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John Ivory

Gold VIP
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Status Updates posted by John Ivory

  1. Miss Bungo so much... he's been gone for two days but it's felt like forever... can't wait until he is home tomorrow night, gonna give him a big kiss

  2. mount & blade is $5 just buy the ******* game already

    1. big narstie

      big narstie

      Thankyou for your support, Hunwald. Enjoy your mineman experience. -Taleworlds

    2. warlord of filth

      warlord of filth

      is the viking conquest dlc worth the money or is still just the mod?

    3. John Ivory

      John Ivory

      they updated it a bit i think and it got a little better but i don't know if anyone plays it anymore @kincaid

  3. Mr. Tresery, open this gate. Mr. Tresery, tear down this wall!

  4. need my blood sucked affectionately by a qt vampire gf right now

    1. Harri


      frost witches can do the job better

    2. overlord2305


      *putts oogley eyes on a needle*

  5. need one more for CS any rank hmu

    1. big narstie
    2. TheBannedOne


      i can boost you i got aimbot and stuff

  6. new map is cool

  7. none **** plug.dj https://plug.dj/cmunion

    1. lemontide331


      absolute party going on in here!

    2. John Ivory
    3. Kaldwin_


      we already got recognized by a plug dj ambassador, that's a mission success

  8. Nug fam, I was banned before I could give you this. But remember what I said. Whenever you feel the urge to masturbate, bask in the glory of God and Europe. http://imgur.com/a/YwufG

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Nug
    3. Zarsies


      blessed be

    4. LPT


      I suddenly feel the need to talk of Jesus. 10/10 would fap to God and Europe again

  9. please accept more straight people to the GM team

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. Neri


      This status is turning into a twitter argument



      oink oink oink

    4. John Ivory

      John Ivory

      follow me on twitter @ETDEUMPURITAS

  10. Please change your Skype avatar ^__^

  11. Please change your Skype avatar ^__^

  12. question: who is the most legendary figure in all of history

  13. Rest in peace Antonin Scalia, one of the best.



      o7 o7 o7 o7 o7 o7 o7 

  14. rule britannia

    1. Space
    2. John Ivory

      John Ivory

      hoh wow economic uncertainty causes currency value to drop short-term wow has this ever happened before wow just wow im a #Innie now

    3. Harri


      i personally pref in but ur right we cant really judge economy till everything's settled

  15. server threads feel very dead these days, why not put the latest topics module above voting/tweets(???)/statuses

  16. sexy forum pic

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Stevie


      dont talk to me or my son ever again

    3. Fishy


      my wife's son*

    4. Ford


      nice towel

  17. she got a big (bungo) so I call her big (bungo)

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