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Status Updates posted by SpiltMemes

  1. *frowns loudly

    1. Harri


      *smirks quietly

    2. Bourbon


      *raises eyebrows smashingly

    1. Matheus



    2. Ducklingator


      Alot of people say exterminate, but I find it very hard to stumble across a magic teacher for a specific magic

    3. zaezae


      I think sword fighting should have applications with teachers.

  2. ◕ - ◕ *heavy breathing*

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Chocaholic_


      'Kay, I thought it would be just FMs. <3

    3. tilly
    4. Dr. Boom/Dr. Bewm

      Dr. Boom/Dr. Bewm

      I'm trying to tip of not breathing and for some reason im felin liht hreaded 


  3. adunian buff yes no?

  4. Does anyone go on 4chan?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Skippy


      only btards would know that meme too

    3. Matheus


      moms spaghetti ex dee

    4. Space


      smh (shake my head) trips (tripcode) loser lol (laugh out loud)

  5. Does anyone remember the last forum skin? It was better, right?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AGiantPie


      It was basically the same except with less negative space

    3. argonian


      And you could comment on statuses and see replies without clicking into the profile. And formatting posts was a hell of a lot easier.

    4. Kim
  6. Get your thinkin caps on :J

  7. Hey everyone, Anthony Fantano here; the internets busiest music nerd back with another mixtape review. Manchester Rapper, aspiring lyricist 'Delrof' comes at us with his grime parody of YG's Still Brazy with 'Delrof - Still Jamesy.' This mixtape is short and sweet, it only has a few tracks on it
    the mixtape starts off with a thud with the heartwrenching yet somewhat comical 'Manlet' where Delrof describes what its like to be under 5'10, next we have the more lighthearted 'Introvert' where he describes his endeavours on a minecraft roleplaying server as what seems to be his alter ego 'Thorvald of Lochwind'. Another notable track is 'Middle-Class Roadman' where he basically calls out all of the middle class boys in his area who try to act like gangsters or the English equivalent 'Roadmen'. I really like how hard he goes on this track his flow is incredible and the beat is very Blacker the Berry esc.
    Other tracks include 'Shotgun' where he describes how he was once at a house party and drank too much and consequently threatened to kill himself because of teenaged antics, a little weak on this track though still impressive nonetheless. 
    The final track on this album is simply titled 'Weed' which I know sounds like a very mediocre track but I believe Delrof comes through on this thing with some rather comedic lines about he once managed to drop a blunt in the toilet
    Overall I'm feeling a light to a decent 9 on this thing, I hope Delrof can really tidy up the rough edges on his next piece and I really am impressed overall.

  8. inb4 Black Knight Greatsword carries you through DS PTDE

    1. Swgrclan


      literally scrubtier

  9. kincaid is the new harambe//?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ambduscias


      my **** was already out, so i'm dedicating it to kincaid

    3. Rammer


      my genitals are out for Kincaid 

    4. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect

      change this forum pic cover its the irythill dancer i hate her omg she killed me so many times but probably because my processor can't handle that part of the lothric place and i get lag on my way to her


      i died once to these knights on high level gear lol

  10. Last time I slept was last year

    1. H


      you're hilarious

    2. SpiltMemes
    3. H


      so clever

  11. Tythus already explained it

  12. Why is the silver crown package 2250 crowns and not 2750 :( Now I must pay an extra 10$ for more crowns than I need 

    1. z3m0s


      Thats why its priced like that... so you spend more money

  13. "What did you do this summer?" "Pugsied kids in Thales."

    1. monkeypoacher


      you pugsied, squeak?

    2. SpiltMemes


      No. I haven't nor will I ever. .-. . To think about it, I've only killed/PvP'd someone twice in the past two years of playing, or in the past three in total.

  14. *Heavy breathing*

  15. *Was just married to Susi*

  16. #BringBackBrewing - BBB

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