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Everything posted by 1_Language_1

  1. Exaactly, thank you. Honestly if they want to be snow elves then someone must needs to make race lore of Ice Elves. Born of the Ice Wall, icicle blue skin, frosty white hair, white eyes with barely brighter pupils, cold to the touch, can't step foot in korvassa and barely survives in tropical places, can live shirtless in the snow, other ****, and boom I guess you have something different.
  2. As long as you don't say "farfolk are no longer a subrace they are just tanned Highlanders" then we won't have a problem bucko. Cause that's just racist against the darker skinetone. I wouldn't mind merging highlander and heartlander into one group and just having them alongside Farfolk.
  3. Aw man! Why do I always have to miss the cool auctions. Do you take minae commissions?
  4. Ign: 1_Language_1 Discord: Language#1688 Skin: Peach Flowers Bid:1.3k I read this as midnight of the 23rd, as in the midnight that connects 23rd and 24th or the noon of the 23rd... 12 am and 12 pm are just confusing as hell which is why I use noon and midnight
  5. Matthias was not in the seven skies to meet his friend Timothee! Though, if he were, he would have embraced the old fart anyway.
  6. A lot of the people I despise fall into either the Romance RPer, or the Military/Rank Goon.. 👀 LOL what do I fit in? I'm thinking boomer or faux boomer since I'm a 2014-15 applicant
  7. if we purge everyone under 18 then the 18 and up are gonna push for innapropriate roleplay themes being allowed 👀
  8. For **** sakes why am I always late to these things! Are there any that haven’t been bid on? 😞
  9. i thought I’d come in before 1 and try to swoop something, but jesus christ it’s a battlefield LOL
  10. damn everything got so expensive so quick
  11. it already looks so good from the photo
  12. you can say the word “GOD”, it won’t hurt you 🙂 Also most of this religion is just ripped off from catholicism from my perspective.
  13. bing bing bing bi boing bi boing
    bing bing bing bi boing bi boing


  14. At this point if you don’t want to stay, you don’t have to stay.
  15. I can't wait until one day they let me onto Application Team. 🥺 I'll hold that crown for you Muffins, it looks too heavy for your blessed head. 😘
  16. Discord: Language#1688 Skin(s) and bid(s): Labourer @ 1,100 minae. Can’t wait to finally have farmer clothes for my farmer persona! 😍
  17. I keep hearing rumors that rukio13 is a guy please help i don’t like rumors

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. rukio



    3. rukio


      Nothing right now, I ain’t broke the law in a year BNK . . . reformed egirl innit

    4. BrandNewKitten


      I wish I could be more like egirl rukio.

  18. Mariah has been taken! Micaiah is left open to play.
  19. Join a Southeron Family! Independent, Isolated, and Family-Oriented. Ancestor Background The Southerons, native to Aegis, are inarguably the darkest of the human subraces. Among these calm and care-free, although sometimes combative people, is a well-known Gentry house known as Rutledge. It all began in Atlas, in Belvitz, a town belonging to the Duchy of Adria; when a farfolk mutt named Antanios Rutledge married a travelling Southeron lady by the name of Rivaini Semaili. Rivaini was a Warhawke citizen, and was always used to living in tents. Though, when Antanios saw her, he saw a woman that was more real than some of the Imperial prissies belonging to Carolustadt. Antanios became a captain, a successful Prefect, and good father. Wheezer Way 3 was their first house together, and through them, came four black children; Medhi Semaili, Moses Swale, Camilla Opal, and Matthias Othan. Moses beget three children, Medhi and Camilla moved away, and Matthias beget six children. Matthias Othan Rutledge started his days off as a child medic, an apprentice under Zatanes Avern of the Shield’s Burden clinic. His love for medicine took off, and he earned the title of Doctor in his later years, and trained as the squire of King Wilhelm I of Curonia. After the move to Arcas, he continued as a lieutenant medic for the Vessian guards, eventually being elected as the first black Prince of Ves after the death of Alfred Myre. He gained independence for the Principality of Ves from the War of the Two Emperors, and later started a trade deal with Curon. At this time, Matthias sired his first three children. Yearning to go back to serving the people, Matthias abdicated from the throne and went back to gate duty. Assaulted and ran out by the Caer Bann, Doctor Rutledge moved to Curon, and later became their Chief of Staff. In Curon, Matthias sired his last three children. Out of the six children, Wilheim took up the Chief of Staff until Curonia’s dissolution, and Vivaca became Curonia’s first black elected Senator. She remained in office until Curon’s dissolution. Out of Vivaca came one child, and from Wilheim came twins. [OOC] I am looking for two chill players for Wilheim’s twins Mariah and Micaiah. They are Southeron children who were born in Curon before its dissolution, but live in Vuillermoz. They were not raised as Canonists, though were baptized as per Vuillermoz law. Each child has yet to develop a personality; their mom was sweet, their dad was firm and had a dislike towards big crowded cities; their grandma was kooky, sweet, and had OCD, their grandpa was a sweet and very fatherly man. They have two aunts, and three uncles; Silas dabbled in commerce, and strived to become a squire; Seth loves literature, and spent most of his life as a scholar; Valerie took up medicine in order to take care of her elder father; Vivaca took up politics, successfully running under the old motto Root for Rutledge. Micaiah Othan and Mariah Marie Rutledge women have been known to be strong-willed and ambitious; though can be stubborn and combative when angry. Rutledge men tend to be true and family-oriented; though can be hard-headed and opinionated about frivolity. Rutledges differ from the norm when it comes to imperial houses. These children have yet to develop a personality, but it is encouraged that family is everything. I hope to find two players to play these children, as we will be developing a brand new culture once Rutledge sets up their freehold. I am looking for people who aren’t going to push “Empire vs. Norland” politics through these personas. I’m looking for chill neutral players that fit in between, that want to add some color to the human playerbase and help grow a friendly community. I don’t want to have to worry about an OOC-schism if things go down in RP. Please read the following links to learn more by Southeron: [Culture] Southeron The Southeron And if you’d like, learn more about Rutledge’s Family Tree! Rutledge's Family Tree Please contact me at Language#1688 over discord if you’re interested!
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