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Everything posted by _pr0fit

  1. How do I make a nether portal? it says high level tinker can make it, and I'm one of the highest tinkers on the server. all it says is "Try as you might, this portal doesn't seem to hold properly to the connection."

    1. Zindran


      It's a myth. You can't make a nether portal :P

    2. NotEvilAtAll


      Maybe if you make a MArt for the portal...

  2. Cakefools house and all his belongings were destroyed by hurricane harvey in texas, he is moving to iceland with his family to start his life over, send your love and support via pm or on this status update. :(

  3. The walking dead season 1 for free



    You can also visit the humble bundle website, there is a banner right on their homepage advertising it.

    1. MikhaiI


      thx but i'm waiting for season 8 currently

    2. _pr0fit


      its not the movie, its the videogame

    3. MikhaiI


      thx but i'm waiting for season 4 currently

  4. I've gotten vanilla potions of regeneration from caskets that I got from a fishing net three times in the past month... Is there anyway I can trade these to a staff member to get something useful instead?

  5. Why does my soulstone pillar keep upgrading back and forth between the quartz and ender stone levels every few hours?

    1. Gallic


      This is a question I would also like to know the answer to.

    2. _pr0fit
  6. Normally yes, they would go into the soul stream and be sorted into the seven skies, but with the hundreds of thousands of souls being sent into the soul stream all at once they were able to break away forming an amalgomous mass capable of resisting the constant pull with the help of priests who are constantly anchoring it.
  7. You have to be a priest/caster to cast the overwhelmed spell, but the person being the overwhelmed can either be the caster or another willing fatherist that agrees to pk after the duration. Being a Fatherist is someone who follows the religion, yes. I think it would be difficult for someone to abuse it for a few reasons: You have to go to a priest to learn it, and it is meant for people who are dedicating themselves to the priesthood, if someone learns the magic and just says "Cya nerds, I'm a crazy fatherist mage guy now!!!111one" they would get hunted down by other members of the priesthood. secondly to cast the spells you need an 1:1 exchange, you can't just cast nilly willy, you need to specifically send one soul to the All-father in exchange for one blessing, and you do that through one of the dedicated rituals, either through the consume or dawning ritual. I think I understand what you mean by this, but could you be more specific on what exactly you mean for which blessings. For the Final blessings you PK as soon as the blessing ends (Which I believe is stated as 30 minutes.), or as it says your brain or heart is destroyed, at which point your body will continue to burn until the duration is over.
  8. I can see how it seems like a lot, but really with other magics there are infinite ways that they can be wielded, but with this magic there are only 10 things that you can do.
  9. You can't even read nerd
  10. The Fighting Priests “Power, Overwhelming” - Red Priest Birth of the All Father The mystic powers of the Red Faith, finds its origins in a rather tragic affair. The Ruric rebellion, began at the behest of Thomas Ruric following a rather convoluted series of events. The battle of the Whale, soon followed by the sacking of Seahelm sent many souls into the abyss. The complete and brutal defeat coupled with the sheer brutality of the sacking of Seahelm, resulted in the near genocide of the Norlandic peoples. The residents of the city of Seahelm were slaughtered almost to a man, with a select few being able to escape the burning of the city on the shattered remains of their fleet. Those that fell were sent, screaming into Ebrietaes. Enraged at the betrayal of the Courlanders their souls flew to the heavens. What they found next served only to infuriate them further. Ebrietaes was the antithesis of what they had hoped for. A desolate land of misery, not the realm of light and valour which had been promised. In their rage the souls of the faithful coalesced. Forming an apparition in the soulstream, a half mad creature of endless fury, and sorrow. Together the unified mass of souls laboured against the call of the Relative Center. Those of the faith, arriving in the Ebrietaes are compelled to join their brethren in the ranks of the apparition. Owing no loyalties to the Aenguls and various Aspects beyond the Relative Center, those of the Red Faith seek solace in the ranks of their fellows. Depending on the most recent influx of souls the Apparition, identifying itself as the ‘All Father’ Due to the beliefs of its collective souls. The All Father tends to become more savage during times of war as it absorbs waves of enraged warriors who have fallen in violent manners. While during times of peace the Apparition sways towards coherence. The All Father’s ‘personality’ is a constantly shifting affair. As none of the souls that comprise it its personality de jour is constantly in flux. Often times dominant souls will emerge to the fore, taking control for a brief period. It is from this phenomenon that the cult of paragons is spawned. The First Flame Origins of the Flame Brands The House of Ruric has long held with a tradition of maintaining a fire they refer to collectively as the first flame. Ruric family legend speaks of their patriarch Thoromir leading his tiny clan in days old. As the band travelled in the far reaches of the wilderness they were caught in the depths of a terrible blizzard. Shards of ice and thick snow flakes lashed at the small band at they fought their way through the howling gale. As they were on the cusp of freezing to death they came upon a clearing, devoid of wind with only a light fall of snow. In the center of the clearing blazed a solitary fire, devoid of any owner simply flickering warmly in the snow. Saved the weary clan collapsed, falling into a deep slumber. In his sleep the grizzled chieftain was wracked by dreams and visions of a great paternal figure, wreathed in flame. As the vision faded and Thoromir awoke from his slumber he heard a great voice say “From this day, until the last day of your line. Your blood shall carry my flame”. To this day the Norlandic people continue to care for this First Flame, housing it below the Ash Trees of their cities, When the All Father first formed in the depths of Ebritaes it searched the mortal realms for an Anchor. Its attention soon became fixed on the familiar traditions of the Red Faith. The unstable apparition affixed itself upon the massive Hearth Fires sheltered in the depths of the various Temples of the faith. These Hearths served as giant anchors. With flames derived from these central hearths developing into additional lesser anchors. The ritualized prayers and torches of the Red Faith drew the attention of the Apparition. The familiarity of the traditions practiced while its various composites were alive drew it close. Providing it with an Anchor on which to focus, giving it some purpose beyond the fear repulsing it from the Relative center. The All Father began to reach out to those bearing the garb and tools of the priesthood. Seeking to guide them to its task through the use of dreams, visions and auditory hallucinations. This phenomenon would later become collectively referred to as the Red Song. Through these dreams and visions the traditional rituals of the faith slowly became warped. Coming to have the mystical significance that they hold during the practice of Fatherism. Flame Brands and Their Uses Every practitioner of Fatherism possesses a large Flame Brand. The shape and style of these Flame Brand varies from priest to priest, however the possession of one is an indication of the office. The Flame Brand held by each priest of the Red Faith are used to draw the attention of the All Father. Elaborate movements combined with a variety of ritualized chants serve to draw the All Father’s attention to a specific Flame Brand. The All Father can be aware of and grant the requests of multiple users at the same time. The Invocation rituals serve to distinguish those that are active / in need from those that are not in need. Within each Temple of the All Father burns a massive hearth fire. Rumoured to be the remnants of the first flame allegedly granted to Thoromir during the early days of the faith. This hearth is used to ignite the Flame Brand’s of the various practitioners of Fatherism. However those practicing Fatherism are almost exclusively clergy of the Red Faith as they hold exclusive access and control of the Blessed Hearth Fires. Each Temple of the Red Faith possesses its own Hearth Fire. With the governing Chapter of said Hearth deriving its Flame Brand’s from their own respective Hearths. The vitality of a Chapter’s Hearth reflects the strength of the chapter’s respective settlement and devotees. The favour stored within the torches of a hearth’s chapters member is reflected within the Hearth’s size. WIth larger more dedicated communities rendering more souls into the possession of the All Father. Through burial rites, sacrifices and purifications. Beyond being a symbol of office and a means to attract the attention of the Father. A Priest’s Flame Brand servers both as a focus, repository and anchor. Those utilizing Fatherism store the Father’s favour within their Flame Brands. The Flame Brand is then used as a focus to release favour in exchange for blessings from the Father. Additionally the Flame Brand serves as an Anchor for the awareness of the All Father. Keeping its unstable consciousness focused on the activities of its mortal adherents. Giving it a purpose to stabilize around during its resistance in the Soul Stream. The All Father views those of the faith protectively as its property. Seeking to protect and increase their number so as to add their souls to its ranks upon their expiration. Overview The mystic blessings conferred by the All Father upon his most devout followers (Henceforth to be referred to as ‘Fatherism’) revolve around the central characteristics of the All Father apparition. This working in conjunction with the principles of exchange. Namely abilities and powers granted by the All Father must be paid in advance or repaid with an object of similar or greater value. Fatherism is less an offensive magic more a series of blessings channeled through Red Priests to provide a variety of buffs. The majority of blessings called down by Red Priests involve the manipulation or rather the amplification of innate emotions. Red Priests blessings The blessings granted in Fatherism function via the performance of three steps. Firstly Invocation, the process of gaining the All Father or one of the Paragon’s attention. This process should involve one torch emote and the recitation of one of the invocation prayers. It is significantly easier to simply gain the attention of the All Father rather than bringing the attention of one of the Paragon personalities to the fore. To this end practitioners of Fatherism will typically only invoke the father until they reach higher levels of proficiency. Following Invocation the caster enters the stage of casting referred to as Transaction. This stage should involve two torch emotes and the recitation of one of the transaction prayers. In this stage of casting the caster recites a specific ritualized phrase laying down what power the caster wants and what they are offering in exchange for said power. Finally comes activation, the caster recites a prayer of gratitude. This concludes the interaction between the caster and the All Father, at this point the caster’s request is granted and the ability is activated. Abilities Final Blessings Final abilities are defined as abilities that require the death of the caster or a willing Fatherist Power, Overwhelming: BY USING THIS ABILITY YOU CONSENT TO PERMANENTLY KILL YOUR CHARACTER ONCE THE ABILITY HAS ENDED. To Activate The caster uses their Holy Firebrand to invoke the attention of the All Father. Once the caster has the attention of the All Father they chant the Hymn of the Last Stand. Once the Hymn has been completed the All Father begins consuming the soul of the caster or a willing Fatherist. Details In exchange for the offered soul the All Father grants the caster or target an extremely potent blessing. The caster or target is shrouded by the flames of their Flame Brand. The Caster or targets innate strength doubles and they become ignorant to all pain. In addition to this they are able to manipulate their shroud defensively or offensively. Those that have been ‘overwhelmed’ (henceforth the term used to refer to those in the state resulting from casting ‘Power, Overwhelming;) tend to be extremely aggressive. As the consumption of the overwhelmed’s soul progresses the overwhelmed becomes more and more animalistic. Descending into a beastlike state near the end of the blessing.The consumption of their soul progressively robs them of their humanity and renders them into a creature of pure instinct and emotion. The Overwhelmed can Use their shroud offensively in the same manner as a flame thrower. The flames of the shroud can be projected up to 10 meters away from the ‘Overwhelmed’. The Flames of the Shroud burn hot enough to incur third degree burns, or to melt metallic objects with prolonged exposure. Use their shroud defensively to create walls of flame. Use their shroud to light the surrounding environment of fire Be killed via destruction of the heart or brain. The corpse of the Overwhelmed maintains its immolated state until the entire soul of the caster has been consumed by the All Father. Use their shroud to control and manipulate flames in any manner or fashion that they can imagine so long as the flames are either of their shroud or connected to their shroud. The Overwhelmed cannot Manipulate any flames that are not directly connected to its shroud Flames of a forest fire can be manipulated so long as the shroud in connected to the flames Separate any portion of its shroud from its immolated core. Extend its shroud beyond 10 meters However the Overwhelmed can control flames up to 20 meters away provided they are connected to the shroud The Overwhelmed state lasts a maximum of 30 real minutes. Five minutes are to be deducted for damaged souls (souls that have undergone the ‘exchange’ ritual) Blessings Blessings are abilities defined as those requiring the use of an entire soul or a portion of the caster’s soul. To Activate blessings: The caster uses their Holy Fire Brand to invoke the name of a specific Paragon. This invocation requires an extreme amount of effort to draw the paragon’s personality to the fore of the apparition. To this end the invocation takes significantly longer than simple All Father invocations. After completing the movements of the Flame Brand and ritual chanting the caster must roll a d20 to determine if they must perform the ritual a second time. The roll may be ignored if the caster is a member of the specific paragon’s cult (A member of Thoromir’s cult requesting a blessing from Thoromir for example) This roll is to reflect the difficulty of invoking a specific paragon from the chaotic morass of the All Father’s being. Following the completion of the invocation, the caster must perform the Aegis Chant. After this the caster must perform a prayer of gratitude. At this point favour is withdrawn from the caster’s Flame Brand. If there is insufficient favour within the caster’s Flame Brand a portion of the caster’s soul is taken instead. None Shall Pass: A blessing requiring the invocation of Thoromir Details The All Father grants the caster Thoromir’s blessings. The caster or a willing target gains the ability to bestow protection upon a single area. A medium sized semi transparent wall is formed to protect the area. The target blocks all conventional incoming harm or entry for a period of thirty minutes. The duration of the protection can be extended by expending additional favour. In Flames all are Pure: A blessing requiring the invocation of Snow Details The All Father grants the caster Snow’s blessings. The caster or a willing target briefly gains the ability to eject holy flame from the mouth and the hands. For the duration of this blessing the target’s extremities gain a modest resistance to heat and flame to ensure that the blessing does not inflict harm upon the target. Beat them Down: A blessing requiring the invocation of Bjorn Details The All Father grants the caster Bjorn’s blessings. The caster or a willing target briefly gains the ability to increase their muscle mass as well as double the thickness of their skin. For the duration of this blessing the target goes into a bloodlust brutally attacking without regard for their own safety, the target may run the risk of attacking allies during their bloodlust. On Charges Of Cowardice: A blessing requiring the invocation of Beo Details The All Father grants the caster Beo’s blessings. The caster or a willing target briefly gains the ability to cause extreme fear or cowardice to anyone in a small radius around them. Those on the receiving end of this blessing become filled with Terror and dread. We shall have Peace: A blessing requiring the invocation of Eirik Details The All Father grants the caster Eirik’s blessings. The caster creates a calming effect on all people in a medium radius around the caster. Those on the receiving end of this blessing become filled with peace and tranquility. Hold the Line: A blessing requiring the invocation of Vorne Details The All Father grants the caster Vorne’s blessings. The caster or a willing target briefly gains the ability to encourage, inspire, and galvanize everyone in a medium radius around the caster. Those on the receiving end of this blessing become filled with courage and inspiration. Hear My Voice: A blessing requiring the invocation of Myro Details The All Father grants the caster Myro’s blessings. The caster or a willing target briefly gains the ability to greatly amplify their voice. The target of this spell’s voice can be clearly heard nearly across an entire town or small city. On Keeping Of Oaths: A blessing requiring the invocation of Edvard Details The All Father grants the caster Edvard’s blessings. The caster or a willing target briefly gains the ability to cause their hands to become colder and colder until they are at a below freezing temperature. For the duration of this blessing the target’s extremities gain a modest resistance to cold to ensure that the blessing does not inflict harm upon the target. Rain From Above: A blessing requiring the invocation of Vykk Details The All Father grants the caster Vykk’s blessings. The caster or a willing target briefly gains the ability to call upon and unleash a torrent of ghostly arrow fire. Drum Beats and Revelry: A blessing requiring the invocation of Sven Details The All Father grants the caster Sven’s blessings. The caster or a willing target briefly gains the ability to create loud and disembodied music ranging from tavern music to marching drums depending on the occasion that is deemed fit by sven. Rituals Consume: The All Father hungers for additional souls to add to its ever increasing bulk. To this end practitioners of the Red Faith exchange the souls of the living for various blessings from the All Father. This ritual can be performed in a variety of different ways. Ranging from hanging bodies from the Ash Tree to the purification rituals performed by the Purifiers. All members of the Father’s clergy spend a great deal of their time dispatching souls into the possession of the All Father. This ritual serves as the bread and butter of Fatherism. The Consume ritual is used to provide souls to the All Father, granting a practitioner of Fatherism ‘credit’ with the All father. The performance of the Consume ritual varies significantly from the performance of a prayer, being the exchange of a soul for a future favour rather than the direct exchange. The Dawning: The expansion of the faith is one of the crucial ambitions of the All Father. To this end the ritual to create and grant additional anchors serves to allow new members of the clergy to be inducted into his service. Entering the contract of exchanging favour for blessings. The Dawning ritual is the process of assembling and igniting a new Flame Brand using the flames of a Hearth Fire. The ritual begins with an initiate of the Red Faith being chosen by a senior priest of Adept rank or above. The initiate is taken to the nearest tree to search for a suitable base for the Flame Brand. Those who are lucky are able to utilize a fallen length of Ash wood for their Flame Brand’s handle. However most initiates must settle with using a more common wood variant. Once the initiate has selected the base of their Flame Brand they are dispatched to the refuge. While there they must spend their time researching the ancient symbols of the Father and the Paragons. Once they have learned the symbols of old the initiate is then allowed to ignite their Flame Brand in the holy flames of the Hearth fire. Negative Effects of Fatherism Those who practice Fatherism have all experienced some degree of the Red Song. A term used to refer to the visions, dreams and variety of hallucinations that haunt the users of Fatherist blessings. As one descends into the practice of fatherist magic and practices more and more the frequency and duration of the Red Song increases. Close if not constant proximity to the whisperings and visions of the All Father render its adherents into beings of instability and emotion. The slow influence on the minds of users renders them prone to emotional outbursts, especially rage. At the highest levels of practice it can be assumed that one is constantly being prompted to join the Father. This has the unfortunate effect of eventually driving the senior members of the practice into lapses of murderous violence and beastlike behaviour. Referred to as flare ups. Paragons Thanks to Narthok for writing basically all of this. and thank you Gob, Thanks for nothing... Congratulations if you read all of it...
  11. War propaganda



  12. "Where did this goblin get Robin Volarens sword?" Sven wonders
  13. Sorry bud, no one is willing to admit this regardless of whether or not it's true. We're the black sheep of the human family, we'd be lucky if they still sent us Christmas cards.
  14. You realize this is a new player right?
  15. Can anyone link me to an autominer?



  17. I'm really glad the staff are open and transparent about the recent incredibly controversial ban. The clear lines of communication and very concise and comforting thread that they made either justifying their decision somehow or apologizing for their hasty and unwarranted actions was just what this community needs to begin healing. So I would like to take this moment to whole heartedly thank the staff on behalf of the playerbase for their excellent communication and not stonewalling the community! <3

    1. Narthok



      **** off shill

    2. LatzMomo
    3. SaltAlt


      I had thought that there had been too much RP in Norland recently, the constant group outings and daily events was really getting to me. But now that's gone so I can finally return to my grinding! <3

  18. SoooOOOO00000 many people in teamspeak!!! https://gyazo.com/55a594ae33b977bb32da327f225fb32c

    1. _NotChris
    2. DrakeHaze.


      uh oh kyle is doing things

  19. When Teegah pugsys everyone


    1. mitto


      sounds like fun 

  20. I thought this said Slav for sale, so never mind, i'm not interested.
  21. Can we talk about how it takes 13 minutes to make 1 glowstone at legendary rank?

  22. How do I get grass and ferns and such? I've tried using shears and silk touch items but everything just destroys the grass and ferns and stuff.

    1. _pr0fit


      update: I've found that I can use shears to break tall grass, but how do i get ferns?

    2. Jakraes


      probably tall ferns?


    3. _pr0fit


      what the hell is a tall fern?


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