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Everything posted by 1_Language_1

  1. It specifically says to include her discord.
  2. Discord: Language#1688 Skin: White Nightdress Bid: 2,100 minae. Merq didn't follow bidding guidelines, so I think her bid is technically invalid.
  3. Don't forget the Kala Ihmiset C/A that was denied only because we had ET creatures called Axolotyns
  4. I said modern disorders, but yeah go ahead and be aggressive when I tried to express a calm opinion.
  5. The LoTC playerbase is not cultivated enough nor responsible enough to deal with the implementation of firearms. LoTC years are not IRL years, but we're all mentally affected by our modern way of thinking whether we notice it or not. You know for a fact that idiots are going to try to promote "mass shootings" and might as well recreate school shootings, use it to troll people, and legit make trigger-happy characters. This isn't an "Oren with Guns versus Mordsgrad with Guns" issue because both playerbases have idiots who will misuse it for shits n giggles. I'd rather not have a medieval roleplay server tarnished by the following formula: Flintlocks + modern disorders + idiots = Medieval Sandy Hook Don't pretend it won't happen, because we have those idiots on this server who would do it. So unless you're willing to put super tight reigns on this and literally moderate every use of a gun, don't give it. Now if you'll excuse me I have to go deal with the hate I'm about to be PM'd with over discord for this comment.
  6. No, because we don’t need guns. We’ve been fine without them, what’s the point of addin’ them now?
  7. Yo how is it salt? It’s true! Ask Ioannis, ask chaosgamer, and all the other people that had to deal with it.
  8. It was a beautiful city until owynists/fleepers couped and put Fish in charge. Then they just proceeded to bully away people and eventually the city died. Ioannis took over the city, the owynists/fleepers (lets call them Caer Bann), who had quit for G-Mod, resurfaced and bullied away the people Ioannis bought in to get the city going. He left, Mordu took over. Mordu was killed by some shady scheme, and now god-knows-whoever has taken over the region and it is now Church-HQ It’s also known as Kaedrin now.
  9. This is neat, I've been looking for a reference drawn of my sci-fi oc if the offer is still good! ?
  10. Just rename your crossbow to flintlock
  11. I don’t think he deleted it, I believe some staff have access to edit posts
  12. mmmmmm I didn’t help I just listened because I thought N had done some shady shiz like in the past with manipulating guys to fall in love with them and do shiz don’t kill me please
  13. I could see C working if it was set up kind of like Axios. To set it up any other way might be fishy, because what if you're pvping and you accidentally run into the area that TPs you? Nice thing about Axios is you could just stand on a boat for five seconds and get moved. Unless you do it like Vailor, where you had to right click the warp signs instead. If C is an option a few months down the road, then I think we can wait a few months. I was told that banners and item frames were starting to make up for a lot of the lag. Why not just disable item frames for now? Give everyone a week or so to collect their stuff from item frames, and then disable item frames. You could do the same with paintings probably, armor stands. Observers tend to cause lag, as my build server experienced during a week of Redstone. Just remove them too.
  14. Wilheim Rutledge cheers for his Farfolk bonded-kin. "If only dad was here to see this."
  15. Techlock on fidget spinners One day we’ll get the satisfaction of LoTC slowly approaching modernity, it’ll be like living in a story where you will see the evolution of culture and society.. from medieval to steampunk to industrious @Archipelego First off, sorry for almost double-posting, but please invite me to the chat for Medical Techlock ? I love medical rp but I definitely think some of it needs to go.
  16. Here I was, thinking everyone was serious. I was legit about to post my stats of my laptop and desktop.
  17. Telanir roleplays playing chess, it’s the best roleplay I’ve seen.
  18. dude the link is no longer available ?
  19. what other craftbook functions are disabled as a whole? I know we can use [lift] and [gate], but are any others being turned off?
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