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Everything posted by _pr0fit

  1. Is there a way to request events, or does ET not allow requests anymore. If they do take requests, who can I contact to do events?
    I would like to do many different types of events, for example, pvp type events (Like fighting giant slimes), rp hunting events (Hunting a boar,deer,bear,whatever), and mini event lines (an event that expands over multiple days)

    1. Sythan


      Most ET's I've attempted to contact either just don't respond or are currently busy. I suppose there is this forum.





    2. ScreamingDingo


      I'll give you an insight into the mind of a previous ET. Back when I was a young ET holy **** you get really annoyed at the bullshit people try to force you to do. I remember quite a few of my early events were rushed out /request/ events which were basically personalised and complete **** because of the lack of prep. If its common knowledge you can request events, every do hick and harry will ******* bombard you with pm's each and every minute of you being online with. "Can you do an event?" "come on my friends wanna have some fun xD!"

      When you're either busy rp'ing, doing another event or just semi-afk on the server.

      If you really want something to happen, contact them via skype, preferably managers to give them a rundown on something and suggest it to them. Do not ever think your event will definitely get through, it used to be very rare that personalised, ****-house events were allowed w/ full advisory by the ET heads.

      If you want mini-event lines, contact managers. Hunts, pvp events and stuff like that should not be requested unless you have a sizable group, don't waste an ET's time by wanting a one man deer hunt.

    3. excited


      What Grim said, essentially.

  2. Wait! How do I make a nether portal then?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. 501warhead


      Yes, that was the case but it was disabled for a while. I revamped it a little to allow nether portals to be used and also to add a little bit more flavor to them as a whole.

    3. TeaLulu


      salty flavor.

    4. The Great Mongol Khan

      The Great Mongol Khan

      I want a portal to the promise land

  3. "I have 3 and 1/2 stacks of black ink, send me a bird or find me in Nyrhold if you want to buy any of it." Vykk posts his note to the bottom of the notice
  4. You know what would be great, If the staff just teleported everyone into a pit of lava. That would be amazing.

    1. _Gaelic_


      it was rather amazing

  5. Reinstitute Beardomancy

  6. "I may be interested in buying a painting..." Says Sven, "Maybe one of the whole family depending on the price." Sven takes one of the tags, then sends a bird to the man. A bird would bring this message: House Ruric of Nyrhold would like to purchase a family portrait, please send a message back with the price, there is in total 9 members.
  7. How do you get Blissfoil?

  8. Anyone know any alchemy recipes they can share with me?


    1. LatzMomo



    2. Kaelan


      Lol... They're tough to figure out. No one is just going to share them...

      Though I will give you this. Coal > Blissfold > Tippens Root > Serpents Stalk

  9. McName: Professorus RpName: Sven Ruric Skype:(Pm if you desire.) u got it Profession: Alchemist, tinker, field medic TeamSpeak:(Not required but highly encouraged.) yes Time-Zone: pst Desired Chapter to join: Ruric Chapter
  10. How many Items can you rename if you are a 200 dollar donator (Bedrock)? Is it the same for a 500 dollar donator?

    1. mitto


      I'm pretty sure it's just three with a cooldown time

  11. How do i farm cocoa beans? like where do I even start; where do i get them, and then how do i start farming them?

    1. Runabarn


      Ask other farmers for beans or buy them. Then you need jungle tree logs. You need to plant them directly on the log and it'll grow a pod. Wait for the pod to fully grow, then use a hoe to harvest them. If you don't use a hoe you'll only get a single bean per pod, making no profit.

  12. Are there any bardomancers or beardomancers out there?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. candlite
    3. Nyxxa


      But the tradition of minstrels or bards is very much alive, we just aren't magical in the arcane sense.

    4. Runabarn


      You can do the same bardmancy did with sensory illusion.
      And you could maybe do beardmancy with telekinesis.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Darnell


      Looks like APB in the background fam, nice job.

    3. _pr0fit


      its from Xcom 2

    4. Darnell


      Ah, looked a bit like APB.


  13. how do i remove a redstone pillar?

    1. ImCookiie


      If the pillar is bound to you, you should be able to break it down with a pickaxe.

  14. Tyrone greengrow looks at his massive collection of stolen hats. "Per'aps et is one o' t'ese?" Tyrone sighs "Prob'ly no'... "
  15. Accepted, Report to Seahelm for your Armor and Armaments.
  16. where the hell do i get thornbark?

    1. candlite


      From lumberjacking a Acadia tree! (I think, but I have one!)

  17. Are the dwarves memeing me right now with this Fire from Stone thing?

    1. AlternateKy


      No. You are memeing Game of Thrones with that Iron from Ice thing.


      You should change it to Iron from Memes. Thanks a grank meme right there.

    2. Hiebe


      They are referencing the human house that has their battle cry "Iron from Ice" during the warclaim.

  18. what the hell is thornbark?

    1. Elvrohir Aureon

      Elvrohir Aureon

      Rare drop from lumberjacking Dark Oak, and I think it's biome specific.


      Its now important for making best bows

    2. _pr0fit


      can we get a wiki post on that then, cause there is nothing in there.



  20. McName: Professorus RpName: Vykk Volaren Skype:(Pm if you desire.) yunoit Profession: tinker, woodworker, lumberjack TeamSpeak:(Not required but highly encouraged.] yunoit Time-Zone: pst
  21. is there a post that explains what exactly the new arrowheads do?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. hRV


      Just so you know;

      • Poison does Poison damage,
      • Armour Piercing damages armour directly,
      • Heavy Arrows do dismount and give a player slowness,
      • Barbed does additional hunger damage, enough to prevent regen with one arrow.


    3. _pr0fit


      the armor piercing does damage to the armor, or does it ignore armor?


    4. hRV


      Damage to the armour, roughly 10-15%, needs more testing.

  22. Accepted, Welcome Brother! Again...
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