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Status Updates posted by _Jandy_

  1. Can we either dial back the Christmas festivities to the point where immersion isn’t entirely shattered or establish a rp reason that the festivities exist?

  2. The recording of the Community Meeting is too large for YouTube and Vimeo. Not sure how to share it with yall since I don’t have the software (or motivation) to divvy the recording into multiple parts. Any advice is welcome.

    1. z3m0s


      Did nobody else record it? If you have a verified youtube account (youtube.com/verify) you should be able to upload files up to 128gb. Unless it went for like 6 hours I’ll assume you probably recorded it at a high quality, which isn’t needed in future, only audio.

    2. _Jandy_



      we got it sorted, thanks lads.

  3. I will make an orc skin every day for a month and see how much better I can get over time by testing new things and hopefully learning how to shade. If you want to spectate my progress I will upload them to PMC.


  4. We should try to make an updated version of this video, to help out the AT and recruitment in general, for the start of the next map.


  5. kk, gf. now when is the tie breaker?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. _Jandy_


      damn @Blago you really powned my epic joke. 


      maybe if you’re down to forfeit your GM help, redo for hackers and give second tries for those victories then it’d be fair. until then I’ll be waiting for abberang tiebreaker. 




      dude are you upset that you lost

    4. blago
  6. damn that was laggy, gf

  7. Don’t vote for the server until we are consistently sitting at 250 players.




    If that sounds dumb to you then you can recognize why stripping groups of their nation status for activity issues won’t help anybody. 

    1. NotEvilAtAll


      Stop voting for the server until Orcs get a nation 

    2. Inferno_Ougi


      Stop voting for the server until Halflings get a nation

    3. Senatus-Populusque-Velianus


      Don’t want to vote for the server? Join Velia – a land without server voting requirements!

  8. 9b3a53b8c105d73ad27a4b0d22c24223.png

    Who won the real battle? B) 

  9. this month’s lt update better cover last month as well ?

  10. 2d984a7f123426d4d5e435441e5a8f6a.png

    “San’Kala. West Side.”

    1. HortonHeardAWho


      Thinking Krugmar is East Side and Glaedwynn is West Side?

  11. Pvp Goons? we call them War Whores now

  12. Dishonorable ninja orcs? You have become the very thing you swore to destroy.

  13. Where’s the LT Monthly Update Log?

  14. I can’t believe I got banned from r/prequelmemes for a joke about The Senate

  15. Hey Lumi, need your help with studying the anatomy of cat girls. Hmu 

    1. Myleres


      You have my discord ? 

  16. Where is the Olog guide? Why are the LT deciding to not enforce age lore? 

    1. Inferno_Ougi


      pls pls olog guide PLS

    2. The Elder Eye

      The Elder Eye

      Age lore, descendant curse lore, it don’t matter no more apparently.

      Elves getting pregnant at 560, Orcs living peacefully among other races.

      Absolute deplorables.

  17. I hit Gold in League, are you guys proud of me yet?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Dromui


      Yes my son.


    3. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect

      i had Master on HotS, Diamond on Brawlhalla and I have sadly only 3500 MMR on Dota 2

    4. _Jandy_


      @Man of Respect I respect you, gamer. 

  18. c9 it’s now or never baby, let’s go.

  19. Selling Wolfkite, pm me for details

    1. gandalfo


      i’m interested 

  20. Remember to vote on potential imprisonment rule changes:



  21. Remember to vote on potential imprisonment rule changes:


  22. Cloud9 is nutty

  23. I'd really love to see some changes regarding imprisonment rules so that the only two viable options for dealing with opposing characters doesn't have to be execution or banishment (fines would work if we had a decent economy system but that's a different topic) but I don't really know what kinds of changes should be made. What do you guys think?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. NotEvilAtAll
    3. Papa Liam

      Papa Liam

      I’ve thought about this a lot, to the point where last map, I assisted in the creation of an imperial prison for a short time in Johannesburg. We had a holding cell, five cells above ground, about ten cells in the lower floors, four solitary confinement chambers, faculty offices, a clinic, a courtyard, storage chambers, and even a laboratory. Our prison was very successful, but thats only because crime in Johannesburg was abnormally rampant, so we had a lot of opportunities to arrest a variety of criminals. Most of them enjoyed the short term captivity, and there were even some asking if prison RP was a long term goal of ours. If we enforced more rigorous soulstone and /d20 rules for imprisonment, I think that the people who would want to participate in prison RP — which seems to be an unexpectedly large base — would actually be eager to play some brand of criminal, not to mention that additional criminals serving an IRP year long sentence or so would also experience the prison RP. 


      Not only would suggested reforms bring about fun and dynamic prison RP, it’d make more functional sense for select nations. I suggest you make a thread about this.


      Oh damn never mind you made a thread already

      Edited by Papa Liam
    4. Narthok


      I'll look into putting up a community review with Jandy's rules to see if the community would like something like this. 

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