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Reckless Banzai Screamer

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Status Updates posted by Reckless Banzai Screamer

  1. crp warclaim incoming...

  2. damn, the white bias of some who steal latinos out from their communities 🤢😔

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Reckless Banzai Screamer

      Reckless Banzai Screamer

      Your first mistake was thinking I wouldn’t stop at just getting Zhulik and the Fleeps banned, Dasdi. I’m saving their souls. I fear no Blue Lives or Red lives. The fat boy might fear em’ but I’m making him grow up. Also, who you think ghost wrote my rhymes and melodies? Don’t speak on my child or she’ll write more disrespectful rap bars!  I offered you both weaboo friendship and we could’ve all been laughing watching anime together like a family but your white devil friend with hair the color of hellfire took the rap beef too personal and that’s how street violence happens. Assmar to your fake birkin and gucci from Chinatown, assmar to your blaxploitation pfp on the forums and send your snitch receipts to the Blue Lives you gotta rely on for your fights. We could’ve dropped this rap beef but now IT’S GANG BEEF >.<


      I’d say see you in the trenches, but I know you stay inside. gang gang

    3. Islamadon


      That white supremacist Niccum groomed me to become a racist when I was only 12 years old. When I first joined LOTC, he recruited me into his family and told me that if I ever communicated with dark skinned humans or other races he would disown me. In fact, my first RP on the server he had me execute an orc he had captured, dubbing it a “gibberish speaking moss skin”. The years that followed he continuously drilled Nationalist Socialist ideology into my head while larping as a libertarian in public. That’s why Aesterwald was so Nazi-larp, it was his design to live out a weird Hitler fantasy. He also would stalk a twitch streamer named Jenna because he thought she was an Aryan-qt but also knew she had Jewish blood in her and it was a weird sick power fantasy of his to own a blond Jewish person. I’m glad she told him to buzz off. I hope my fellow Caucasian players can break free of the chains of racist grooming on minecraft, In know my soul hurt and it must’ve hurt the feelings of others! I hope Niccum gets in trouble for this, because he can’t keep getting away with this. I’ve been banned because of the edgy attitudes Niccum drilled into me, and I hope I can move on from this dark chapter in my life.

      Edited by JailedGamer
    4. bumblefina
  3. Day 28 of the Tetsugawan Occupation, the rice famine has been harsh.

    1. Benleft



      And a real hero… 

  4. dear maria you fed me tamales when i wasnt eatin 

  5. Deregulate staff bureaucracy to allow for further efficiency - makes it easier on both staff and players - makes minecraft roleplay more enjoyable!

  6. Do I ruin your role play???

  7. Do yall got a build server me and Zhulik can use? I'm willing to pay in shiny shekel minas for 1 month usage (it won't take a month). We need worldedit and multiverse is all.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. BathRugMan


      why not use faiz's

    3. Reckless Banzai Screamer

      Reckless Banzai Screamer

      Faiz threw my sign down (his server can't handle anymore map downloads)

    4. Priceflash


      try arockstar

  8. Doggedwassup will surpass his big brother and become the 4th prophet, this is the mineman premonition I received :serene: But only when he starts playing a Farfolk.

  9. Don't chew on your styrofoam cups

  10. Don't drink the lean!

    1. mitto


      do you know the % of syrup to sprite

    2. Reckless Banzai Screamer

      Reckless Banzai Screamer


  11. Don't sip Moët just prometh.

  12. don’t forget to rest your clicking finger gamers!

    1. Deer__


      Shady lookin out for our clickers. What a stand up guy!

  13. dont come out the house cuz nordengrad on fire



  14. down with the oligarchs wipe the slate clean pvp them all!!!

  15. Drink more water. Or you might die.

  16. drive it like i stole it

    1. lawnmowerman


        i push it till i roll it, and somebody gotta tow it

  17. EDDIE Kane, EDDIE Corleone Tony Montana, dopeman **** : ))))))))))))))

  18. embrace aengul stork lore this is fantasy setting 

    1. Amayonnaise


      Oh! I actually meant to quote your comment - damn, I forgot.. But yeah, removing FTB and adding in new flavour lore for the bringing of children via prayer / aengul / mani etc would be super cool imo.

    2. Knight of Elken

      Knight of Elken

      this shit is such a funny idea and no matter what, if any, changes are made, i'm rping this anyways 

  19. Embrace stork rp we've evolved beyond the need of /persona prefix [6 months]

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      Punisher The Punisher GIF - Punisher The Punisher Wait GIFs


      *London Air Raid Sirens are blaring

    3. Jentos



    4. Jonificus


      [Fat] Merchant: "I'll have two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese, and a large soda."

  20. es spooky trap yeah yeah yeah

  21. everyone says im cool but they wont let me be an admin or join their cool magical mineman clubs :///


    @Gucko liar

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. GodEmperorFlam


      You never asked to join my club :/

    3. mitto


      D E T A I N E D

    4. lawnmowerman


      trust me id take you over all the **** ones every day of the week but lotc isnt fair

  22. farfolk stocks rising, pk your heartlanders and highlanders ASAP

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Dyl


      Don’t hate da rhenyars… we just tryna vibe shady…

    3. Zacho


      $FFK is up, while $ORN is still a dumpster fire, $HNS remains the only stable stock in this world... 

    4. Reckless Banzai Screamer

      Reckless Banzai Screamer

      $HNS is artificially inflated and about to pop when Cloud Breaker party wipes

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