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Iron VIP
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Everything posted by KBR

  1. I didnt tavern rp on mine once, are u proud?
  2. A goldhand smith rubs his hands together jewishly seeing a new business opportunity "Yes yes." +Many
  4. Joke of the day. The LT and its new additions. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. _Sug
    3. KBR


      Yeah thats right u heard me. Come down here to the real south of atlanta sug and we'll fight

    4. _Sug


      Atlanta is like Jersey. My people are not welcome there. They're a new hybrid breed of redneck

  5. haHAA replace monkey men with cave /men/ haHAA
  6.  Fye new song, check it out !!1!1!!

  7. Could actually make becoming a Weirheint interesting! +MANY UPVOTES!!!
  8. https://wn.nr/7QtLYC If anyone is interested in that new game Absolver

  9. Flesh/Bonesmithing has been part of necromancy for years, longer than that lore has been out by a longshot.
  10. Yes, but you're going to need a lot of plants to drain unless you want to look anorexic
  11. 1-5 blocks is hardly a long distance. Though, if it really is a problem it can be changed.
  12. RP Name: Serthek MC Name: KBR Known Arcane Arts: Telekenisis, Fire Evocation. Former illusionist. Position Desired: Scholar When is the best time to contact you for an interview: Whenever
  13. Thanks for asking questions! I'll leave the first to Sug as I am not too familiar with the Moon. As for your suggestion the problem is, it takes a large amount of Chi forced into ones body to start ones progression, just meditating in a pool or doing anything like that doesn't really force the Chi into you. Unless there is some event or artifact that does that, I doubt it will happen. I'm down to talk some more if you'd like to contact me on skype @Arraggs just because I hate typing on the forums.
  14. We already have fish men (Axolotyn (Wrong spelling) ), go read the lore. Unfortunately, they are currently event creatures.
  15. I know not why, nor if Kincaid is banned, but if so, god help me, I will not rest until he is unbanned.

  16. Grigario is a patron of Tayl, a patron of Tayl like Lord Knox, Alistaer, etc. It's not actually the Daemon that is doing this, but the patron. I'll leave the rest to BNK
  17. Dark Creatures do /not/ exist to be the punching bag of Holy Mages. I don't care that it damages us, it should, but one shotting us is absolutely bull especially when we don't have anything to truly fight back against them with.
  18. The Lore Holder of other lore pieces, I haven't read this piece yet but I assume what he means by this is: Frost Witches/Strigae, can't be reversed, Jallentime writes an ability into this to reverse it and bam, reversible. So it shouldn't be reversible without their permission is what he is saying.
  19. Can we get this thing moved, cause peace was made. @LadyRebecca
  20. Shen-Li, leader of the Hou-Zi begins preparations. ((Tinyurl.com/HouZiMega should answer all your questions @juliusaakerlund
  21. My only grevience is that you need 3 of a type, and one has to pk. We have enough elementalists, enough witch doctors (I think), only 3 farseers (Thurak, Malog, and I), and virtually 0!!! lutauman. While this could be useful in the future when we eventually get our magic back, I don't think killing off who we do have is a good solution, we should think of an event that we can do now, not some time in the unforseeable future. (On phone sorry for trash grammar)
  22. Burbur rubs his goblin hands together thinking of the money that could be made.
  23. I really dislike the rolling, if you want someone to become one bad enough, you'll just have them do it on another character should they fail. It's decently balanced, one thing I do enjoy is that you can choose the kind of canine you are. But the real question overall, is why do we need these on LoTC? We have /many/ different types of creatures, as well as ones who fill a very similar purpose, in this case the Strigae. So what is their purpose, what can roll can they fulfill that no other creature can?
  24. I think if they are taught in the after-life or before they died it is ok for them to use magic however, being able to innately use magic does cause room for concern, apart from that this seems pretty neat.
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