearly beloved, with the violent death of Our leal Cardinal Omeryn, upon which We diligently investigate, the Septarchy has been reduced to five Cardinals. This cannot do, as the Order requires completion. Sigismund Cardinal Cascadia, and Cassian Cardinal Omeryn, are paid their due respects with plaque and mourning.










    In the stead of these behemoths of the faith, We the Pontificate deem fit to raise Our leal faithful servants, Ludolf de Ruyter (Nectorist, or @Nectorist) and Abbot Odus de Jedih (Fatso_Fleeper, or @Padre_Tales) to the Septarchy. They shall be styled His Eminence, and take for themselves the names Ludolf Cardinal Pruvia, and Odus Cardinal St Robert, respectively.












    Dearly beloved, We the Pontificate have deemed fit to raise the following men to the Pontifical Household. They shall be styled Monsignor, and bestowed the rights and responsibilities of the Curial Office.


    KEEPER OF THE HOLY PRIMATES: The Right Reverend, Msgr. Othodoric Aurelius Helvets. (Byzabro, or @Stevie)


    PERSONAL CONFESSOR TO THE CHAIR OF ST. DANIEL: The Right Reverend, Msgr. Goraya of Bihar. (Ryanheff74, or @Heff)


    KEEPER OF THE HOLY RELICS: The Very Reverend, Msgr. Simon Basrid. (dibbo9, or @Cracker)


    GRAND ALMONER OF HIS HOLINESS: The Right Reverend, Msgr. Everard Sheffield. (Scipp3r, or @muldoon)




    Dearly beloved, We the Pontificate have found fit to name His Imperial Majesty, Alexander II Stephen (Yopplwasupxxx, or @yopplwasupxxx), to the Order of the Black Sepulcher on account of his actions in retrieving the body of the late Cassian Cardinal Omeryn from his killers. He may include the honorific Holy Ser of the Black Sepulcher into his titles, and is bestowed the ashes of Blessed Polycarp to safeguard.











    11th of Harren’s Folly, 1728



    Dearly beloved, We join with the Lord in declaring, “thou spillest the blood of thine own uncle in Horen’s tabernacle” (Owyn XII). In sorrow, We weep in mourning for the death of Cassian Cardinal Omeryn, Our leal friend, and one of the High Pontiff’s own side. It has been said that a Cardinal is sent as if from the body of the High Pontiff himself, as has been written by Our own hand in the encyclical bulla REFORMATION OF THE SEPTARCHY, a most sacred office. Violence against a Cardinal of the Septarchy is thus tantamount to violence against the Holy Father himself, chosen Vicar of God, inheritor of the High Priesthood of Evaristus and Clement . .


    It is in this accursed month, in which the Prophet Owyn, “wroth for the death of his own father” slew his own blood (Owyn XI), that it was first brought before the Chair of Saint Daniel that one of her own Cardinals was slain without reprieve; but further, the news was compounded by defamation of the late Cardinal Omeryn was a shade, a cursed being of reprehensible evil. To these unfounded reports, Mother Church flees from all consolation, Her mourning for Her lost Cardinal greatly encreased.


    Worse, the reports came with demands made against the Chair of Saint Daniel, that His Holiness issue forth a posthumous excommunication against His faithful friend in life, now taken from his bosom. So too were demands lodged against the Kingdom of Llyria, that all the Cardinal’s work in life should be destroyed, and rendered null, as if no fruit were ever borne from his faithful hands.


    Within these demands were fundamental errors, which should drive the whole mission of the Church in the Omeryn Province to disarray. The most heinous of these were calls for numerous Llyrian officials to be rebaptized, as if such a thing were possible by the hands of men, and as if the sacred sacrament of baptism should be rendered without power if administered by sinful hands. 


    To the princes of the world then was issued a call to arms, as if to launch a crusade unto the Llyrian Kingdom, a crusade led by the hands of Urguanite heathens. These heathens once admonished by the Exalted Prophet Owyn in writing, that the power of God is not “parted among servants, but imitated” (Dwarves II). Our Pontificate rightly judges such a call to be null and void.


    Our Pontificate thus opens a full investigation into the violence committed unto a Cardinal of the Septarchy, to be led in full by His Eminence, Humbert Cardinal St Jude, Auditor of the Tribunal (Thesmellypocket, or @thesmellypocket). To assist him is assigned The Right Reverend, Monsignor William Markunas, High Magistrate of the Tribunal (SuperKeziak, or @SuperKeziak). Additionally, The Right Reverend, Monsignor Everard Sheffield (Scipp3r, or @muldoon) shall assist directly in investigations. Furthermore, all Cardinals of the Septarchy are henceforth delegated Cardinal-Judges, and are called to assist in the full ascertainment of the truth.


    Witnesses, and all men of good will who believe themselves to hold information pertinent to this case involving the death of Cassian Cardinal Omeryn, and the claims lodged against him as a shade, are henceforth summoned before the Chair of Saint Daniel to deliver said information to the Auditor of the Tribunal and his delegated assistants.


    Furthermore, the follower of Xan, the elf Lefkos Amethil (@Fury_Fire) is summoned specifically for audience before the Chair of Saint Daniel within the year 1729-1730. If such a summons is unheeded, condemnation shall follow.


    Deo gratias,



  14. On 7/30/2019 at 12:03 AM, Rammer said:

    Well, what’s your name?


    Aye. And from whence do you hail?

    “Originally from Lorraine, though now I reside within the Concord of Llyria”

    Alright, alright, that’s a fine place this time of season. How many years have you lived?

    “I’m 22 years of age”

    Got it. Your ethnicity, good man? I can’t make it out.


    Mmm. I never would have expected it. Are you literate?

    “I am!”

    Good, that won’t hurt you. Do you have a wife at home, or children?

    “I do not currently”

    They call Sixtus the Third ‘the Lewd’ for having two bastards. Don’t be like him. Have you got anything against taking oaths?

    “I do not”

    You’re all set. I’ll have this filed away to the Prelate at once. He’s a sleepy cardinal, about to hit his centennial. Give him a few days.


    “Llyria! Ah, must mean Cardinal Omeryn’s at work...” The clerk files away the transcripts of the interview as promised, sending them off for Cardinal Omeryn. (Lukariatias, @Lukariatias, or Lukariatias#1784)



    11th of Harren’s Folly, 1726


    HIS HOLINESS DANIEL VI, High Pontiff of the Church of the Canon, Archbishop of Visigia, Keeper of Varoche, Successor of the High Priesthood of the Church, Supreme Pontiff of the Church of True Faith, Keeper of the Canon, High Servant to the Exalted's Testaments, Humble Servant of the Faithful and Vicar of GOD doth decree…














    Dearly beloved, it is Our intention to map and define the duties and responsibilities of office which bear down upon the Curates, for the purposes of further diligence and fruitfulness.



    The Vice-Chancellor is the chief minister of the Curia, and is responsible for the proper maintenance of Nunciatures and day-to-day governance of the Holy See. He is the chief assistant and right hand of the Holy Father, aiding in all his duties, and acting regent of the Church during periods of sede vacante.


    The Vice-Chancellor is hereby delegated the following competencies of the Holy See.

    1. The Vice-Chancellor has been bestowed the responsibility of leading the Curia in its day-to-day functions.
    2. The Vice-Chancellor is hereby charged with delegating responsibilities to his subordinate Curates, and reporting their progress to the High Pontiff.
    3.  The Vice-Chancellor is hereby charged with the entreaty of foreign dignitaries, and the establishing of concordats with secular governments.
    4.  The Vice-Chancellor is hereby charged with the establishment of nunciatures to all Canonist princes, and their oversight.
    1.   The Vice-Chancellor is hereby charged with the responsibility of providing a concise quarterly report on the relationships which the Church maintains with the nations of the world.
    1.  The Vice-Chancellor is given the responsibility of providing for the welfare of Canonist faithful who should travel abroad, negotiating peacefully with foreign states for their continued safety, and making such incidents known to the Curia as should be known.
    1.  The Vice-Chancellor is hereby charged of leading the Church as regent in periods of sede vacante.



    The Auditor of the Tribunal is the justiciar of the Holy See, sworn to uphold the laws of the Canon and the Church. He is to deliberate and administer clerical judicial cases, command the Inquisition in routing heresy and apostasy. The Auditor of the Tribunal enforces Canon law in foreign territories in which he is permitted to act.


     The Auditor of the Tribunal is hereby delegated the following competencies of the Holy See.

    1.   The Auditor of the Tribunal has been instructed to take the High Pontiff’s place in ecclesiastical court.
    1.  The Auditor of the Tribunal has been instructed with the enforcement of Canon law in the diocesan provinces of the Church.
    2.  The Auditor of the Tribunal has been charged with the establishment of ecclesiastical courts in the diocesan provinces of the Church.
    1.  The Auditor of the Tribunal has hereby been granted the power to appoint subsidiary officers of ecclesiastical courts, delegating such powers as is necessary for their duty.
    1.  The Auditor of the Tribunal has been granted the power to mete out justice with respect to Canon law.
    1.  The Auditor of the Tribunal has been tasked with the uprooting of heresy and apostasy in the diocesan provinces of the Church.



    The Chamberlain of the Vicar manages the personal court and finances of the High Pontiff and the Church as a whole. It is their duty to see the holy grounds kept tidy, the High Pontiff in correct order, and manage the courtly status of the pontifical throne.


     The Pontifical Chamberlain is hereby delegated the following competencies of the Holy See. 

    1. The Pontifical Chamberlain is hereby tasked with the management of the affairs of the Pontifical Household and its domiciles faithfully, and to ensure the safety and comfort of its members.
    2.  The Pontifical Chamberlain is hereby tasked with hiring servants for the Holy See, quartering and paying for their activities with the disbursed funds of the Church.
    3.  The Pontifical Chamberlain is hereby tasked with the charitable quartering of guests of the High Pontiff within the domiciles of the Pontifical Household, assigning rooms and nourishment without infringing upon the space of its members.
    4. The Pontifical Chamberlain is hereby tasked with the planning, construction, and maintenance of wayshrines and in the diocesan provinces of the Church.
    5.  The Pontifical Chamberlain is hereby tasked with the establishment and maintenances of holy sites in the diocesan provinces of the Church.
    6.  The Pontifical Chamberlain is hereby granted the power to organize pilgrimages to the wayshrines and holy sites of the Church.



    The Secretariat of His Holiness is theological advisor and scribe to the High Pontiff. He is responsible for drafting Canon law and pontifical proclamations at the Holy Father’s discretion, as well as lesser proclamations of his fellow Curates and Cardinals. 


    The Secretariat to His Holiness is hereby delegated the following competencies of the Holy See.

    1.  The Secretariat to His Holiness is charged with the responsibility of drafting Canon law and pontifical proclamations at the Holy Father’s discretion.
    2. The Secretariat to His Holiness is charged with the organization and convention of the assemblies of the Curia at regular recurrences.
    3.  The Secretariat to His Holiness is charged with the drafting of minutes of Curia meetings.
    4.  The Secretariat to His Holiness is charged with the responsibility of maintaining the Catechism of the Church, and promulgating its teachings.



    The Prelate is charged with the task of the maintenance, sustenance, and encouragement of vocations in the priesthood. It is the Prelate’s duty to assign priests to parishes in which they are lacking, or to receive candidates for the priesthood directly from them. He is charged with ensuring that the minor order of acolytes are properly educated before they receive Holy Orders.


     The Prelate of the Priesthood is hereby delegated the following competencies of the Holy See.

    1.  The Prelate of the Priesthood is hereby tasked with the oversight of the priesthood of the Canonist Church.
    2.  The Prelate of the Priesthood is hereby charged with ensuring the proper education of the minor order of acolyte in the diocesan provinces of the Church.
    3.  The Prelate of the Priesthood is hereby charged with the assignment and reassignment of priests to and from dioceses as he sees fit, within right reason.
    4.  The Prelate of the Priesthood is hereby tasked with the encouragement of vocations and recruitment of candidates to the priesthood.



    The Archivist is tasked with the assembly and maintenance of the chronicles of the Church, be they legal or spiritual, ranging from the Great Chronicle of High Pontiffs to the legenda sanctorum. 


    The Ecclesiastical Archivist is hereby delegated the following competencies of the Holy See.

    1.  The Ecclesiastical Archivist is hereby charged with assembly of chronicles pertinent to the Church’s rich history, and the maintenance thereof. 
    1.  The Ecclesiastical Archivist is hereby charged with the diligent research of saintly hagiographies, and the recording of them in the legenda sanctorum.
    1.  The Ecclesiastical Archivist is hereby tasked with bringing relevant causes of canonization before the Curia.
    1.  The Ecclesiastical Archivist is charged with advisement to the Pontifical Chamberlain on matters pertinent to holy sites and wayshrines.


    All Cardinals belonging to the Septarchy may be properly defined as Curates, and are charged with provinces of oversight, delegations, and other work at the discretion of the High Pontiff. See the Pontifical decree, REFORMATION OF THE SEPTARCHY, for further exposition.


    Additionally, with the restitution of the Imperial Privy Council position of Papal Legate, His Holiness shall delegate at will a Cardinal who shall assume the office. As of seventy twenty-six, the Papal Legate of the Holy Orenian Empire is Siguard Cardinal Reza. (Ave_Imperium, @Imperium, or Ave_imperium#4314)





    Dearly beloved, with the departure of some and the deaths of others, the Curates of the Church have been reorganized, the proper holders of office detailed hereafter.


    VICE-CHANCELLOR - His Eminence, Ernst Cardinal Avalain (Froschli, @Froschli, or Hoehlenmensch_HD#1788)

    AUDITOR OF THE TRIBUNAL - His Eminence, Humbert Cardinal St Jude (Thesmellypocket, @thesmellypocket, or Thesmellypocket#3901)

    THE PONTIFICAL CHAMBERLAIN - His Grace, Abbot Odus de Jedih (Fatso_Fleeper, @Padre_Tales, or Shady#6958)

    SECRETARIAT TO HIS HOLINESS - His Eminence, Lochlan Cardinal Ves (Herathus, @Herathus, or Herathus#6850)

    PRELATE OF THE PRIESTHOOD - His Grace, Bishop Frederick Guillen (ExplorerEze, @ExplorerEze, or ExplorerEze#3198)

    ECCLESIASTICAL ARCHIVIST - The Very Reverend, Msgr. Jasper of Temesch (xboxersz, @xboxersz, or Cash4Gold#1763)





    Dearly beloved, it is with great sorrow that We announce to the world the death of High Pontiff Emeritus Sigismund I. With his passing, the Septarchy numbers six Cardinals, with a worthy replacement for the titan of theology yet unfound.


    As of seventeen twenty-six, the SEPTARCHY is composed of the following cardinals.


    Lochlan Cardinal Ves (Herathus, @Herathus, or Herathus#6850)

    Ernst Cardinal Avalain (Froschli, @Froschli, or Hoehlenmensch_HD#1788)

    Saint-John Cardinal Helena (_Bueno_, @NordLord, or Zed#4474)

    Humbert Cardinal St Jude (Thesmellypocket, @thesmellypocket, or Thesmellypocket#3901)

    Siguard Cardinal Reza (Ave_Imperium, @Imperium, or Ave_Imperium#4314)

    Cassian Cardinal Omeryn (Lukariatias, @Lukariatias, or Lukariatias#1784)




    Dearly beloved, with the natural flux of populations, and the changing tides of temporal princes, We do hereafter see fit to amend the composition of the diocesan provinces of the Church.


    ARCHDIOCESE OF CURONIA - Encompassing the snowy northeastern regions of Curonia, and the pine forests north of Mont St. Catherine, as well as the region of Suffolk.  To be administered by His Eminence, Ernst Cardinal Avalain (Froschli, @Froschli, or Hoehlenmensch_HD#1788)

    • DIOCESE OF AVALAIN - Encompassing the City of Avalain and surrounding countryside. To be administered by His Eminence, Ernst Cardinal Avalain (Froschli, @Froschli, or Hoehlenmensch_HD#1788)
    • DIOCESE OF PEMBROKE - Encompassing the forests north of Mont. St. Catherine, and the region of Suffolk. To be administered by His Grace, Frederick (ExplorerEze, @ExplorerEze, or ExplorerEze#3198)


    DIOCESE OF REZA - Encompassing the City of Reza and its surrounding countryside, stretching from central River Rubern to glacial Nenzing. To be administered by His Eminence, Siguard Cardinal Reza (Ave_Imperium, @Imperium, or Ave_Imperium#4314)


    METROPOLITANATE OF HELENA - Encompassing the City of Helena and surrounding countryside, stretching from Lake Ari to the northwestern forests of Westmarch, and south towards the Urguanian Mountains. To be administered by His Grace, Bertholdt (Key_of_Solomon, @Ambduscias, or amoeba#6957)


    METROPOLITANATE OF VES - Encompassing the City of Ves and surrounding countryside, stretching from the northern tip of Mont St. Catherine to the eastern half of the River Rubern. To be administered by His Eminence, Lochlan Cardinal Ves (Herathus, @Herathus, or Herathus#6850)




    Dearly beloved, the High Pontiff has verified accounts of three miracles by Bl. Nafis Yar, and with the unanimous assent of the Septarchy, has seen fit to declare him Saint Nafis of Al-Dirahk. Rejoice!






    Patron Saint of Farfolk, Fishermen,  Diamonds, Converts and Revolution


    Born as Nafis Yar, the orphaned Qalasheen - Oyashimian fisher-boy was under the wardship of House Kharadeen in the Caliphate of Khalestine. Raised in a tight knit community of “extended” Qalasheen family, Nafis developed a love for both his country and people and aspired to become a soldier for the Farfolk nation. Growing up he would be involved in the necrotic and monster purges of Vailorian Khalestine as Elven gentrification began to cripple the Farfolk economy. In times of peace, Nafis provided for his family by fishing at the local docks and on a tiny boat he saved up coin to purchase. Nafis would serve a brief time in the Order of Saint Lucien before becoming a mercenary after the Dukes’ War. He would go on to form the Hallowvale Contracting mercenary company and with a conglomerate of disenfranchised Qalasheen and comrades he met while fighting in the Kingdom of Oren. This would lead to Khalestine coming under a newly formed Kingdom of Vandoria first lead by Nafis’ pupil Frederick “Decimus” Rovin.


    During the Eighteen Years’ War, he would become a Prisoner of War in Urguan for four years before being freed by an advancing Imperial army. He would return home to Vandoria to find out the exiled House Winter and House Kharadeen had united the nation with the Dwed to form the ‘Grand Empire of Vanderguan’. Enraged by the subjugation of his people under the Dwed, Nafis would lead a rebellion known as the Qalasheen Spring. Despite early setbacks, Nafis would employ guerilla warfare against the various vassals of Vandoria who swore to the new Vanderguan and force them to bend the knee or face the blade. Nafis would become Lord Protector of the reformed Kingdom of Vandoria and dismantle the Caliphate of Khalestine into a Sultanate, make Canonism the official state religion and proclaim that the High Pontiff of the Canonist Faith was the only vicar of GOD.


    Nafis was first introduced to Canonism during his time served in the Dukes’ War and was officially baptized under High Pontiff Lucien III after he had conquered Vandoria. He would go on to die from Black Lung in his old age from years of smoking with his legacy survived by the reformed Sultanate of Khalestine under House Yar, his daughter Almas Yar-Lowedge and his son Rakim Yar who would serve as the last Grandmaster of the Atlasian Order of Saint Lucien.



    • In the Westerlands, Nafis’ son Rakim Yar wore the metal mask the Saint wore into battle against the undead. Right after giving commands to his lieutenants, A tainted arrow was shot at Rakim’s head and was embedded into the metal visage’s frontal lobe. Rakim was knocked out for the remainder of the battle, but awoke unscathed, untainted and with his men victorious.
    • A group of soldiers found themselves stranded in the dead, tainted River Piscatoris. After praying to Saint Nafis and casting their lines out, they had a bountiful catch of monkfish that swam in from the sea free of taint. This catch provided enough food for the soldiers to return home.
    • A Canonist missionary to the Alnorid visited the Emir Osman al-Mubak requesting he remove the religious tax on the Canonist Farfolk populace three times, all denied with threat of imprisonment the last time. The Canonist Missionary prayed to Saint Nafis for intervention and the next morning, Emir Osman was found dead on his throne with diamonds pouring from every orifice of his body. The next Emir would remove the religious tax on Canonists and compensate them for the unfair tax with the diamonds that were found in Osman.





    Dearly beloved, We have seen fit to raise the following virtuous faithful to the status of Venerable, the third class of the legenda sanctorum. With due study of their causes for canonization, these virtuous faithful may be named beatified or canonized at a future date. Following editions of the legenda sanctorum are mandated to include these additions.


    SIGISMUND I. For his actions in the Council of Ves.

    PONTIAN II. As an erudite theologian, and for his pious labor in study of Canon law.

    JULIA OF HAENSE. For her pious charity, and for co-founding the Order of Saint Catherine with St. Judith.



  16. On 7/24/2019 at 2:01 PM, LucaVerheij said:

    Well, what’s your name?


    Aye. And from whence do you hail?


    Alright, alright, that’s a fine place this time of season. How many years have you lived?

    29 Years

    Got it. Your ethnicity, good man? I can’t make it out.


    Mmm. I never would have expected it. Are you literate?

    Yes, i am

    Good, that won’t hurt you. Do you have a wife at home, or children?

    No I don't I am alone on my mission. 

    They call Sixtus the Third ‘the Lewd’ for having two bastards. Don’t be like him. Have you got anything against taking oaths?

    No, if i take an oath i'll hold me to it even if it takes my life.

    You’re all set. I’ll have this filed away to the Prelate at once. He’s all the way off in Pembroke, at least a day’s trip. Give him a while.


    The clerk files away the transcripts of the interview as promised, sending them off for Monsignor Commodus. (Fatso_Fleeper, @Padre_Tales, or Shady#6958)






    “Work first, then drink over your success.” Ser John d’Arkent


    The Crown sees the potential of the people of the Empire, idle now and with the will to create in the name of GOD and none other. The industriousness of humanity has been by the wayside in favor of our adeptness for the promulgation of conflict. Countless veterans lack the employment and purpose they once did, and through this act, we put the Orenian man to work. Thus, by the will of the Imperial Crown, we do henceforth declare the functionaries of growth for the coming years.





    • Due to the sprawling nature of the Empire, so ideal for its diversity and expanse of land, trips can be lengthy and often unsafe. Thus, we fund the construction of the greatest railway in recorded history, uniting the Empire with safe and quick commerce and travel, and putting the Orenian veterans to work.
    • There will be four stations to begin with;
      • Helena Station
      • Ves Station
      • Reza Station
      • Avalain Station
    • The Empire will form a state-sponsored company which will orchestrate both the construction and future operation of the railway, including future expansion. This company will partner with Durant Rail Co.





    • Helena crumbles around us, thus far surviving a siege and poor upkeep from the previous Emperors. In an effort to organize a city with proper infrastructure, and a symbol of the new Empire, a new city will be built. 
    • The castles hugging the walls of Helena shall all be reevaluated, audited, and razed should they be found wanting in proper bannermen, purpose, or proper construction.
    • The laborers hired for the digging and construction of the railway by the developed company shall have more work offered in the form of assisting with this progress.





    • The Empire sees the state of the Mother Church and her lack of clerics, and recognizes that stewardship of the soul is as imperative as stewardship of the land. Thus, it shall sponsor financially any man seeking to be educated under the Church.
    • Direct families of priests and priests themselves will live tax-free in the city of Helena, limited to one property per family.
    • Royal and ducal vassal of the realm shall send to the Church a single man willing to train for the role of priest, in order to bring the word of GOD back to their homes, and further the role of the Mother Church in the care of GOD’s most holy flock. Monsignor Frederick Guillen, Prelate of the Priesthood, shall ensure this law’s proper implementation.





    • Due to the horrific mismanagement of Helena and the treasury by the previous regime, the treasury requires replenishment and additional funding in order to pay for this plan. The Empire has elected to charge a one-time tithe from its subjects, including the vassals of direct vassals who otherwise pay homage to a King, Duke or Count. This tithe is to be collected by the Lord State Treasurer.
    • 2000 minas from each King
    • 1500 minas from each Ducal
    • 1000 minas from each Count
    • 500 minas from each Baron



    These programs have yet to be promulgated, beyond their bare speculation. Once certain programs are complete, these resources could be directed to these, or other programs.



    • The Empire maintains the largest military in the world, but in this time of transition and over the past wars, our veterans have grown old and many have been lost in battle. Thus, the Empire shall sponsor Imperial training programs, including wargames, for officers and warriors of the realm.
    • The greatest military trainers from throughout the Emperor shall be assembled and compensated for their time during these training sessions, which will be subsidized entirely by the Empire.



    • The Empire sees the state of its people, often unskilled laborers or veterans, who toil the fields or toil not at all, while our industry and economic size grows with our innovation. Thus, the Empire shall be opening a state-sponsored academy. It shall teach any variety of things, from politics to writing, to art and commerce, and so on.
    • Subjects of the Empire can provide proof of lack of employment will be financed in their secular education by the Empire.



    • The Empire’s and humanity’s diversity and ambition make us natural competitors. Thus, the Empire sees fit that its subjects should test their mettle not just in combat, but art and athleticism.
    • The Alexandrian Games will be held once every four years in a different City in the Empire, decided by the Emperor each year.
    • The Emperor will not select the same city twice within the course of four Alexandrian Games, or sixteen years, so that every major city in the Kingdom has the opportunity to reap the benefits of such an event.
    • A state-sponsored company will assist in subsidizing the construction of the necessary arenas for the various contests.



    • The Empire finds that the people of Orenia’s productivity wavers in the gathering of useful yet common materials. This is due to the lack of market value and ability to sell this material for tradeable currency easily. Thus, the Empire sees fit to officiate a program for the purchase of such goods.
    • The City of Helena shall contain a warehouse by which citizens may deposit their various goods of value; iron, gold, or whatsoever the program requests at that given time. A chest will be assigned per participating citizen.
    • The chests will be emptied and deposited, and the citizen paid a marginal market value of the item, determined at the time the chest is emptied by the officer assigned to the task.






    As decreed by the Regency Council of the Holy Orenian Empire, on behalf of His Imperial Majesty, Alexander II Stephen. Within this document are those regents which constitute the council, and a roll call, along with the proposals debated and ratified. This session was convened in the City of Ves.



    Hereafter are listed the Regents of the Regency Council, along with their roll call.


    His Holiness, Daniel VI. Present.

    His Majesty, Adrian I. Present.

    His Majesty, Peter I. Present.

    His Grace, Adrian. Present.

    His Majesty, Andrew III. Present.

    His Serene Highness, Charles Edward. Absent.





    Raised by His Holiness, Daniel VI. His Excellency, the Archchancellor had returned to the Regency with amended clauses after the Regency had formally voted to renegotiate the treaty the month prior. This debate featured passionate discourse, and in the words of one Mister Jasper, “waxed soliloquy.” After lengthy argument, the Council came to a decision by vote.


    This proposal failed with a count of four nays to one aye.



    Raised by His Holiness, Daniel VI. After the former amended treaty of His Excellency, the Archchancellor had failed ratification, the Regency took it upon itself to create its own amendments to the treaty, to be presented to the foreign ambassadors for consideration. This proposal was temporarily interrupted by an invasion of ratmen into the Palace.


    This proposal passed by unanimous vote.



    After failure of collective efforts by His Excellency, the Archchancellor to bring the Haelunorian and Fennic parties to a peace summit, the Council voted to declare Imperial neutrality in the brewing elven crisis.


    This proposal passed by a vote of four ayes to one nay.



    During the session, His Excellency, the Archchancellor received word of a petition by John Alexander, requesting His Imperial Majesty to relinquish and dissolve Kingdom of Renatus. After small debate, the Regency Council voted to politely decline John Alexander’s petition.


    This petition was denied by unanimous vote.



    Proposed before the Regency Council by His Excellency, the Archchancellor, the d’Arkent Manifesto has the stated purpose of securing “growth for the coming years” in the project to restore humanity to its former heights, and incentivize prosperity.


    The following programs of the d’Arkent Manifesto were debated by the Council.


    • Roads and Safety
      • Due to the sprawling nature of the Empire, so ideal for its diversity and expanse of land, trips can be lengthy and often unsafe. Thus, we fund the construction of the greatest railway in recorded history, uniting the Empire with safe and quick commerce and travel, and putting the Orenian veterans to work.
      • There will be four stations to begin with;
        • Helena Station
        • Ves Station
        • Reza Station
        • Avalain Station
        • The Empire will form a state-sponsored company which will orchestrate both the construction and future operation of the railway, including future expansion. This company will partner with Durant Rail Co.


    • Crownlands Reconstruction
      • Helena crumbles around us, thus far surviving a siege and poor upkeep from the previous Emperors. In an effort to organize a city with proper infrastructure, and a symbol of the new Empire, a new city will be built. 
      • The castles hugging the walls of Helena shall all be reevaluated, audited, and razed should they be found wanting in proper bannermen, purpose, or proper construction.
      • The laborers hired for the digging and construction of the railway by the developed company shall have more work offered in the form of assisting with this progress.


    • Clerical Education
      • The Empire sees the state of the Mother Church and her lack of clerics, and recognizes that stewardship of the soul is as imperative as stewardship of the land. Thus, it shall sponsor financially any man seeking to be educated under the Church.
      • Direct families of priests and priests themselves will live tax-free in the city of Helena, limited to one property per family.
      • Royal and ducal vassal of the realm shall send to the Church a single man willing to train for the role of priest, in order to bring the word of GOD back to their homes, and further the role of the Mother Church in the care of GOD’s most holy flock. Monsignor Frederick Guillen, Prelate of the Priesthood, shall ensure this law’s proper implementation.


    • Replenishing the Treasury
      • Due to the horrific mismanagement of Helena and the treasury by the previous regime, the treasury requires replenishment and additional funding in order to pay for this plan. The Empire has elected to charge a one-time tithe from its subjects, including the vassals of direct vassals who otherwise pay homage to a King, Duke or Count. 
      • 2000 minas from each King
      • 1500 minas from each Ducal
      • 1000 minas from each Count
      • 500 minas from each Baron


    This proposal passed by a vote of four ayes to one nay.



    So ended the second session of His Imperial Majesty’s Regency Council.

  19. 9 minutes ago, Nectorist said:

    Well, what’s your name?

    “Ludolf Damovic.”

    Aye. And from whence do you hail?

    “I’m Lord Sarkozic’s ward in Temesch, but I was born in Adria.”

    Alright, alright, that’s a fine place this time of season. How many years have you lived?

    “I’m sixteen, soon to be seventeen.”

    Got it. Your ethnicity, good man? I can’t make it out.

    “Lodenlander, so human through and through.”

    Mmm. I never would have expected it. Are you literate?

    “I can read and write well enough, for Lord Sarkozic has taught me well. However, I’m no scribe just yet.”

    Good, that won’t hurt you. Do you have a wife at home, or children?

    “None at all.”

    They call Sixtus the Third ‘the Lewd’ for having two bastards. Don’t be like him. Have you got anything against taking oaths?

    “Nope. If I did, I wouldn’t be here.”

    You’re all set. I’ll have this filed away to the Prelate at once. He’s a sleepy cardinal, about to hit his centennial. Give him a few days.


    ”Temesch? Those are wild lands, so I hear, boy. You’re a brave one! Certainly in need of flamenist schooling... regardless, I’ll tuck this away. Expect word to reach you in some time.” The cleric sends Ludolf’s interview down the road to St. Robert’s Abbey, addressed for Monsignor Odus de Jedih. (Fatso_Fleeper, @Padre_Tales, or Shady#6958)

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