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Everything posted by Gavin_

  1. "You served diligently, Miss An'asul." Stated the Sohaer, upon finishing his scan of the resignation missive.
  2. Issued by Sohaer Braxus Ni’leya, 18th of Malin’s Welcome, Year 57 - S.A Ivarielle, It has long been a tradition in Haelun’or, to challenge those in positions of power who you deem unfit, ill-intentioned or simply incompetent. It has long been the tradition of Haelun’orians, to debate their differences, not through sophism, but through well-reasoned and intellectual oration - rhetoric is a device used by those who possess wit in abundance, but lack reason. You claim that it is I, Braxus Ni’leya - Sohaer, who draws Haelun’or down a path that will lead to bloodshed. You claim that my Sohaership is illegitimate. You claim Haelun’or for yourself. You claim that Haelun’or owes its allegiance to you - for you are her Princess and her citizens are your citizens. You claim that you come not to destroy, but to unite. You claim that you wish to safeguard our traditions and culture. Prove it I, Sohaer Ni’leya, offer you, Ivarielle Ibarellan, the opportunity to challenge me, as is tradition, for the position of Sohaer, by public debate in the Silver Citadel, chaired by elMalauriran, to be witnessed by all denizens of Haelun’or. You are hereby invited to make your case before the most venerated and blessed of Mali’thill - elMalauriran and they shall decide who shall rule Haelun’or, Ni’leya, or Ibarellan, as is tradition. Should you challenge me, you shall enter Haelun’or freely and without harm - no injury shall come to you. Should you decline, you show the world that it is you, who leads elMali’aheral to bloodshed, not I. You discredit your entire movement and prove to the world that you are nothing more than a politically ambitious liar. A date and time shall be arranged privately, by bird. Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya Signed, Braxus Ni’leya, Sohaer.
  3. Sohaer Braxus Ni'leya reads this letter. "Mister Orrar was certainly no fool - I cannot wait to hear the cries of delight from our enemies who misunderstand the purpose of this!" He'd chuckle to himself, shaking his head as he places the letter down on his table within the confines of the Citadel.
  4. Why We Fight A Reminder to All Mali’thill As Issued by the Sohaer 6th of the Snow's Maiden, Year 57 - S.A (Art by Biegeltoren) ________________________________________ Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya Larihei abandoned Malin - Stagnation and inadequacy had found its way into the minds and hearts of Malinor - and so she, along with kindred spirits, departed. Called to perfection were their souls - and so began Haelun’or. For generations, Haelun’or has existed - like the Ocean that now surrounds our Blessed Silver Isle, Haelun’or has ebbed and flowed, its tides have risen and sunk, for such is the nature of the corrupted world we live in - yet from generation to generation, we are called to perfection - and it is through the teachings of Larihei - as found in her Eternal Library and College, that we may glimpse at the ideal. We do not call upon a Deity or King for guidance, but we rely on trusted and true, age-old traditions and customs to lead us by our hands, as Children of Silver, towards the Argent domain of the Silver Maiden. Haelun’or is, and will always be. This is a fact that cannot be undone - for Haelun’or is a concept and ideas cannot be destroyed. From the First Maheral in Asulon, Dio Astòre, to the current Maheral, Elesia Elervathar, we drive on, adhering to blessed principles and tradition, no matter what foe or fiend stands before us. Haelun’or, given its glimmering brilliance, has always attracted spawns of Iblees, for those who dwell in the dark, cannot bear to suffer the light. Caustic, is the nature of these daemons who seek to poison the minds and hearts of Mali’thill. Throughout our history, we have contended with many manifestations of evil - Drakes - stricken down by our blessed evariran in Asulon. Schism, imposed by the most corrupted of Mali’aheral - such as the Izalith, yet they were repelled. Now, we contend with the Nations of the world, misguided though they be, rallied under the banner of a Princess who claims the Throne of Haelun’or, Ivarielle I. She demands Larihei’s legacy - Haelun’or, for herself. She styles herself the Princess of all ‘Aheral, yet Haelun’or has no throne - it never has, nor will it ever, for it is not in her nature. Furthermore, what so-called Princess of a people, would actively try to destroy the cultural heritage of those people? What so-called Princess of a people, would slaughter her own people for a non-existent throne? None that any Mali’aheral ought recognize. Ivarielle I is in League with those who have for countless generations, assaulted the very fabric of what it means to be a Child of Silver - maehr’sae hiylun’ehya. Haelun’or is among the eldest of Nations - long have we stood, and long will we continue to stand, for history has shown, time and time again, that when Haelun’or and her blessed denizens maintain their purity - when we rally behind the traditions and customs given to us by our predecessors, that we are strongest and we endure. For most of our history, we have never relied on the sword to survive - yet we remain, how is this possible in a world where pride, greed, brutality and malice reigns? It is made possible because our calling is not of the physical world - we are not driven by pride, such as the Valah, we are not driven by greed, such as the Bortu, we are not driven by brutality, like the Uruk, nor are we driven by malice, such as the tribe of Fenn. No, our calling is far greater than this. We are driven by an ideal of absolute perfection - attainable only by a select few who inhabit this world - the Mali’thill. And so while evil may rasp upon our Silver gates, I encourage you to treat this current impracticality with the same zeal as our previous generations have - continue on with your lives, halt not your attainment of purity, ignore these evil-doers, for their mission is to stop you from reaching your potential. The best defence Haelun’or has, lies in each and every one of you - your Silver Soul. Continue to live out maehr’sae hiylun’ehya - shine forth, like a beacon - blind our enemies with your brilliance. Silver will endure - it always has. Mali’thill shall always hold, in their hearts, Haelun’or - for it is in the nature of all Mali’thill - to seek perfection. This, is Why We Fight Signed, Braxus Ni’leya, Sohaer ito’Haelun’or
  5. "A rather pretty painting." Remarks the Sohaer as he scans the missive.
  6. Enemies Beware Issued from the Silver Citadel of Haelun'or, 14th of Malin's Welcome, Year 65, S.A. Gently down the stream, and into the Ocean, did the mighty Mali'thill of Haelun'or send the bodies of many Aheralic and Silver Lubba raiders. Let this be a clear message, that while Haelun'or has no interests in shows of military might, we will when required, defend our blessed Haelun'or against any and all who endeavor to destroy her! The TRAITOR - Valindra Viradiraar, who abandoned Haelun'or for her own political gain, whimpered as she was flung down the silver steps. To Ivarielle I, the false pretender of a Throne which does not, and never will exist - your Schism falls apart at its seams. __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Valiant Sillumiran, such as Valazaer Shazorwyn - Valiant Allies, such as Vallein Vuln'miruel, an upstanding but simple Mali'ame, have today proved that WE are not as weak as our enemies may think. Abandon your efforts and claims to Haelun'or - for she has given you her answer. Maehr'sae Hiylun'ehya Sohaer, Braxus Ni'leya
  7. "On one hand, we have a Kingdom led by an infamous House of Bandits and on the other hand, we have a Principality - on paper that is - propped up by The Ferrymen." Remarks the Sohaer, chuckling to himself as he strides towards his Hearth - tossing the missive into it shortly thereafter. "Birds of a feather, flock together." Concludes Braxus, satisfied that yet another Schism shall be put to rest by the sheer ineptitude and incompetence of those at the Helm.
  8. The Sohaer paces back and forth in the Citadel, happy to have signed the pact. "A new future for Elvendom awaits - Cordial and Strong shall our relations be." he murmurs to himself.
  9. The Thillaric Confutation Issued from the Citadel The 11th of Amber Cold, Year 54, S.A MALI'AHERAL, Recently, a missive has usurped my interest. The caustic nature of said missive requires a response from Haelun’or - the legitimate and only successor State to Ancient Haelun’or - as led by the Silver Maiden herself - Larihei Lomahnih. It is from her Ancient College, that we derive our principles of Governance and our guiding Philosophy - elMaehr'sae Hiylun'ehya, which the author of this missive, the self-proclaimed Princess - Ivarielle, blatantly and intentionally disregards, for her own political, baseless agenda. Laid out in this missive, are the most egregious proposals and errors. Erroneous in nature, and abhorrent upon contemplation. I shall, as is my duty as Sohaer of Haelun’or, unveil, and bring to light, these vile notions. Haelun'or, shall endure, as she always has, against those who impose Schism. As elVuln and many others contended with Schism, so too shall elMarullral'ito'tennallar. I. “I write to you as one who of those who had so left the state to avoid the failings and lethargic dealings of Kolvar and his failed twin of Diarchism,..”. Here, the Aheralic have erred greatly - Kolvar Uradir is no longer Sohaer. During his tenure, there was no Maheral - which means that Haelun’or could not have been a Diarchy while he was in power. Given that Diarchy is ‘Rule of Two’, your claim here is beyond false - but a clear and blatant lie. Furthermore, I am a Traditionalist - that thing you despise most, for it is the purest form of Haelun’or and subsequently, the most apt political persuasion for elMali’aheral to follow - your attempts to deceive el'Mali'aheral shall be in vain - they shall see through your false rhetoric. II. “A Princedom - something that has yet to have dawned in the Silver State; for those there know that placing the silver state under a leadership akin to our distant Lari’onnan and Mal’onnan as Princedoms would eradicate their dying clutches on it.”. Here, the Aheralic have erred greatly - Haelun’or does not cast down tradition for a Crown because we fear that we shall lose her, rather, we maintain our traditional form of Government because it is how it ought to be. Haelun’or and her fundamentals are unchanging. Of course, there is room for expansion upon these ideals - for that is the essence of progress. However, they wish not to further Haelun'or, but to destroy it - yet they are so cowardly that they hide beneath the guise of wanting to 'save' her. They wish to trick you. III. “Those who hold displeasure in the state for their practices and ideals of purity in which they dictate how one should look, allow us to come to the middle ground for the first time and hopefully indefinitely.”. Here, the Aheralic have erred greatly - for they have admitted that they wish to compromise on Larihei's ideals and philosophy. A building which at its foundations allows for corrosion, shall soon crumble - such is the nature of those buildings who have at their base - quicksand. The Aheralic wish to dilute Haelun'orian culture to such a degree, that it is beyond recognition - simply yet another Elven Princedom - a direct rival and threat to both Fenn and Elvenesse. IV. “For those of you who join, and are of a notable Talonii I so express my desire to reform the ideals of purity to your respective bloodlines..”. Here, the Aheralic have erred greatly - Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya - the Philosophy of Larihei and Haelun’or, is unchanging in kind. It does not fall to the whims of leaders, Sohaer or Princess for it is fundamentally unchanging in essence. Their wish to anathematize Larihei’s blessed teachings further shows their foul intentions. They have more in common with elFenn than they do with elThill. They propose a Principality with certain ruling Dynasties - this is Fenn. They secretly propose the worship of Azdromoth - Fenn worships Wyvrun. They propose the tolerance of bodily mutilations and tattoos - As does Fenn. V. “Willing modifications of one’s form is now also permitted in the form of hidden tattoos | such must always be done in moderation as to not conceal the full natural glory of those born from the Golden Pools.”. Here, the Aheralic have erred greatly - Haelun’or and her denizens understand the importance of the gift of the Golden Pools and the consequent effects on their bodies. They understand the painstaking efforts by their ancestors to defend and protect their bloodlines and physical appearances - which set them apart from the world. As such, we strive for physical perfect - the intentional scarring of the body, the intentional mutilation of the body is, has and will always be, a mark of the ‘ata. Maehr'sae Hiylun'ehya Signed, Braxus Ni'leya, Sohaer ito'Haelun'or
  10. THE SILVER STATE CALLS: ELMALI’THILL Issued from the Eternal Library The 11th of Snow’s Maiden, 54 SA “The continuity of our people must come before all factionalism and personal desire, no matter their cost and our pride. We must all strive for diligence in the face of ignorance.” - Malaurir Lucion Sullas BLESSED MALI’THILL, Kae mal’onnan lari’onnan’ehya, It has been the Imperative of Haelun’or, to have at its foundation, two things; Elmaehr’sae hiylun’ehya, and eltalonnii. Without Elmaehr’sae hiylun’ehya, our people - grovelling, would be no better than lessers who exist purely to satiate their idols, hedonism and baseness. Without the latter - eltalonnii, our society would default to the individual, deifying him and making his efforts and fruits solely his - himself being the only beneficiary. Why should he care for others when eltalonnii is of no importance? As such, from the very creation of Haelun’or, our blessed leaders had the foresight to center Haelun’ors foundations around these two institutions. Mali’thill who practice and maintain Elmaehr’sae hiylun’ehya - who strive to establish a fruitful Talonnii, do not benefit only themselves. They, in their toil and efforts, give to each Mali’thill, something to strive for. The betterment of Haelun’or cannot come from simply oem’thill. It must come from us all - as a collective - each Talonnii doing its share to benefit one another. As such, I call upon eltalonniian of yore to return to Haelun’or with your namesake, to be with the rest of your kin. To take the reins in moving Haelun’or forward - into a new era of progress. Re-ignite your forges, Re-assemble your laboratories, Re-host your symposiums - Haelun’or beckons. “Children of Larihei, separate yourselves from those lesser. Return to your people and reinstate your Nation among the leaders of the world. Revive in yourselves, a sense of superiority, for you are ‘thill. Disregard not, the gift you possess - your Silver Soul, but follow it’s call - flock home.” - Sohaer Braxus Ni’eya The Silver State calls: AHTALONIIAN ELERVATHAR AND VISAJ, that led elmali’thill from the cradle of Fi’halen to the great cihi of Lareh’thilln, and gifted to them invaluable knowledge pertaining to Arcanism. AHTALONNII ELIBAR’ACAL, that always protected the Ancient Traditions of Haelun'or. elTalonnii that gifted Fi'hiiran'tayna to elmali’thill. TALONNII SEREGON, that ensured the safety and Hiylun of elmali’thill by their service in elsillumiran and the Clinic. SILVOS SYTHAERIN, AND HIS TALONNII, that contributed greatly to Maehr’sae by their tireless work in the Laboratories. Who invented Acid, the great purifier of all who have erred beyond reconciliation. AHTALONNII URADIR, PURE DESCENDANTS OF KALENZ, that once led elmali’thill to greatness in the times of the Fringe, uniting Elvendom under the rule of elmali’thill. AHTALONNII SULLAS, PURE DESCENDANTS OF LUCION, that gave mali’thill the Silver Law and invented Electric Evocation. elTalonni of logicians, respected for resolving disputes between residents of Elcihi’thilln. TALONNII ALDIN, that made tremendous contributions to the Eternal Library and education of elmali’thill. AHTALONII MIRAVARIS, that ensured the prosperity of elmali’thill by the reformation of ElSillumiran, and numerous public lessons on the teachings of Larihei. AHTALONNII LAZUL, that gifted the Dichotomy of Lewdness to elmali’thill, and who always aided the blessed denizens of Haelun’or with their wisdom. MAEHR’SAE HIYLUN’EHYA Sohaer, Braxus Ni’leya Okarir’maehr, Idendril Elassidil
  11. 18th of Snow’s Maiden, 54 S.A. “The aim of argument, or of discussion, should not be victory, but progress.” Throughout this upcoming Grand Harvest, there is to be a Silver Fair, one which celebrates the newly appointed Silver Council and the most exemplary parts of maehr’sae hiylun’ehya. It is a day which calls for the return of all Mali’thill, for them to rejoice in the times that are to come within this new breath of fresh air. This Silver Fair will be hosted within the lower market district of elcihi’thilln during the Grand Harvest of 54 A.C. There shall be games, a variety of booths regarding the past of Haelun’or, important figures in Haelun’or arriving to tell stories, food, and drinking. All friends of the Silver State are welcome to attend, so long as they remain respectful of our culture throughout the event. We cannot wait to see you there. Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya Penned and Signed; Braxus Ni’leya, Sohaer Valyris Wynasul, Okarir’mali OOC: Saturday, December 11th @ 5:00 PM EST // 10:00 PM GMT
  12. THE ARGENT IMPERATIVE The Sohaer’s address to the Blessed Citizenry of the Silver State of Haelun’or Issued on the 18th of The Grand Harvest, Year 53 - S.A Blessed denizens of elcihi’thilln. The time has come for the appointment of a new Heial’thilln - one that will lead Haelun’or from its current plight - one that will elevate her among the Nations of Almaris. Too long, have the Blessed children of Silver suffered the woes of stagnation and malefactors. The time has come to reinstate Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya as our driving principle - to rekindle in the minds and hearts of all Mali’thill who roam this world, a drive for perfection, as our predecessors had. I recall a quote from Malaurir Kalenz Uradir; “With all it’s luster and Blessedness, even elcihi’thilln will tarnish with time without care. It is the Children of Silver who must tend to its spires and make its Silver glisten: Progress”. Haelun'or, my blessed kin, enters into a new era - an era of prosperity and progress. Return home and aid your motherland in her great revival! - The position of Sulii’ceru is reinstated among the council - they shall; - Keep their identities secret to all but the Maheral. An exposed Sulii’ceru will be retired. - Keep a record of administered marks of any of the Heial’thilln and request the resignation of those who surpass two marks. - Immediately strip of their title those of the Heial’thilln who are found to be either impure or knowingly violating Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya. In this event, the Sulii'ceru will inform the Maheral who shall ask the violating member of the Heial'thilln to step down (or step down himself if he is in violation). The council member in question will be suspended, pending a vote from the remaining members. The position of Okarir’nor is hereby abolished - the responsibilities of that position shall return to the guidance of elOkarir’mali. As you will notice - there are several positions which have not yet been filled - I assure you, when competent Mali’thill present themselves, they shall be afforded - given their merit, a position among elheial’thilln so that they may serve Haelun’or. Until then, I shall assume and delegate the responsibilities of the following positions; - Okarir’tir - Okarir’akaln - The Silver Council of The Silver State of Haelun’or as of Year 53 - S.A. Sohaer: Braxus Ni’leya [[Tiocfaidh_ar_la]] Okarir'mali: Valyris Wynasul [[Cepheid_]] Okarir'san: Usamea An’asul [[Geminisole]] Okarir’maehr: Idendril Elassidil [[Widukind782]] - Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya Sohaer, Braxus Ni’leya
  13. Ay’Haelun’or! Medi’ir Braxus Ni’leya 14th of The First Seed, Year 52, S.A Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya It is rare that I get to rest these days - however rest is vital for the maintenance of body and mind and so I have decided to confine myself briefly within my lin, to contemplate the future of Haelun’or. When I found her, she was a wicked sight to behold - festering. So interred was she, in the graveyard of impurity that not even her own children would come to visit. However, dear followers of Larihei, I say to you with absolute certainty - the Motherland lives! We are mistaken to think her dead and leave her to rot. For I hear within her, a heart that still beats - it is faint, but a low hum. However, where there is life, there is hope. Thus, I intend on a great exhumation. Haelun’or shall return to us anew. She does not deserve burial, nor does she deserve to return to a lesser incarnation of what she ought to be - thus, I have devised her perfect form - the ideal State of Haelun’or. Permit me to use the analogy of our own Silver Soul, to make clear my point; There are three parts to the Ideal Haelun’or. The Rulers, Soldiers and Common Citizenry. It is those who rule that make policy decisions and lead, which benefits the State as a whole; The Soldiers - Our blessed Sillumiran - Defend the State; they defeat her enemies and they keep public order. The Common Citizenry engage in the everyday affairs of life - the Sciences, Arts, Construction, Smithing, et cetera. I have identified Four Virtues which will allow Haelun’or to fulfill its function as the Perfect State. They are the virtues of Wisdom, Courage, Moderation and Justice. In this Ideal Haelun’or, Wisdom is to be found in the Rulers - the Ruler must be Wise in order to accomplish their duty of ruling over the State well. Courage is to be found within our blessed Sillumiran; they need Courage in order to perform their role in the overall life of this ideal Haelun’or. Moderation is to be found chiefly among the Common Citizenry. They must be Moderate in their desires and in pursuing their own private goods. We are Mali’aheral, not Bortu - let us not succumb to greed. However, Moderation extends beyond the Common Citizenry, for the Rulers and indeed the Soldiers must also be Moderate - in their own way. And so Moderation as a virtue, applies to all three classes of people within this ideal Haelun’or. Justice is the fourth virtue, and Justice is not to be found in one particular class of citizen. Justice entombs the State as a whole - it permeates throughout it in its entirety. Justice, in this instance, is the correct relationship between the three different parts of the State, in which each part does its own job and no part tries to do the job of any other part. This means that the Rulers rule over the whole State with the cooperation of the Soldiers and the Common Citizenry. It is now known, that within all Mali’thill, resides a Silver Soul - this soul is Tripartite in nature, it has three elements to it - the Rational, the Spirited, and the Appetitive [For further explanation, read my previous works on these topics “The Silver Soul”, and “The Tripartite Soul”, in this order]. The Soul is ordered by Reason, who uses the Spirited part to reign in the Appetitive. These three parts of the soul correspond perfectly to the three classes of citizen in this ideal iteration of Haelun’or. Reason, Spirit, and Appetite, as I have just mentioned. The role of Reason is to Rule over the entire Soul. Reason is able to weigh all relevant information and to make choices that are in the Soul’s long-term best interest. Reason, of course, corresponds to the Rulers of this ideal State. Spirit fights for the soul externally and internally, and helps to keep order. The Spirited part of the Soul corresponds to the Soldiers in this ideal State. Lastly, the Appettitive part of the Soul is our desire for food, drink, sleep, sex and other material goods. The Appetite knows no internal limits - it takes as much as it gets, unless it is retrained by some outside force or lack of supply. The Appetite corresponds to the Common Citizenry. Remember dear lliran, in our efforts for perfection, we must not become Bortu-like in our ambition - rather, we must not let our ambition turn into greed, for it could be our very un-doing! Justice in the Soul, as with the State, is the correct relationship between the three constitutive elements. In which each part performs its own duties and does what it is by nature, best suited to do. Specifically, Justice in the Soul means that Reason Rules over Appetite, with the cooperation of the Spirited, to govern and restrain the Appetites and direct them towards the Good of the entire person. Those who Rule, Those who Defend, Those who Labour - Different, but Equal - pursuing Maehr'sae Hiylun'ehya as One. Let us create this perfect form of Haelun'or.
  14. [!] Pinned to various notice boards, one will find the following missive [!] The Address of elMedi’ir Medi’ir Braxus Ni’leya 6th of The Deep Cold Year 51, S.A Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya Haelun’or exists as both physical and non-physical - She is twofold; an idea - elMaehr’sae Hiylun’ehya - for the two do not exist without one another - and the physical instantiation of Larihei’s legacy, where every ‘thill ought to dwell. As Medi’ir, it is my intention, as was stated upon my appointment, to protect Larihei’s legacy - both elMaehr’sae Hiylun’ehya and Haelun’or. As is rightly noted under our THE FIRST SOHAERIATE CONSTITUTION - Title II, Chapter II, Article 13 - “The Talonnii is the foundation of our society. The State shall watch over its moral and material stability, for the proper development of oem’ii within our community”. As it currently stands, our streets are barren, our homes derelict and the moral fabric of our blessed Haelun’or, bankrupt. Haelun’or weeps for her missing children. Larihei weeps for the temporary suspension of elMaehr’sae Hiylun’ehya that Haelun’or has experienced as of late. Thus, I have been appointed as Medi’ir to heal the terrible transgressions of stagnancy. Malefactors and agents of Impurity have been cast out. I, a servant of Larihei exist as Medi'ir to give a reason for you, the blessed children of Haelun’or to rekindle their hearths and to call once more, their motherland - Home. There are those who fled Haelun’or for the terrible stagnancy which overwhelmed her - Are you to blame? For recall, even Old Malinor stagnated and thus, Larihei herself was betrayed for her efforts. There are those who fled Haelun’or for the terrible deeds of impure malefactors - Are you to blame? For why should you suffer filth when you are destined for perfection? On behalf of the State, on behalf of elHeial’thilln, and in my authority as Medi’ir, I wish to extend a sincere apology to all of Larihei’s children. You have been failed and let down by Mali sworn to protect you - to nurture you - to guide you in the philosophy of Larihei, the Silver Lady - Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya. I call upon all Mali’aheral, who wish to reside in a city which values elMaehr’sae Hiylun’ehya - a city worthy of bearing the namesake of Haelun’or, to return home. There was a time when Haelun’or was revered for its strides in the Natural Sciences, the Arcane, Poetry, Music, Philosophy, Law, et cetera. There was a time when these noble pursuits were at the forefront of our society, these are the days of old. We have not been graced by their presence in many, many years. Thus I say, let us embark upon a journey - together. My appointment to the office of Medi’ir marks not only the filling of a council seat, but more importantly, fundamentally even, it marks The Great Regress of elMali’thill, to better times - purer times. To progress, we must regress.
  15. The Address of elMedi’ir Medi’ir Braxus Ni’leya 6th of The Deep Cold Year 51, S.A Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya Haelun’or exists as both physical and non-physical - She is twofold; an idea - elMaehr’sae Hiylun’ehya - for the two do not exist without one another - and the physical instantiation of Larihei’s legacy, where every ‘thill ought to dwell. As Medi’ir, it is my intention, as was stated upon my appointment, to protect Larihei’s legacy - both elMaehr’sae Hiylun’ehya and Haelun’or. As is rightly noted under THE FIRST SOHAERIATE CONSTITUTION - Title II, Chapter II, Article 13 - “The Talonnii is the foundation of our society. The State shall watch over its moral and material stability, for the proper development of oem’ii within our community”. As it currently stands, our streets are barren, our homes derelict and the moral fabric of our blessed Haelun’or, bankrupt. Haelun’or weeps for her missing children. Larihei weeps for the temporary suspension of Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya that Haelun’or has experienced as of late. Thus, I have been appointed as Medi’ir to heal the terrible transgressions of stagnancy. Malefactors and agents of Impurity have been cast out. I, a servant of Larihei exist as Medi'ir to give a reason for you, the blessed children of Haelun’or to rekindle their hearths and to call once more, their motherland - Home. There are those who fled Haelun’or for the terrible stagnancy which overwhelmed her - Are you to blame? For recall, even Old Malinor stagnated and thus, Larihei herself was betrayed for her efforts. There are those who fled Haelun’or for the terrible deeds of impure malefactors - Are you to blame? For why should you suffer filth when you are destined for perfection? On behalf of the State, on behalf of elHeial’thilln, and in my authority as Medi’ir, I wish to extend a sincere apology to all of Larihei’s children. You have been failed and let down by Mali sworn to protect you - to nurture you - to guide you in the philosophy of Larihei, the Silver Lady - Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya. I call upon all Mali’aheral, who wish to reside in a city which values Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya - a city worthy of bearing the namesake of Haelun’or, to return home. There was a time when Haelun’or was revered for its strides in the Natural Sciences, the Arcane, Poetry, Music, Philosophy, Law, et cetera. There was a time when these noble pursuits were at the forefront of our society, these are the days of old. We have not been graced by their presence in many, many years. Thus I say, let us embark upon a journey - together. My appointment to the office of Medi’ir marks not only the filling of a council seat, but more importantly, fundamentally even, it marks The Great Regress of elMali’thill, to better times - purer times. To progress, we must regress.
  16. The Consummation of Love Braxus Ni’leya 14th of The Deep Cold Year 50, S.A. Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya I consign these words to paper on the eve of my Six-Hundred and Fiftieth Birthday, in hopes that I may impart unto you, some of the Wisdom I have acquired over my long and arduous life. It is known to those ‘thill who dwell within Haelun’or, that in both plain sight and behind closed doors, impurity of the body and mind festers. The caustic and corrosive nature of such foul deeds leaves stains, the likes of which can tarnish even the most pristine Silver Soul. Our physical purity is imperative to us, as a race - This is known and has been known since our transcendence, as is our mental purity. Thus, I bring into existence, this work - let it serve as an homage to Beauty and Love - those primordial beasts, so powerful that they may lead the Pure to tarnish and the Tarnished to Purity. Consider, dear lliran, a Mountain, and let us call her Love. You stand before it, unable to see its peak, for it is shrouded by cloud. At the base of this Mountain, is where one finds physical beauty, bodily love - erotic love. This love, is of a strictly lustful kind - one is attracted to another’s body and takes part in activities of the flesh - This kind of love is ruled by appetite, it is the most base form of love but it is vital for procreation - the continuation of our people, so it is not necessarily evil - for being controlled by one’s passions certainly does lead to evil. However, soon you will realize, with the correct guidance, that what attracts you to the body of one person, is not exclusive to that one person - in fact, the objects of your desires are quite commonly found among others. So, dear lliran, suppose you are attracted to one because of the color of their hair - you will find many others with the same, and so your intensity for this kind of physical beauty dwindles - because you begin to recognize the beauty in all bodies - but is this all that love has to offer you? Of course not. You must aim your sights higher. This love must be tamed - it must have a directedness about it - it must be coupled with something else - and so you begin your ascent of Love. This takes us to the second stage of our climb. You find yourself having reached a greater height and with this, greater understanding. You are able to see further up this great Mountain and its intricacies are becoming clearer. You move past your lustfulness and begin to love the person for themselves - You begin to love their soul. The constitutive elements of their mind, their thought processes, their mannerisms, their sense of humour, et cetera. You have reeled in your passions and they are now under control. This, dear lliran, is love of the Soul. You are infatuated by the person for who they are and not what they are. Now of course, you will not be attracted to just any soul - you are naturally attracted to the virtuous soul - the Silver Soul for it radiates beauty - purity. However, as with our previous case - you will find that many souls are virtuous and good. Many are Silver so your intensity dwindles once more until you happen upon a love for our institutions and culture - the very vehicles by which people acquire their personalities. Our values are inculcated by the society in which we live, by our families, our traditions, our laws and cultures, et cetera - but is this the end of love? Fret not - for we have yet to reach the peak - the pinnacle - The Consummation of Love. We ascend, surpassing the clouds and we traverse the rocky outcrops which have made our journey treacherous - we may now view the horizon with clarity. We have gained so much from our ascent and now we can truly come to appreciate beauty - for the object of our love is beauty itself. Previously, we loved things that were beautiful, that partook in beauty, but now, we contemplate universal beauty - the ‘Form’ of beauty, if you will. When you scale this mountain and learn to appreciate the abstract idea of beauty, this will stir in you a passion to seek knowledge in everything. To seek out the Form of everything. And this, lliran, is our calling. Throw off the shackles of your lust, reign in your appetites - let your reason, in line with your spiritedness take charge. Seek love in all of its forms, begin your journey of love so that you may benefit us all with offspring, a love of Haelun’or and a most glorious pursuit of wisdom. Love deeply, Love purely, Love knowledge.
  17. A notice is posted around the city and handed out to citizens To Request a Trial Issued 14th of the Deep Cold Year 48, S.A Recently, I, Okarir’san Braxus Ni’leya, was threatened in the presence of elOkarir’tir, by one of Miss Chiyo Osser’s constructs. An Earthen creation who acts as oem Sillumir and carries out the enforcement of the law, as later confirmed by elOkarir’tir and Miss Osser. I decided to confront Miss Osser, instructing her that she either alter the constitutive elements of her creation so as not to threaten and harass elMali’thill, or her creation would be destroyed, or removed from elCihi. Miss Osser was kind enough to inform me that her creations had in fact, threatened other Mali’thill within elCihi. She claimed that she would not change her creations because I had threatened their destruction, going so far as to refer to them as her children and so I instructed her that the construct would be destroyed or at least, removed from elCihi, given her refusal. Shortly after, I was in conversation with oem Mali’aheral by the name of Luthriel. We were beginning to discuss my latest writing, The Tripartite Soul, when Miss Osser confronted me, followed by another one of her constructs, so named Pharos. She informed myself and those present, that she was here for an apology for threatening her “children” and by extension, her person. Not only this, but that she had brought along her creation so that she may be entertained by the violent conflict that she was about to instruct her construct to commit against my person, unless I apologised. This threatening behavior ought not be tolerated within the State, and by law it is not. After I had approached her, she ordered her construct to approach me and commanded that I greet it, the very thing she brought to the city to inflict physical harm upon me. I refused and told her to dismiss it, to which she refused. As a preventative measure against any physical harm - an act of self-defense, I drew my weapon, ensuring her that if she did as she intended, if she attempted to set her construct upon me to inflict physical harm, that I would respond in a manner that would constitute self-defense, as is my right, assured by The Silver Law, under CHAPTER I, ARTICLE 1. Shortly after this, elOkarir’tir approached. Miss Osser informed the Okarir that I had broken several laws and drew a weapon upon her. She asked the Okarir'tir whether or not this constituted my guilt to such a degree that she may be justified in setting her construct (who according to her and elOkarir’tir, is oem Sillumir and possesses this power), upon me to physically remove me from the area. Without considering my side of the story, the Construct did as it was commanded by its creator and without any regard for the crimes committed by Miss Osser, adhered to her every word and physically assaulted me. Miss Osser, in this instance, usurped an asset of the State and used it against one of its blessed Citizens in an attempt at bravado, humiliation and an usurpation of power, proving herself above the law, so long as she has one of her enforcers present to do her bidding. This act, of using one of the States’ assets against a citizen, constitutes a great threat to the State and this ought to be treated with the utmost seriousness. Thus, I implore elSohaer Kolvar Uradir to select elParir’tiran and to summon Miss Chiyo Osser to stand trial so that she may face justice and be charged for her crimes against myself and the State. Let Miss Chiyo Osser stand as charged, with breach or incitement to breach the following laws: CHAPTER I, ARTICLE 1. The Blessed Residents of The Silver State of Haelun’or will not tolerate the ineffable natures of violent beasts. CHAPTER I, ARTICLE 2. The Blessed Residents of The Silver State of Haelun’or will not tolerate the barbaric and threatening words of the uncivilized. CHAPTER I, ARTICLE 10. The Blessed Residents of The Silver State of Haelun’or will not tolerate the willful spreading of false or misleading information. The Facts of the case are as follows; Miss Osser’s Earthen Construct threatened my person physically in the presence of elOkarir’tir. Later, Miss Osser’s Fire construct physically removed me from the area. As their creator, and at her behest, did her creations, who are loyal to her, act. Miss Osser is fully responsible for their actions. This constitutes a breach of CHAPTER I, ARTICLE 1. Miss Osser threatened violence against my person at the hands of her constructs. This constitutes a breach of CHAPTER I, ARTICLE 2. Miss Osser willfully spread false and misleading information to elOkarir’tir, instructing him that I was in fact, the one who was in the wrong - who had broken the law, which then gave Miss Chiyo her justification to have her Fire construct physically assault me. This constitutes a breach of CHAPTER I, ARTICLE 10. Maehr'sae Hiylun'ehya Signed, Okarir’san Braxus Ni’leya
  18. The Tripartite Soul Braxus Ni’leya 14th of The Amber Cold, Year 48 S.A Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya As I previously wrote in The Silver Soul, elMali’aheral are endowed with a Silver Soul. This is the cause of their directedness and affinity for perfection, as we understand it. Perfect knowledge of the world can only be attained by a vessel built to attain such knowledge. And this, dear lliran, is the Silver Soul. As I wrote my last piece, I could not help but ponder several ideas, especially as I considered several objections to my work. One of these ideas shall be the main focus of my writings here, and that is on the partition of the soul - the Triparition of the soul. Firstly however, it is vital that we discuss further, the nature of the soul. There are certain things we know by experience, what it is like to be rained upon, the vile stench of the Uruk, the firmness of a voluminous text within our blessed library, et cetera. However, there are also things that we simply just know. This is fundamental to our existence and without any prior experience, we can ascertain truth. For example, it is known to us without experience that a bachelor is an unmarried man. This is necessarily true. Two, plus Two, equals Four, is another one of these necessarily true propositions. We can discern these kinds of truths naturally, as it were. This is because it is the SOUL which is the knower, if you will. It is our soul which retains this kind of knowledge. Now then, to the main point of this endeavor. It is quite common for one to both desire something at time ‘x’, and then to not desire it at the same time ‘x’. For example, suppose I am sitting in the inn supping my mint tea. I am enjoying this tea and would like more, however if I have another cup, I shall be late to the symposium. I both want, and do not want another cup of tea. Yet how is it possible for the same thing - the soul, to both want and not want something at the same time? This, I say, is no great challenge to meet. I have reasoned that our Silver Soul is not merely one entity, for lack of a better word, but rather Tripartite in nature - it is three in one. That part of me that so greedily wishes for another cup, that I may commit a most serious sin of showing up late, is ordained by one part of the soul - the appetitive - this is what orders my desire and gives my desires energy. That part of me that does not want to be late, that wants to further his understanding of ‘x’ topic by engaging with learned friends at the aforementioned symposium, is ruled by the rational part of the soul - the analytic part, the one who reasons. Then there is another - the spirited part. This is the part responsible for the higher emotions, perhaps one can call them the virtues, such as courage, indignation against evil, et cetera. And reason is the most fundamental of the three, the soul ought to be ruled by the rational part. Perhaps an example, to solidify my thought; Suppose a charioteer is racing with two horses. One horse, ebon, the other - white. The ebon horse, is the appetitive, it listens not to its master, it runs in all directions and chases blindly, its desires without thought. This horse is wild and untamed. It is the charioteer, or reason, which pulls the horse back onto course and orders its desires. It is the ebon horse that will deceive me into drinking more tea. The white horse is the opposite. It is well mannered and does as it is ordered. It is noble in nature and always listens to reason. Another example that will aid; Consider love. There are several forms of love, love of the body - erotic love being the most base. When the appetitive part rules, love is confined strictly, to the sexual. It serves no higher purpose than this - a sad affair. However, when reason, in hand with spirit reigns in this ebon horse, one’s aims are higher and their love is transformed from the bodily, to the heavenly - to knowledge - perfection. It is the wisest and most beloved of our kin who are ruled by the rational part of their silver soul. This is what we all must aspire towards. Throw off the shackles of your appetites and desires, let reason rule so that we may soar.
  19. The Silver Soul Braxus Ni’leya 13th of The Amber Cold, Year 48 S.A Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya Malaurir Kalenz Uradir encourages, in his Abstract of The Valleian’acal of Larihei and the Effects on the Physical Body, that “all of Malin’s pure children” bathe in the Golden Pools - the physical manifestation of the genesis of our kindred souls. Why? Because it fosters both the prior - Maehr, and the latter half of our driving Philosophy - Hiylun. It is imperative to our people that we remain healthy - pure. The focus of this work, shall not be on physical health, nor on Purity, but rather that element of bathing in the Golden Pools, which remains to this date, unspoken of until now - The Silver Soul. However, as a brief note, I believe it important to say that Purity, as has previously and commonly been described as no more than a check-list of things one ought or ought not to do, is much greater than this. This is a foolish conception, for if that were the case, then anyone could claim purity by acting like Mali’thill - No, I say. Purity is a gift, maintained by elMaehr’sae Hiylun’ehya. Bathing in the Golden Pools did not merely make us fairer, taller, more intelligent, et cetera, but it fundamentally altered the very nature of our Soul. Before I discuss this, I shall expound briefly on what I mean by ‘soul’. The soul, as it is classically thought of, is the animating force of all living creatures. It is that immaterial thing within us that brings us to life, as it were - that gives us a directedness. Other races will have more or less to say on this topic, but for our purposes, this is the definition that I shall use and it is the latter proposition that I am primarily interested in. The four brothers are necessarily ensouled, for they drew breath, inhabited, and walked among the creatures of the world. As brothers, the essence of their souls were alike, for one cannot birth offspring whose fundamental nature opposes one another. As such, we can conclude from this, that the souls of the descendants of the four, are mutually the same, in nature and essence. Corporeally, we differ very slightly from others. We have, as do all descendants, limbs and organs, differing shades of skin, et cetera - in this then, we are similar. However, what fundamentally sets us apart, is not our ability to write poetry, or to think in the abstract, for other, lesser races can do that to some degree - but rather, we differ in kind, as opposed to degree - it is the nature of our soul that excludes us. Following the betrayal of Larihei by Malin, she set off with like-minded allies and discovered the Golden Pools, they bathed in them and received the gifts which would become the hallmark of elMali’aheral. One of these gifts - the most important gift, was the altering of our very soul - enshrined in all ‘thill, is The Silver Soul. As I mentioned earlier, the soul gives to the ensouled, a 'directedness'. Each Mali’aheral has within himself, an innate sense - a drive, an urge even, towards perfection. He feels it pulling him in a similar way a pigeon can always find its way home no matter where it is set free - it is a sense that we have and we give to ourselves as we undertake our journey, the tool of elMaehr’sae Hiylun’ehya. Now to those who will rebut, “Ah, but I am a Mali’aheral and I do not have this sense - in fact, I am drawn to the vices of the world and exclaim that I am impure!”, I say to you - your Silver Soul has tarnished - it has degraded, fret not however, it can be repaired. Furthermore, in anticipation of another objection born from my previous point, I say that while a soul tarnished can be repaired, a lesser soul cannot transcend to that of a Silver Soul, which is necessarily, Mali’aheral in nature. Children of Larihei, separate yourselves from those lesser. Return to your people and reinstate your Nation among the leaders of the world. Revive in yourselves, a sense of superiority, for you are ‘thill. Disregard not, the gift you possess - your Silver Soul, but follow it’s call - flock home.
  20. The Braxian Reforms Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya Authored by Braxus Ni’leya On the 3rd of Snow’s Maiden Year 48 of the Second Age _______________________________ Following recent developments within our blessed state, I have undertaken to produce a series of social and political reforms, to Strengthen The Nation. _______________________________ Tarnished Silver Will Break I have witnessed a heightened sense of impurity festering within the minds of many who claim to be pure. These defects shall be ironed out of all Mali’aheral who dwell within the blessed walls of Haelun’or. Their taint shall be removed, or they shall be removed. It is thus, that I beseech those who rule over our blessed city, to recall into service, the institution of elEvarir’thill il’cruan, with the greatest immediacy. _______________________________ Stagnant Leaders Will Fall I have witnessed a stagnant, Silver Council. An empty, Silver Council. A Silver Council unfit for purpose. This must change, or those few who maintain power, shall be removed from power. They shall topple unless a working, efficient and pure Silver Council is formed within Three Elven Weeks of the publication of this missive. _______________________________ The Inevitable Reassertion I have witnessed a great despair overcome the Pure of Haelun’or in recent years. It is in the nature of the strong to lead the weak. As the blessed of our Kindred, we must reassert ourselves and our culture as superior. We must, recall under our dominion, those of Bronze and Onyx, to be ruled by Silver. The State must regather its ambition for Mali’aheral supremacy. _______________________________ A Harrowing Necessity I have witnessed a great lack and an even greater need, of and for, those willing to sacrifice their lives - those willing to end life, for our blessed city and the ideals of Larihei. Our people cannot survive if our walls are not manned and foreign threats left poised to strike at our gates. Those who have the ability to safeguard our way, must do so. It is their charge and call, and they must answer. A review of our Defences ought to be undertaken post haste and our Weeping Blades must be strengthened. _______________________________ Heed my words, Strengthen The Nation. Signed, Braxus Ni’leya.
  21. [!] Several large posters would be found pinned to various buildings around the Silver City [!] The Empyrean Pronouncement Authored by Braxus Ni’leya, On the 17th of The Deep Cold, Year 29 of the Second Age _____________________________________ Contents Preface Article I - Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya Article II - Lesser Peoples _____________________________________ Preface It is not the fate of, nor is it woven into the destiny of Haelun’or and its blessed denizens that they should succumb to mediocrity and stagnation. It is not Larihei’s will that her people retreat to a life of worldly hedonism and base tendencies. It is her charge that we, in her absence, overcome the intelligible. No other peoples, no other Nations, are burdened by this charge. No other peoples or Nations could succeed if they were to try. Mali’aheral, are corporeally and ontologically superior to all others. Such is obvious and needs no expounding upon. They possess in their very nature not only a proclivity towards, but an insatiable hunger for perfection. Hence, to sacrifice one's physical purity, is a grave evil. It is to willingly sacrifice one’s great imperative to become a diminutive being. Hence, to sacrifice one’s inherent passion for progress, is a grave evil. To forfeit one’s intellectual potential is an evil paralleled only by the former. It is to lay down Larihei’s charge and abandon your kin in-purpose. _____________________________________ Article I Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya It is these words which evoke, in all Mali’thill, an unwavering, insatiable hunger. These words serve as a guiding principle for our people - ‘Health and Progress.’ However there is a deeper duality, of great metaphysical importance beneath the surface of this principle. It serves as both an ideal and a judge. For which Mali’thill shall claim epistemic perfection? Which Mali’thill has become omniscient? These are part of our aims, yet they are a judgement, laid upon each of us - a reminder that we are not what we could be - a call to perfection! eMaehr’sae Hiylun’ehya, is the lifeblood of the Mali’aheral. It is what we live and strive for. The importance of elMaehr’sae Hiylun’ehya transcends that of individual importance - it is a common, guiding principle that all Mali’aheral are called to follow. It is an aim which all Mali’thill have in their sights. As such, as a people, we must do what we can to preserve this aim and to actualize it in its entirety. _____________________________________ Article II Lesser Peoples It is imperative to all Mali’thill, that we do not forget who we are. It is imperative to all Mali’thill, that we do not forget what we are. We are SILVER. We are PURE. We are called to PERFECTION. As such, we must carry ourselves accordingly. Do not allow those of lesser standing to belittle or abuse us. We stand tall and proud. We are superior to all others. This is why they despise us. They are envious of our existence and our charge. They cannot bear the fact that they are not what we are. They will always hate us. This is why we shall never yield to them, we shall never cede to them, we shall never lower ourselves to their pitiful level. To those lesser people who acknowledge our greatness, we must welcome them as allies - but not equals. They serve a pragmatic purpose in our ability to fulfill elMaehr’sae Hiylun’ehya. Befriend those willing to aid in our cause, for they are the enlightened among their kin - rare. _____________________________________
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